Human Design & Beyond Podcast

Title: Intro to Human Design Fears of the Solar Plexus & Fear Gate 30

0:00:00.7 Lauri Wakefield: Welcome! Thanks for joining us today. I’m Lauri.

0:00:05.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Hi, and welcome back everyone. This is Leslee. So today, we are starting the Fear Gates of the Solar Plexus, and the Solar Plexus is the last of our three awareness centers in our series about Fear Gates. The Solar Plexus

[0:00:16.8] ____ leads our feelings, emotions and sensitivity; and its function is to allow us to gain a sense of emotional clarity and well-being. The center provides the energy to bring us into human experiences. So, half of us has the center defined, which will create an experience of impulsive ups and downs emotionally; and half of us have it undefined, which brings a more experience of avoiding and dealing with the emotions all together.

So if your solar plexus center is defined, which means it’s colored in, there’s a fixed emotional consciousness and a fixed and reliable way of processing emotions. So, your emotionality depends on the channels and gates that are defined in your Solar Plexus. Naturally, an emotional person will have consistent emotions that must not be resisted or controlled. This can be challenging; but it’s important because if you have a defined solar plexus, you also have emotional authority. So, what is emotional authority? Well, it is how you are designed to make decisions. There is also an emotional wave that one rides to experience clarity in your decision-making.

0:01:22.7 Leslee Wegleitner: We will talk more about this emotional wave in a moment, so… And if your Solar Plexus center is undefined, meaning it is white, your emotions can be vulnerable to the conditioning of other’s emotions and amplification of emotions around you. If one is not aware, you will find yourself playing out others emotional waves. And you may avoid the conflict and the truth; but as you become more aware, these emotions become more wisdom that you will follow.

So, I wanna give some general information about the Solar Plexus emotional waves that I’ve touched on earlier. And one of the experiences, emotional waves in the Solar Plexus in… One experience of emotional waves in the Solar Plexus and several patterns, which depends on the gates and channels defined in one’s charts.

So, these emotions are experienced from one end of the spectrum to the other. So, for some examples like hope to pain, joy to despair, expectation to disappointment and love to hate. It generates high and low emotional in waves and everything in between. We can’t grasp what kind of awareness is going to emerge from the Solar Plexus emotions. This is not something that we can ever really understand mentally. The interesting thing is to observe is most of the time there’s no obvious reason to the moods and it generates.

0:02:43.2 Leslee Wegleitner: So, let’s briefly talk about the emotional wave types and how the channels create them. So, there is a tribal wave, which includes the channel 19-49 and 37-40; and these operate through physical touch and sensitivity needs. It operates in a ratcheting upward motion until it explodes and then resets itself. Understanding of the movement of the emotions is key. So you can sort out the real issue that it’s been surfacing and realizing the moment of the explosion may not really be the reason behind the emotion.

And then there’s the individual wave, which are the channels 39-55 and 12-22. And, this wave operates through the expression of moodiness, emotions melancholy or passion. And this wave also moves along on a more even keel most of the time with smaller, shorter up and down spikes. And knowing when to be alone and when to be social is really key for those who carry these channels.

Then going to the abstract wave, which is the channels 36-35 and 41-30, this wave is experienced through desire and feeling, and moves from peaks and valleys. It’s expectations [0:03:58.6] ____ when their desires and expectations that are not met.

0:04:04.9 Leslee Wegleitner: And if one can enter things as just an experience, it can transcend this wave. So, there’s one more wave created through channel 59-6; and this is where the emotional wave is brought together. It is where the need, passion and desire are created in order to break the barriers to bring in intimacy. This is a more stable wave and needs someone else actually to bring it to its surface.

So, this information that I shared is just the general themes and functions of the Solar Plexus.

So, now let’s get into how the fears play out in the center. As we spoke earlier with the waves of emotion, the fears will come in the same wave patterns. So, the wave just differs depending on the channels they are moving through, which was the tribal, collective, and individual that I previously talked about. The emerging of the awareness of the fears are experienced through nervousness based on emotional uncertainty. So, when we are having experiences with people’s situations or decision-making, there’s this period of time that we are uncertain.

And the center is of social and relational nature and has a widespread energy going from hope to pain which creates powerful and extensive nervousness within us. So, this nervousness becomes amplified or disappears depending on where one is on their wave, and our emotional uncertainty can distort the way we view things – making mountains out of mole hills.

0:05:28.6 Leslee Wegleitner: These times of uncertainty are fears we need to confront to overcome. The understanding that our fears are not trustworthy in the moment; but if we can learn to wait and allow time to pass, they can become clear and trustworthy. Time is crucial for an emotional being to be able to confirm or dispel uncertainties and suspicions underlying their nervousness. When we’re open to gaining clarity over time, we allow identifying and confronting our uncertainty, which allows us to move beyond the emotional fears and transcend them into emotional intelligence.

0:06:01.7 Leslee Wegleitner: And Lauri and I are both emotionally defined; and we actually both have the tribal wave pattern also. And in the beginning, I just… I really have always pushed my emotions to the side because it’s kind of a part of my triple split, so it doesn’t really… I don’t connect with it necessarily; but what I’ve learned doing this experiment and through my resistance even attempting or trying to associate with these is I really… I’ve changed my thought of being like, I was wishy-washy, could never make decisions, all over the board to now understanding that this is just a wave. And if I wait, the clarity will come. And I’ll never be like… You never get to this 100% certainty on anything. And the nervousness never really goes away. I still feel it. But there’s this understanding of, kind of, where I feel the tipping of the scale is happening; and the decision is coming more to the forefront. And then I’m understanding that that is the direction I need to go.

0:07:11.1 Leslee Wegleitner: So, it takes some time to really process and get into this Emotional Solar Plexus as your authority, but it’s really been a valuable tool for me to not jump into so many different things and to really be clear. And the decision-making process is not so challenging, I guess is. . .

So, Lauri, is there anything that you would like to add?

0:07:38.4 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, I think what you just said . . . I mean, it’s about just honoring the way that you’re designed and allowing yourself to go through the wave, so… the emotional wave.

So, once I began to understand that that’s how I’m designed. Excuse me… To make decisions. It made making decisions a lot easier. This episode isn’t really about decision-making, but it needs to be discussed to understand the nature of the Solar Plexus and how it can create fear around emotional uncertainty. So, for myself, I know that my decisions need to be made over time, especially where bigger decisions are concerned. And that’s why being pressured by someone to buy something or to do something because I might miss out, like the fear of missing out, doesn’t work as well for me as something that gives me time to decide whether something is right for me… That’s a good thing for people, people who have businesses – who sell products or services to know because over 50% of the population is emotionally defined, which means they have emotional authority, which means they need time to make decisions. And when decisions are made under pressure, it can result in mistakes, regrets, mistrust and resentment.

0:08:55.5 Lauri Wakefield: I mean, I don’t know about you, Leslee, but I would rather allow people to make decisions in their own time than to feel pressured to make a decision because I wouldn’t want them to resent me or not trust me. You know what I’m saying?

0:09:09.6 Leslee Wegleitner: Right, yeah.

0:09:13.8 Lauri Wakefield: Leslee already talked about the different emotional waves. She touched on it – how they’re experienced; but we’re gonna… I just wanted to mention this… we’re gonna be offering a free course about decision-making that will go into emotional authority as well as the other types of authority. We’ll mention it on our podcast when the course is ready for anyone who’s interested in learning about human design… learning more about it.

So, decisions made before you’re ready can end up being mistakes. That’s what human design is really all about – embracing the way you’re designed and allowing it to guide you. Life really is about making decisions; and every decision impacts where you’ve been in the past, where you are now, and where you end up in the future. I think that’s all I have to say about being emotionally defined and about the solar plexus.

Is there anything else you wanted to add, Leslee, before we move on to Gate 30?

0:10:08.6 Leslee Wegleitner: No, I think I’m ready to move on to Gate 30.

0:10:11.4 Lauri Wakefield: Okay. So. Gate 30 is known as the ‘Clinging fire.’ It’s the Gate of Recognition of Feelings. When it’s connected to Gate 41, it forms the Channel of Recognition.

In our last episode, we talked about having… I just wanted to go over this again. We talked about having a defined gate in an open center versus a defined center. So, if you have Gate 30 defined and your Solar Plexus is open, it’s known as a dormant gate. And if you have Gate 30 defined and your Solar Plexus is defined, it’s known as a hanging gate. If it’s a dormant gate in your chart, you may not… You may not be as aware of the energy unless it’s activated by a planetary transit or by someone who has Gate 41 defined, which is its harmonic Gate.

0:11:00.0 Lauri Wakefield: Gate 30 is part of the Collective Circuitry. It’s part of the Sensing Sub-Circuit, and the fear associated with this gate is the Fear of the Fates. It’s experienced as an emotional nervousness about things turning out the way you think they should.

Because Gate 30 is in the Solar Plexus, it’s fueled by a feeling or an emotional desire to have a new experience. It begins with a passion or a deep desire to have an experience that’s gonna turn out the way you want it to. You want the experience to be perfect. This is especially true if you don’t have the whole Channel 41-30 defined. You may feel the pressure to live out the experience as you envision it, but you’re forced to realize that things don’t always work out as planned. That’s where living in alignment with your strategy and authority can put you on the path to pursue your desires while allowing things to evolve without pushing or forcing, which in the end, leads you to what you really want but sometimes didn’t realize that’s what you wanted.

0:11:57.4 Lauri Wakefield: So, here’s an example about the nervousness you might feel with the energy of Gate 30. Just imagine you’re planning to take a trip to some place you’ve always wanted to go… like… let’s just say France. So, it’s gonna be something that you’ve wanted to do as long as you can remember. It’s your dream destination, and you wanna experience… You want your experience to be perfect. You feel nervous because you don’t wanna be disappointed. You have really high expectations. So, you make all the detailed plans and imagine what it’s gonna be like and how you’re gonna feel.

But after you get there, things didn’t work out as planned. Some of your plans have to be changed. Things just didn’t go the way you envisioned them. So, you might feel disillusioned or disappointed.

But if you look at that same trip from another perspective. It’s something… like it’s something that you wanted to do forever; and you finally have the opportunity to do it. You have some ideas about what you wanna do when you get there, but you just kind of let your journey evolve without having preconceived ideas about what it’s gonna be like. In that situation, you pursue your desire; but you allow fate to take its course. You don’t fear it. You don’t feel nervous about it. You just allow it to happen.

I’m not sure if that’s a great example, but it kinda makes sense to me.

0:13:18.3 Lauri Wakefield: I have Gate 30 defined in my Conscious Chiron. Chiron’s a little bit different than the gates that define your other planets, but it’s still an experience. It’s still something… an energy that you experience…

0:13:30.2 Lauri Wakefield: I have kind of a funny story that I think back about sometimes… And not that it’s directly related to Gate 30, but it kind of… I don’t know, it’s just an example. So, several years ago, my family and I had passes to Disney World. It was my mom, my brother, me and my two kids. My brother, Michael, used to lead us through the parks; so, I never really paid attention to exactly where things were in the parks. I just kind of followed him.

And… anyway, when I went to Disney another time with one of my friends and her family, she knew that I went to Disney a lot. So. she just assumed I knew where everything was, but I didn’t. She was kind of confused, ’cause she’d asked me, “Well, where is this place?” And I was like, “I don’t know.” And she’s like, “Well, you’ve been here before.” I’m like, “Yeah, but I just followed my brother.”

So anyway… Yeah, so… And I told her… I was like… the reason I liked doing it that way is because every time I went, it was like a new adventure and a new experience. So it was like… Instead of like it being like a routine – like the same thing. Like every time, I knew where everything was… It was just something… like a new adventure, ’cause I just didn’t know what was gonna be next. But anyway…

0:14:47.9 Lauri Wakefield: I don’t know if that story really captures the essence of the energy of the gate. Maybe in a way it does; but basically, you can pursue your deepest desires and fully enjoy them if you allow the experience to evolve the way it’s meant to evolve. Without having preconceived ideas about what it’ll be like to have that experience.

Do you have anything you wanna share about Gate 30, Leslee?

0:15:10.5 Leslee Wegleitner: I do. So, in the last week, my older son got two puppies; and he’s got the Gate 30. And he also has the 36-35. So, it’s kind of the continuation of that energy to the throat. And I’ve been listening to him talk. So, even before these puppies came, him and his girlfriend were researching on the web and finding out exactly what they need to do to make these the best hunting dogs and the best family dogs, and this, that, and the other thing.

So, then they get the dogs; and the first night happens. The typical… they’re crying night. Kate, my son’s girlfriend’s, crying because she can feel the puppies being so sad. They go down. The puppies are shaking. So, it’s like their whole idea of how this was gonna go was just getting blown up. [laughter]

0:16:06.4 Lauri Wakefield: Right.

0:16:07.2 Leslee Wegleitner: And now, even when I talk to them… It’s four or five nights later, now the puppies are in the bedroom with them… not in bed but next to their bed. And he’s still talking about his desire of having these puppies be like these phenomenal dogs, which I’m sure they’re gonna love and adore. Anyways… and his idea and his fears around gonna have these misbehaved, and they’re gonna depend on each other because they’re siblings and not them.

And I know it’s also in the transit right now, in the Saturn transit, so I don’t know… And it’s actually in his Saturn, I looked at that. If it’s not amplifying this for him. [laughter]

0:16:50.9 Leslee Wegleitner: But I just found it. I just kept hearing that in his voice – of his concern and his desire for an outcome. And it’s like, you can’t control that outcome. It’s gonna be a dog, and it’s gonna have its personality and you’re gonna love it no matter what. You know?

0:17:09.6 Lauri Wakefield: Right.

0:17:10.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah, I just thought that was kind of fascinating.

0:17:11.5 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, yeah, we were talking about how Saturn is transiting Gate 30 right now. So, everybody’s experiencing it.

And another thing that I wanted to mention… Well, you finish. Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt you.

0:17:25.7 Leslee Wegleitner: No, I’m finished. Yeah!

0:17:27.9 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, one thing I wanted to mention too… and for people who are listening… and it’s something that you may have heard before, but everybody has everything in the chart at one point or another. So, we have definition in our charts, and that… That’s an energy that we experience consistently; but we also feel the energy of the other gates during planetary transits, or when we’re around somebody else who has it defined.

So, when we were talking about Gate 30, other people listening could be like, “Well, I experience that, but I don’t have that Gate defined.” So it’s true that you can feel things like that… but… or experience things like that. But somebody who has it defined, it’s gonna be a consistent energy in their chart. So I just wanted to bring that up. I don’t know if I explained it well, but…

0:18:24.1 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. Yeah you did.

0:18:26.2 Lauri Wakefield: Did you have anything else that you wanted to add? Are you ready to wrap things up, Leslee?

0:18:30.0 Leslee Wegleitner: I think we’re ready to wrap it up.

0:18:32.0 Lauri Wakefield: Okay. Thanks so much for joining us today!

In our next episode, we’re gonna be talking about the fears that can be found in Gates 55 and 49.

If you’d like to see the show notes for today’s podcast, you can find it on our website at The show notes will be listed under Podcast Episode 9.

If you’d like to join us as we continue to explore the Human Design Fear Gates, please be sure to subscribe to our podcast.

Thanks again and have a great day!

0:19:04.1 Leslee Wegleitner: Thanks everyone.