Human Design & Beyond Podcast

Title: How an Aromatic Alchemist Guides Transformation in Others

0:00:02.6 Lauri Wakefield: Welcome. Thanks for joining us today. I’m Lauri.

0:00:05.9 Leslee Wegleitner: Hi, everyone. I’m Leslee.

0:00:07.9 Lauri Wakefield: So today we have a guest. Allison Stillman is joining us. And she is a… What do you call yourself? You’re an Aromatic…

0:00:17.6 Allison Stillman: I’m an Aromatic Alchemist that really…

0:00:19.6 Lauri Wakefield: Alchemist, okay.

0:00:20.6 Allison Stillman: I mean, I’m also author, teacher, coach, all those other things. But the heart of who I am and what I do is Aromatic Alchemy. I use aroma and essential oils to transform people’s lives.

0:00:33.6 Lauri Wakefield: Okay. So when we were talking before the call, that’s only part of what you do. That’s a part of it. And then you have other things that you use to help people with transformation, right?

0:00:48.4 Allison Stillman: Yes.

0:00:49.1 Lauri Wakefield: Okay.

0:00:49.2 Allison Stillman: Yeah. I’ve been doing this work about 45 years. I’ve had an avid penchant for learning about fragrance since I was a small child. I just grew up with a very strong sense of smell and a grandmother, with a beautiful fragrant garden. And it just led me on this whole journey to where I am. [chuckle]

0:01:14.7 Lauri Wakefield: Aha. Yeah. So, Leslee, did you want to talk about anything? Let me look at something quickly. Did you want to talk about anything with her chart before we get more involved in talking about what she does, what Allison does?

0:01:31.3 Leslee Wegleitner: So I like to go right in for the big one. So the Incarnation Cross, [laughter] which is what you came in, your purpose to come in here, right? But it’s more of a expanded version of you, I like to call it, in that sense. So basically, your purpose is to understand and accept limitations within yourself and then also the world. And that limitations are not necessarily negative, but they lead to growth and transformation. So your sun… Your conscious sun, which is in 60, is limitation. That’s what it’s called. And so it’s interesting because it’s… That’s transformation, right? It’s like you come up against these roadblocks and then you… And you’re really designed. I mean, I was just putting together, like a lot of your Incarnation Cross is in the root center, which is the pressure. It’s like a pressure center. It’s the bottom of the chart. And I’m sorry, I’m trying to get to my notes here, but you have unconsciously, this focus to get things to where you want them to be. The gate of limitations is in there. So it’s accepting the limitations and think of, in finding innovative ways to work within them. You’ve got your… That’s your conscious sun. I’m sorry.

0:03:03.9 Allison Stillman: It’s unconscious.

0:03:04.6 Leslee Wegleitner: Unconscious.

0:03:04.6 Allison Stillman: Yeah, it’s unconscious. Yeah.

0:03:06.6 Leslee Wegleitner: But your conscious sun is all about the growth of self-fulfilling and leading that to influence, to be an influencer. And then you’ve got the gate 29, which is the abysmal, and that’s the persistence. Despite any difficulties, to bring on the rewards. Then you got the gate of stimulation, which is key for joy. And then what you’re here to communicate is through gate 19 is a realization that things are all interconnected and manifested through action. And isn’t manifestation, transformation? So such a beautiful… A lot of that is unconscious, but it’s working in the background and it’s just like helping you connect to that, your purpose. So I found that really fascinating. And it’s this pressure within you. And you’re a Generator, Manifesting Generator, but that generation or that… I’m sorry. The Generator within you is here to respond, and you have got all this pressure to make those responses available within your auras, kind of like open and enveloping, bringing these situations to you, these experiences to you. And then you’ve got this pressure to create and transform and make, come forward for your growth and for others. So I’m like, “Wow, that’s good. You set that up really well.” [laughter]

0:04:27.4 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Another thing I was going to mention is your… Okay. So, your Profile, which is the role that you’re here to play. The Profile is that is a 5/1. So the Line 5 is conscious. On your conscious side, so have you found throughout your… Okay, well, part of it definitely is to be a teacher, to teach others and teach other… And people probably look to you as being a teacher. Is that true?

0:04:56.0 Allison Stillman: Yes, it is true. Yeah.

0:05:00.2 Lauri Wakefield: Okay, so do you ever find also this is kind of something that happens sometimes with people with the Line 5 is that people project things onto them. Do you find that people project things onto you? Let me give you an example. Say somebody does something and instead of taking responsibility for them doing it, they say, they put it on you like you’re the one who does it.

0:05:25.0 Allison Stillman: I think that happened earlier when I was much younger, but I have such a strong force-field that I work with my guides and angels and masters that I have very strong boundaries, [laughter] so.

0:05:41.6 Lauri Wakefield: Very good. Okay. Very good. Yeah. Is this…

0:05:44.2 Allison Stillman: But I learned that through the struggle, and I’ve learned that bumping up against the resistance and all of the limitations that as, when we come in as humans, we just go, “Whoa, how did I land here? What am I doing? How do I do this?” Right. And we borrow all these beliefs and rules and regulations that a lot of times aren’t even true.

0:06:04.8 Lauri Wakefield: Right.

0:06:06.2 Allison Stillman: Right. Right. And they’re good teachers. That resistance, when you bump up against it, it’s like, okay, I can either contract and go into fear, or I can look at this, deal with it, walk through it and rise above it.

0:06:20.0 Lauri Wakefield: Right, exactly. Exactly yeah. So, I mean, every aspect is going to have things like strengths or challenges. So, yeah. I mean, that’s good. That’s really good that you’re able to do that. Another thing I wanted to say. Okay so, your definition is through your sacral, definition is decision-making. So do you find that you have… If an opportunity comes to you, it doesn’t have to be a big thing, an opportunity comes to you. Are you pretty decisive in the moment? Like, you just know yes or no?

0:06:57.3 Allison Stillman: What I’ve learned over the years is that I’ve always led with my heart. And so sometimes it depends on the situation I’m in. If there’s a lot of intellectual or business or whatever that’s going on, I have to kind of remove my head from it and…

0:07:14.6 Lauri Wakefield: Right. Exactly.

0:07:15.2 Allison Stillman: My heart, and then…

0:07:16.2 Lauri Wakefield: Exactly.

0:07:17.7 Allison Stillman: The heart never lies.

0:07:19.8 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, well, that’s what the sacral response is. I mean, yeah I wouldn’t call it the heart, but it’s the gut. It’s in the gut. So, yeah it should… Decisions are best made from whatever your decision making authority is. So yours is your gut. So it’s not going to be comparing the positives and negatives. It’s going to be just what you feel at the moment.

0:07:42.2 Allison Stillman: Exactly.

0:07:43.7 Lauri Wakefield: So the reason I was asking that is because with Generators, they can have either what’s known as emotional or sacral authority. Sacral authority is quick. It’s pretty quick. It doesn’t mean that there can be times when you’re not really sure. So it’s like a yes, no, but for the most part, it’s pretty much in the moment.

0:07:58.0 Allison Stillman: Yeah.

0:07:58.2 Lauri Wakefield: You’re just not…

0:08:00.9 Allison Stillman: That’s very true. Yeah.

0:08:02.5 Leslee Wegleitner: On that. I would like to ask, how much of that gut do you check in with your guides? I mean, are you responding? Because it’s about response, too. You have something within you, outside of you, whatever, to respond to. And I’m just curious, with all the intuitive guidance that you have around you, do you have those times where that is coming in and you’re responding to that and then it would be like a move forward? Am I making… Is that clear?

0:08:34.3 Allison Stillman: Yes, And I think over the years, because when you first start working in that way, you don’t trust it, right? As a human, you just go, “Oh, wow, is that really true?” I’ve been taking people to swim with wild dolphins for the last 30 years, and when I first started doing that, I would hear, because dolphins telepath with you, I’d hear these messages from them and they’d say, “Okay. This is what we need to do with the group today.” And I’m like, “But I don’t even see you guys out in the water. Is that really you? And if it’s really you, make my leg move.” And my leg would move, and then I’d say, “Okay, that could have been a coincidence.” And I’d say, “If that was really you and that was really your message, I want three of you to jump out of the water at the same time, spin and hit the water at the same time.” And 30 seconds later, three of them would jump out of the water. And so I’ve tested it long enough to know, “Oh, no I just… ” Yes. It’s a big yes. [laughter] I don’t even try and test the universe anymore because I’m so in alignment with that inner voice now.

0:09:40.3 Leslee Wegleitner: Right.

0:09:40.9 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Interesting.

0:09:43.2 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.

0:09:43.4 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. So another thing I was going to say. So a Manifesting Generator. The difference between a Manifesting Generator and a Generator, they’re both generators, but the difference between the two is that a Manifesting Generator is typically quicker to move into action when they’re responding to something than a Generator is, okay. So your connection… Okay, and the thing that differentiates the two is that a Manifesting Generator will have an energy center or a motor center connected to the throat. So yours is interesting because it goes… It actually goes… It doesn’t go directly to the throat. It goes from the heart center to the G center, the G center to the throat. So it might not be like… For me, mine’s a 34/20, which is direct. I mean, mine comes from the solar plexus to the sacral to the throat, and it’s like, “Boom, boom.” I mean, if it’s the right decision, right? Or the correct, whatever’s correct for me, hopefully, right? Yeah. But does that make sense? I mean, do you…

0:10:46.1 Allison Stillman: Yeah.

0:10:46.7 Lauri Wakefield: Even though you put it into action, do you feel a little bit of a pause before it goes? It’s not like a boom, boom. You know what I mean?

0:10:52.2 Allison Stillman: Absolutely. Well, and I did an interesting practice about 20 years ago where I did a day of silence for a year. And on that day of silence, I had no electronics. I didn’t do any talking. It was just me in silence. And what it taught me was that I sometimes will pause for six seconds and say, “Do I have something valuable to add to this conversation?” And if I don’t, I’d stay silent, and I’m okay with the silence. We’re taught to, “Oh, answer right away and be conversant and be polite,” and all of that. And I was like, “No, if I don’t have anything valuable to say, I can stay silent, that’s fine.”

0:11:36.5 Lauri Wakefield: Right, right.

0:11:40.9 Allison Stillman: Yeah. And sometimes that’s more powerful than speaking.

0:11:41.0 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, definitely.

0:11:42.7 Allison Stillman: It can be, energetically.

0:11:46.8 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. So, Leslee, did you want to bring up anything else about the chart before we talk more about what Allison does?

0:11:53.7 Leslee Wegleitner: No, we can continue. Yeah.

0:11:55.5 Lauri Wakefield: And feel free to throw anything in there along.

0:11:58.9 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah, yeah. Awesome. [laughter]

0:12:02.3 Lauri Wakefield: Okay. Yeah. So how did your journey start with what you’re doing now? Was it something that… Go ahead with that first.

0:12:11.5 Allison Stillman: So, as I said, I’ve always had a fascination for smell, and I had an experience when I was 18 years old where I was up in the California redwoods, northern California redwoods. And I hiked down to the bottom of the forest floor, and I started smelling this sweet fragrance and just allowed my nose to follow the fragrance to find the source. And there was this beautiful rhododendron tree in full bloom, wild rhododendron. And it was so powerful, it was so strong and so fragrant. And I stuck my head in the midst of this bush, and it overtook all of my senses. I could taste it, I could hear it, I could see color, and I could feel it enveloping my body. And it set me on this course of a deep, deep study around aromatherapy, and I’ve studied with all the world’s leading aromatherapists, doctors. And I’ve distilled, I’ve grown, I’ve made oils, I’ve done the whole thing. And I was studying with a renowned aromatherapist who’s written many, many books, who’s a doctor out of England, Dr. Valerie Ann Worwood. She’s renowned in the field of aromatherapy. And it was the first time for me to smell pure Omani, frankincense. And this was 40 years ago now, and I had an out-of-body experience when I smelled it. Frankincense has psychoactive properties, which means it induces visionary states in meditation, which is why it’s been burned in churches, et cetera, and used for sacraments for so many years.

0:13:51.9 Allison Stillman: For thousands of years. Anyway, I was in this classroom, and I closed my eyes, and I was back at the foot of the cross, and I was watching Jesus be crucified. And I was with all of the disciples in the desert, high up on the hill. And I could feel everyone’s pain. And I was obviously in this experience for quite some time, because when I came back into awareness of being in the classroom, there were people gathered all around me. And somebody had their hand on my arm, and the woman who had her hand on my arm said to me, “Are you okay?” And the first words out of my mouth were, “I want to do anointing work.” “What is that?” And I said, “I don’t know. I don’t know why I said that.” So I bought some frankincense from Valerie, and I started meditating, because I’ve been a longtime meditator, and I started meditating with it. And I started having these visions of the temple of Dendera, which was the home of the priestess in ancient Egypt. And they did these elaborate rites of passage for ordination, for coronation, for wedding ceremonies, for initiation into the temples, for last rites, which is where the modern day sacraments come from, these ancient rituals and rites of passage. And I said, “I’m being given something here.”

0:15:12.0 Allison Stillman: And I started playing with it and putting people on the table and anointing them with oils. And I’m also due chanting. And then I got involved in singing bowls and a Reiki master, et cetera. And I started combining all these practices. And people had life-changing experiences. Genetic inherited codes disappeared. Trauma from childhood disappeared. Limited belief systems disappeared. And so, I said, “Okay, I need to do some research and find out where this started and how it is that these people are having these transformational life experiences.” There was nothing written about it anywhere. I went to old manuscript museums and gnostic archive libraries and there was nothing except what’s written in the Bible. And so I ended up writing a book about it and teaching about it. And I had…

0:16:06.3 Lauri Wakefield: So what’s the name of the book? I don’t mean to interrupt you. What’s the name of the book?

0:16:09.2 Allison Stillman: It’s called The Sacred Art of Anointing.

0:16:12.1 Lauri Wakefield: Okay, so that’s on your website. Actually, I think.

0:16:14.0 Allison Stillman: Yes. Yeah. And so then quite a few years ago, I had a lot of clients that came in from international and they wanted to continue to work with me when they needed it, usually it’s kind of a one and done.

0:16:28.1 Lauri Wakefield: One and done yeah.

0:16:32.5 Allison Stillman: And so I developed, working with Bob Proctor, I developed an online coaching program because I know the questions to ask to get them to their deep core wounds. And then I custom blend oils for them to work and work with affirmations to clear these old programs so that they can put new subconscious programs or… Actually, they’re in the conscious now. And really transform their lives. And it’s been remarkable to watch how people manifest their goals in a really short amount of time doing this work. So I’m really grateful for it.

0:17:08.4 Lauri Wakefield: So when they do the anointing, that’s actually putting it on your skin, right?

0:17:13.6 Allison Stillman: Yes.

0:17:13.7 Lauri Wakefield: Okay.

0:17:16.7 Allison Stillman: Yes.

0:17:17.2 Lauri Wakefield: So when they do like that work that you’re talking about… I’m sorry, Leslee, I keep talking asking all this questions…

0:17:20.1 Leslee Wegleitner: No, go ahead. Go ahead.

0:17:22.6 Lauri Wakefield: I don’t mean to be rude. Okay. So when you work with them, the core questions they ask and then is it done virtually or do you actually do it on the phone?

0:17:36.9 Allison Stillman: The transformational alchemy coaching that I do is online, and then I’ll blend up when we’re finished because intuition says, “Okay, they need these oils to support clearing that program.” And what’s so fascinating about aromatherapy is it’s the fastest way to access the brain. So you’re hitting the emotional and behavioral centers. It’s the fastest way to get there, but it’s also instilling new longterm memory. And so when you work doing affirmations with essential oils and you know what it is that you’re clearing, you can say your affirmations with the oil and you’re implanting, imparting a new memory into your brain so that it takes 30 to 45 days to change these old habits, right, to really clear them out and install new behavioral patterns based on these subconscious beliefs. And so a lot of times we get triggered and I tell my clients, as soon as you leave here, you’re going to be triggered. Your old ways are going to go, “Why am I doing this? I don’t believe this. This isn’t real,” right? It’s that old belief system saying, “Do not change.” The hardwiring of the brain. “Do not change. We need to stay the same.” And then life will trigger you. You’ll be out in the world, and somebody will say something. You’ll go, “Oh, I’m not worthy.”

0:18:56.0 Lauri Wakefield: “Oh, I’m not good enough. Oh, I can’t have that. Oh, I don’t believe that’s really true,” right? And if you’re doing these and there’s a certain way that you say them, these affirmations, and you’re smelling your oil at the same time, when you say these affirmations a certain way, you feel it in your body. There’s a resonance, a frequency that happens in your body, and you’re smelling this oil at the same time, then there’s a memory of, “Oh, wait, no. This is who I am. I am this powerful creator,” right? And when somebody triggers you and you start to go into contraction, you smell your oil, and you go, ” Uh-uh, not on my watch. This is who I am,” right? So it’s a really incredible combination.

0:19:38.4 Leslee Wegleitner: So I just have to pop in here. So your conscious sun is in 32, Line 5. And I’m sorry. It’s Conscious Earth and the earth is all about balancing what balances you. And it’s about preservation and continuity, but it’s a strong sense of tradition and value that’s gonna balance you along with preserving what is worth keeping. So as you’re talking, I’m like throwing out these old beliefs and bringing in what’s the truth of self. Is what balances you. And then in Line 5, it’s kind of what you are bringing out to others in a teaching, in a wisdom format. So very cool.

0:20:17.8 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Gate 42, which is the conscious sun. It’s fuels individual transformational journeys. That’s part of it. And then 32… I just wanted to… I wanted to add to that 32 is gate 32. It’s like the ability to adapt to changing circumstances, you know what I’m saying? Like you kind of… You just adapt and move on. Does that make sense?

0:20:47.5 Allison Stillman: My whole life has been like that. [laughter]

0:20:47.6 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah.

0:20:50.7 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. And it’s a cycle of endings.

0:20:53.2 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah.

0:20:53.9 Leslee Wegleitner: So there you go. So you’re ending completions. Completions endings. Yep.

0:20:58.8 Allison Stillman: Absolutely.

0:21:00.8 Leslee Wegleitner: Hanging out the limitations and, yeah. Beautiful.

0:21:02.3 Allison Stillman: Yeah. Yeah. It’s been an awesome journey. I feel privileged to be able to do the… To be the channel for this work to move through.

0:21:11.9 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it’s gotta be really fulfilling to see change in other people. I mean, anytime you’re working with people, you wanna see that change, right?

0:21:17.7 Allison Stillman: Oh, yeah.

0:21:18.3 Lauri Wakefield: So do you work with like coaches at all, or just individuals, or.

0:21:25.4 Allison Stillman: Whoever so is called to work with me.

0:21:27.3 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay.

0:21:29.0 Allison Stillman: Because it is a soul calling. I can meet somebody at a party and tell them what I do, and they go, “Oh, I wanna have a session with you.” [chuckle] If their soul knows they’re not ready for it, they’ll have a flat tire on the way something will stop it from happening, right?

0:21:44.5 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. I mean, I’ll just come forward. [laughter]

0:21:49.1 Allison Stillman: And they know the soul brings them to me. I had a client from the UK who reached out to me on the internet, and she said, “I don’t know how I found you, but I found you and I wanna come for an in-person session.” And she came all the way from the UK for a session. I’m not advertising or promoting or anything than what I’ve shared with the world. And people find me when they’re meant to.

0:22:17.7 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Yeah. I believe that. I do. I do. And that’s a part of the aura too for a Generator. It’s open and enveloping. So if we’re like in alignment with who we are, who we truly are, like at the core, then we’re gonna bring things to us. You know what I mean? It’s so there’s no effort on our part, and things will just be drawn to us.

0:22:37.1 Allison Stillman: Yes.

0:22:38.2 Lauri Wakefield: It’s magnetic. Yeah.

0:22:38.5 Allison Stillman: I’m a firm believer in that, yeah.

0:22:42.1 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Yeah. So that’s, yeah. So we were talking before the call, you said something about how you went out to Tennessee for a little while. How long did you live there? Did you say like 10 years maybe, or?

0:22:52.6 Allison Stillman: No, I was there for five years.

0:22:52.8 Lauri Wakefield: Okay. Okay. Yeah. So do you wanna talk about that at all? ’cause it’s kind of interesting.

0:23:00.1 Allison Stillman: Okay. This is a very interesting story. It’s a little long and it goes like a winding path, but it’s one of the most powerful things that’s ever happened to me. So I was kind of pushed out of Ojai about seven years ago. Ostensibly my mind said, “It’s the drought. I should find more water places to live.” Moved to northern California, got burned out in the fire. And then I have really good friends in Tennessee, as I said, and I called a friend who’s a psychic, and she said, “Oh, I see you in Tennessee. I see you in Nashville.” I went, “Let me try that on [laughter]” Tried it on and went, “Yes, this feels right.” So, moved to Tennessee, got really involved in environmental activism there, and shut down an oil and gas pipeline and did some big work with the House and Senate.

0:23:48.0 Allison Stillman: That’s one of my passions too, is environmental activism. And along the way met a Cherokee elder, and that’s how I learned about the Trail of Tears and did some deep research and realized the Trail of Tears started in Middle Tennessee. At one point in time, according to this Cherokee elder, middle Tennessee was the largest population of indigenous people in the world. This was 1500 years ago. There were over 400,000 native Americans living there. 300,000 of them are buried under Middle Tennessee. Because when the white settlers came in, they decimated the tribes. Well, the remainder of them were forced to walk the Trail of Tears to a reservation in Omaha, Nebraska, which is where my grandmother was born. So when I learned all this, I went, “Oh my gosh. My ancestors walked the trail of tears.” So I went on a big mission to anoint the ceremonial mounds there and the burial mounds there, and bury crystals in them. And along the Line, I had a remembrance of a previous lifetime where I was a medicine man, and I buried artifacts in one of the mounds to preserve the culture and wisdom for the oncoming onslaught of white settlers. And I saw all this in a vision, and I went, “Oh my gosh. I was here. I lived this experience, and I came back to reclaim that part of my soul.”

0:25:23.8 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Well, okay, so when you say that… So like it was a vision, but like, did you feel like a really strong connection when you first landed there?

0:25:33.3 Allison Stillman: Oh yeah. I was out walking the mill.

0:25:36.6 Lauri Wakefield: I’ve been here before.

0:25:38.2 Allison Stillman: In nature and forest. It was all… That’s the part of Tennessee that I absolutely love is the nature. It’s gorgeous there. It’s beautiful. And I was in the forest and by the rivers and lakes and really spent a lot of time in nature and buried a lot of my crystals out there, so.

0:25:58.8 Lauri Wakefield: Very nice. So you ended up leaving though, after five years? What was it, did you just feel like your mission had been accomplished?

0:26:07.7 Allison Stillman: Yes. So it was in January of this year, I was in meditation and I saw the vision of me, and I’d had a past life regression I had totally forgotten about. And it was all about this lifetime of being a Native American medicine man and seeing the coming onslaught of the settlers. And so I revisited it again in meditation, and I went, “Oh.” when I buried everything in the mound, and I kept it to myself, I didn’t tell the tribe what was coming because I wanted them to live out their last days in peace, right? That when I buried everything there, I left a part of my soul and it was soul reclamation work that I was really doing. And then all of a sudden I could feel this wave of energy. It shook my… Literally, physically shook my body when it came back into me. And the voice said, “Oh, you’re complete. You can go home now.”

0:27:06.5 Lauri Wakefield: Wow.

0:27:08.2 Allison Stillman: And I went, “Wow. Where is home?” Well, where have I been the most nurtured, the most nourished, the most loved, have the biggest tribe of people that I love, like-minded people that I love. It was Ojai. And so the next day I went online and I said, “Oh, well, let me go find a place.” And this place popped up. I called a friend who’s realtor, she FaceTimed me. I said, “Yeah, let’s get that.” [laughter] Later I moved [laughter]

0:27:36.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Nice.

0:27:36.6 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. So Leslee did you wanna…

0:27:37.1 Leslee Wegleitner: I just wanna say I have a quick response, right? [laughter] Well, and it’s back to what we were talking about earlier, when it resonates in your body as truth, you know.

0:27:50.1 Lauri Wakefield: Well. Yeah. But that’s because you’re in tune to it. There are other people… If we’re talking about like being a Generator, it’s like that’s that response like in your gut, you just know. But there are people who either don’t know anything about human design, or they might know something about human design, but they don’t pay attention to that. As a guide, you know what I mean? I’m not talking about like spiritual guides, but you know what I’m talking about, as a… For their own body. Just to know within their body.

0:28:15.8 Allison Stillman: Well, and like I said, when I first started learning to tap into this, this is so long ago, I did everything in the world to validate what I was hearing or feeling like I did muscle testing. I’d test the universe, make my harm, move make the dolphins jump out of the water, show me a sign that what I’m feeling or thinking is really true. [laughter] Right? So anybody that’s listening to this then and says, “Well, I how do you do that?” You just take it step by step. Oh, I’m hearing something. Is that, oh, I’m feeling something. Is that right? Show me a sign that That’s right, right? And the universe always responds your guardian angels will say, “Okay, well let’s send her a sign.” Right, [laughter]

0:29:00.4 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah.

0:29:00.8 Allison Stillman: And you get enough of those and you just go, “Okay, it’s real. I trust it.”

0:29:07.3 Leslee Wegleitner: I agree. It’s that journey of that intuition and really surrendering to it in the end, right? And just allowing it to come through. So, yeah.

0:29:17.1 Allison Stillman: Yeah.

0:29:17.3 Lauri Wakefield: So if people… So, okay, we talked about this before we get on the call, so people can just go to your website, right? And if they sign up for the newsletter, they’ll get a free gift with that also, right?

0:29:29.6 Allison Stillman: Correct. Yeah. There’s a free workshop in there called The Alchemy of Abundance, which kind of dips into a lot of what I do in a much more expanded version of it. But this is a very simplified class that they can take to learn about how to manifest more abundance in their lives. And then also, I have a big workshop coming up the end of the month too, that I’ll be sending out in newsletters of, so if they want more information about that, I’m doing it with two other practitioners who are very powerful as well. And we’re looking at doing more work along transforming before the new year comes in.

0:30:05.3 Lauri Wakefield: Oh, Okay. So, okay. So that’s what we’ll do. We’ll link to your website and we’ll also… Was there anything else do you want us to link to your book, the one that Sacred Art of Anointing?

0:30:20.3 Allison Stillman: If they can find it on the on the website.

0:30:20.4 Lauri Wakefield: It’s on the website, yeah. Okay. Okay.

0:30:24.1 Allison Stillman: Yeah, it’s on Amazon as well.

0:30:26.7 Lauri Wakefield: So we’ll do that. And I think, well we probably, we try to limit it to like 30 to 35 minutes. So so Leslee, did you have anything else that you wanted to ask? Allison or Allison, do you have anything else you wanna say?

0:30:43.8 Allison Stillman: I would just love to encourage everyone to just take a few breaths, sit down and ask themselves what is it that they’re willing to release at the end of this year. This has been a really challenging year for a lot of people in the world. And is there anything that they’re holding onto that doesn’t serve them any longer? It’s time to let it go so we can bring in more love and joy and unity in the new year.

0:31:08.5 Lauri Wakefield: Okay.

0:31:10.2 Leslee Wegleitner: Perfect. A great way to wrap it up. [laughter]

0:31:13.0 Lauri Wakefield: So, yeah. So I guess that’ll wrap things up. Thanks so much for joining us today. If you’d like to see Allison’s or go to Allison’s website to to see what she has to offer, you can go to It’s And then in our next episode, Leslee, I don’t think we know yet, [laughter] what we’re gonna talk about, we’re not sure. [laughter] But if you’d like to see the show notes for today’s podcast show, you can find them on our website at The show notes will be listed under podcast episode 49. Wow. Leslee, almost hitting 50.

0:31:57.0 Leslee Wegleitner: I know.

0:31:58.2 Lauri Wakefield: If you’d like to join us as we continue our exploration into topics about human design and other complimentary modalities, please be sure to subscribe to our podcast. Thanks again, and have a great day.

0:32:08.6 Leslee Wegleitner: Thanks everybody.

0:32:08.8 Allison Stillman: Thank you.

0:32:17.6 Leslee Wegleitner: Okay, bye.

0:32:17.8 Lauri Wakefield: So Allison…