Human Design & Beyond Podcast

Title: Human Design Fear Gates 17 & 43

0:00:00.3 Lauri Wakefield: Welcome. Thanks for joining us today. I’m Lauri.

0:00:03.6 Leslee Wegleitner: Hi, everyone. This is Leslee. Today, we’re going to be talking about the Fear Gates in the Ajna. Ajna fears manifest through anxiety over challenges, rejection, or chaos in our lives. So, it’s important to remember, fears of the Ajna are created by mind illusions. The mind is very powerful, and it’s easy to believe what we hear our mind is telling us. The easiest ways to expose what is an illusion versus the truth from the mind is to bring awareness to the body’s reaction.

So, what do I mean by that? I’m sure many of you can relate to your mind creating a story of something bad that’s going to happen. And when your awareness starts to reveal this happening, the body has responses to these thoughts. So, examples of responses could be experiencing a stomach ache, sweating, or maybe nervousness. These are all signs your body is letting you know you are in a real situation or a potential that could occur, and it is not just your mind.

So, today we’re going to explore a couple of the Fear Gates in the Ajna. Gates 17 and 43 will be the focus of the podcast today. Lauri, do you want to start us out with the Gate 17?

0:01:15.1 Lauri Wakefield: Sure. Gate 17 is known as the Gate of Opinions. It’s associated with the right eye, and it’s also referred to as the Gate of Seeing in the Now, and the Gate of Seeing the Pattern. In other words, the right eye takes in what’s going on right now and views it as a collection of visual patterns that are either correct or incorrect.

If you’re familiar with Gate 17 at all, you may have heard it referred to as “Following”. What that means for people who have it defined is that, they must first know how to serve others before they can lead or rule.

Gate 17 is part of the Collective Circuit in the Understanding Sub-Circuit. When it’s connected to Gate 62, it forms the Channel of Acceptance.

Channel 17-62 is part of the Awareness Stream of Understanding. Like Gate 18, people with Gate 17 defined can be argumentative and critical. They’re designed to use logic to challenge patterns. Their opinions are based on logical concepts. They want their opinions to be correct in the present moment and in the future. They want to avoid having their opinions criticized.

The fear of Gate 17 is the Fear of Having Their Opinions Challenged and not being able to back up their…

0:02:35.4 Lauri Wakefield: Let me start over with that. So, the fear of Gate 17 is the fear of having your opinions challenged and not being able to back your opinions up with facts and details if you have this gate defined. This is especially true if you have Gate 17 as a hanging gate. Which means it’s not connected to Gate 62 in your chart. Gate 62 is all about the details,and being prepared.

If you only have Gate 17 defined, it can be challenging to share your opinions. It can make you feel unprepared because you don’t have enough details to back up your opinions. Even if you have the Channel 17-62 defined, you might still feel the fear of having your opinions challenged if you aren’t living out the high expression of either one of the gates or both the gates. In its lower expression, Gate 17 can make you highly opinionated and you may even have some unpopular or absurd opinions. You might just blurt out your opinions to people who don’t care or to people who are ready to debate and ask you to prove what you’re saying. Because Gate 17 is part of a protected channel, your opinions will be received better when you’re invited to share them.

0:03:51.6 Lauri Wakefield: This is true regardless of your Human Design Type. I don’t have Gate 17 defined, but I have Gate 62 defined. It’s in my Conscious Earth so it’s a pretty significant definition in my chart.

When I was getting my notes together for the podcast, I started thinking about two family members who have Gate 17 defined in their chart. Both of these people are very opinionated. One of the family members with Gate 17 defined is also a Projector. So, she has the energy, the Projector energy to want to guide and direct others. She actually has the entire Channel 17-62 defined. It’s funny to see how people react to her when she starts blurting out her opinions to people who didn’t ask.

Yeah, it’s funny. And I was sharing this with you earlier, Leslee, that she’s intimidating. She’s just got a presence about her that’s intimidating. But anyway, she’s very smart and she’s perceptive and logical. So, there are valid points to some of her opinions. When you look at definition, the planets that define the gates are also important. Her Gate 17 is in her Conscious Mars, which carries an energy that can be very direct, aggressive, and overbearing at times; and it can be an immature energy.

0:06:02.3 Lauri Wakefield: So that sometimes as people go through their lives, they gain wisdom and they learn to tone things down a little bit.] But anyway, it’s funny to see how the Mars energy on top of her Gate 17 is expressed through her, and how others experience it.

Her Gate 62 is in her Conscious Mercury, which is about communication and perception. She makes sure she has facts and details together. So not too many people challenge her, at least, when I see her sharing her opinions. It’s because they’re intimidated by her. And when we were talking earlier, Leslee, I was talking about how I have Gate 62 defined. I’m not intimidated by her. I have an open Ajna. I’ll listen to her and some of her opinions, I agree with, and some I don’t. I’ll share what I think at times. I know they’re just her opinions.. And I don’t know. It’s just funny.

And then the other person that has it defined is my daughter. And you and I were talking earlier, Leslee, about the gate 17 and then the channel 18-58, she has both of those defined, so she’s got the 17 and the 18, and it’s just correcting the patterns, trying to make sure that things are correct or not correct. Things that aren’t correct, that they’re corrected.

0:07:41.6 Lauri Wakefield: It can be critical energy, but it’s just kind of funny. Like hers is a little bit different than the first person I mentioned because hers is a hanging gate. She definitely has opinions, and I would say that her opinions aren’t as backed by details, I guess, as the first person because it is a hanging gate. But anyway, I was going to say something about… Well, I don’t want to say her name. But anyway, the first person I was talking about is still young. She’s in her early thirties right now.. I think over time she’ll probably learn to kind of tone things down a bit as she gains wisdom over time.

Anyway, Leslee, do you have anything you want to share about gate 17, or are you ready to move on to gate 43?

0:08:38.8 Leslee Wegleitner: Well, it’s fun to hear your story with gate 17 because I can really relate to that.

So, I also have a 62 like Lauri. It’s really no surprise that we’re attracting this gate 17 because of the electromagnetics, which just means this natural pull to attract the other side of the channel.

I have someone that’s pretty significant in my life and has gate 17, which also bridges a split for me. So that even makes it a little stronger electromagnetic. This person also is a projector, and he’s got the gate 17 in the North Node and gate 18 of judgment in the South Node. The nodes really represent the stage in which we experience our life. So, the theme of him having opinions to fix what needs orr what the person thinks needs to be fixed is always a vision that he logically connects to. When I listen to him and how he perceives and speaks out about life and is so focused around having opinion and opinion on opinion.

0:09:52.1 Lauri Wakefield: That’s funny, yeah.

0:09:52.7 Lauri Wakefield: And then the correction that needs to happen, it’s just really makes it a little bit easier – like you were talking about – to just understand that these traits are just who he is. And that’s just how he sees things. That’s how he’s going to speak about them and then to not be so annoyed by the quality or frustrated.

He also has the 17 hanging gate. So his Ajna Center is open. He’s taking in all these different ways to perceive opinions; and then, I’m sure, with my gate 62 that connects him to the throat, allows him to speak them, So, I wonder if I’m not present, and he’s with people that don’t connect it to the throat, if he’s not so engaged with expressing his opinion and he’s a little bit more quiet. But like you were saying, the gift in that is to really see all these different ways in perceiving opinions and seeing the patterns and how to correct certain things. He’s really good at – we were talking earlier like how he’s good at financial things – to really see different maneuvers or ways to go around or create more income. The pattern that was there of how it all happened kind of surfaces and then how he can get around it. So, yeah, that… Yeah, go ahead.

0:11:28.4 Lauri Wakefield: No, I was just going to say, I don’t mean to interrupt you, but it would be interesting to pay attention to him and to see, because you’re around him when you’re with other people. Some of the other people that you’re with, you’re not going to know whether or not they have gate 62 defined, But then I guess if you’re there, you’ve got the electromagnetic, so he’s gonna be feeding off that energy regardless So, I guess you wouldn’t be able to . . .

0:11:52.5 Leslee Wegleitner: Kind of influence the…

0:11:53.0 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

0:11:53.6 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah, that is a good point. Maybe if I can be across the room and just listen in, it will be an experiment. So, I’m ready to move on to gate 43. How about you?

0:12:09.0 Lauri Wakefield: Sure.

0:12:09.7 Leslee Wegleitner: Okay, so gate 43 is the Gate of Insight and Breakthroughs, and when connected to its channel partner, gate 23, becomes the Channel of Structuring.

Gate 43 brings us into Individual Circuitry. It’s also part of the Awareness Stream of Knowing, and the Possibility of Insight. Individual Circuitry exists for the purpose of mutation and for evolution of life to take place. The 43rd gate creates these “in the moment”, and then the fear really starts when trying to explain these insights. The keynote for the Channel 43-23 is called Genius to Freak, which explains it quite well.

Individual circuitry has a quality that makes you feel like an outsider and can be experienced deeply, because the circuitry is very personal. So, when someone struggles to explain themselves, there’s always this risk of being shunned or not being welcomed into the group. And the person with the gate 43 will not speak their knowing because of this fear of rejection. This is learned at a very young age, and the outcome is trying to not be on the outside. So, the rejection starts with feeling different on the inside and unsure how to feel comfortable with the unique ideas and perspectives.

0:12:47.1 Leslee Wegleitner: The anxiety around feeling strange, freakish, and not being understood by others can become quite a reality. This is especially true if you do not have the 23rd gate activated because the energy does not reach the throat.

I’d just like to share something quick about this Gate 23 since it has been in the transits for the last few days. I’ve noticed I have the Gate 43, so the Gate 23 will bridge a split and connect me to the throat. I’ve noticed how ideas or thoughts that have not been clear start becoming hits of insights and moments of clarity. So, I feel like at times, I have all these things swirling in my thoughts and it’s almost like feeling like I have half the story.

0:13:36.9 Leslee Wegleitner: It’s just kind of vague and I can’t really connect to it. But when this 23 gate is in a transit or if I’m in a discussion or around someone that has the 23rd gate, my experience often is that I have these blurts of insights and things become more clear – almost like the pieces of the puzzle come together for me.

Another way that I’ve experienced it also is I walk away having these new ideas and thoughts, and I’m kind of back in that cycle of not fully connecting it, but it’s just a new way of experiencing the energy.

So, I guess that’s all I really have to say about Gate 23. Lauri, do you want to add anything?

0:15:06.6 Lauri Wakefield: Gate 43.

0:15:07.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Oh, I’m sorry. Gate 43.

0:15:14.8 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. You were talking about the channel. Yeah, the electromagnetic, right? I don’t have gate 43 defined, but there are a few things I will add to it. One is Gate 43 is sometimes referred to as the Gate of the Inner Ear, which basically means that people who have gate 43 defined have an internal auditory process and a unique inner voice. People with this gate defined might not always listen or hear what others are saying because they’re so caught up in their own internal processing of information. They’re thinkers by nature. They just like to think. When gates in Individual Circuitry are defined, the energy is shared differently. It’s on a much smaller scale. So, someone who has Gate 43 defined may share their epiphanies and insights with only a few people rather than large groups.

The Gate 43 is part of a Projected channel. So, if you have this gate defined, you need to be asked to share your insights and wisdom. But because it’s in the Individual Circuit, others might also learn about your insights through observation. In other words, they might not ask you to share but will learn about your insights through observing you while you’re just being yourself and not trying to impart wisdom with words.

I’m not sure if that made sense, but the energy from individual circuitry is a little bit different than tribal and collective in how it is shared with others.

Leslee, do you want to add anything else to that?

0:16:34.2 Leslee Wegleitner: Just that I’m really glad that you brought up that Individual Circuitry – being kind of the Deaf gate and also being part of that Individual Circuitry and how that we sometimes forget that observing others can be just as impactful as someone speaking the information to us.

0:16:55.3 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, definitely.

0:16:56.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah, that was good. So, I think that’s all I have to add for that.

0:17:03.5 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, I think so too.

So, that’s going wrap things up for this episode. Thanks so much for joining us today.

In our next episode, we’re going to talk about the fears that can be found in Gates 11 and 4 in the Ajna Center.

If you’d like to see the show notes for today’s podcast, you can find them on our website at The show notes will be listed under Podcasts, Episode 6.

If you’d like to join us as we continue to explore the Human Design Fear Gates, please be sure to subscribe to our podcast.

Thanks again. and have a great day.

0:17:40.3 Leslee Wegleitner: Thanks everyone.