Human Design & Beyond Podcast

Title: Insights Into Living Life as a Manifestor With Shelly Liedtke

0:00:03.8 Lauri Wakefield: Welcome. Thanks for joining us today. I’m Lauri.

0:00:06.4 Leslee Wegleitner: Hi everyone. I’m Leslee.

0:00:08.9 Lauri Wakefield: So today we have a guest who is a Manifestor. She’s a 6/3 Emotional Manifestor and we invited her to talk about what she does for her business but also really to talk about her being a Manifestor. So Shelly, do you want to introduce yourself?

0:00:29.6 Shelly Liedtke: Sure. My name is Shelly Liedtke and I am delighted to be here visiting with you today. I’m not exactly sure what… I’m a Spiritual Life Coach.

0:00:46.9 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, I saw on your website that you actually call yourself a Cosmic Shaman, right?

0:00:54.5 Shelly Liedtke: Yes, that’s the name of my business, is Cosmic Shaman. I do do shaman work but not in the way that people normally do do shaman work. Like it’s all in the quantum field. It’s not… I don’t do like sweat lodges or ceremony or anything like that. So it’s all spirit, guided, spirit-directed experiences.

0:01:21.1 Lauri Wakefield: So that’s something that Leslee might want to be able to talk to you about some of that ’cause she actually does some spiritual work too.

0:01:28.7 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. Well, first I want to say I love when I was looking at your website and you have instead of light workers, you have light walkers. I love that. I’m like oh my gosh, that’s ingenious ’cause I know that that… Yeah, it just resonated with me a lot more. It’s like we’re here just to do work, light beings or whatever. So but yeah, just… So your Cosmic Shaman is the name of your business. So how would you kind of describe in a typical coaching session what would that look like from a standpoint of bringing in the shamanism that you work with or how you do it?

0:02:15.9 Shelly Liedtke: It’s mostly if I’m doing a psychic intuitive reading, then I’m connecting with the spirit realm. In that case I generally use cards or throwing the coins or some fun initiating thing at the beginning. If I’m offering a human design reading, then I’m still listening for spirit guidance on behalf of that other person. So I have their chart pulled up, I’m listening intently within and quite often what will happen is I’ll have phrases or specific images that I wouldn’t normally have in my everyday life that would come to me and then I… And even specific wording like I will share specific wording and and or describe image or impressions I’m getting or phrases that’s coming to me.

0:03:26.2 Shelly Liedtke: Sometimes like in a quantum-touch session I may be guided towards an Akashic record to clear not necessarily to read, sometimes people get the impression that I’m going to tell them what happened in their past life and that’s generally not what happens but it’s with the intention of clearing a lifetime and smoothing out the energy. Transmuting it sits in there at a higher vibratory resonance and so that it’s not adversely affecting them here in their lifetime right in the now, which we can bring all that those experiences or the energy of those experiences can be locked up in our spiritual DNA or and affecting our physical form. So those are some examples I guess of…

0:04:20.6 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Does it pick up on the galactic heritage at all of these people or is it…

0:04:27.1 Shelly Liedtke: No.

0:04:27.8 Lauri Wakefield: Okay.

0:04:28.7 Shelly Liedtke: For me that hasn’t been highlighted like that’s not the important thing.

0:04:36.1 Lauri Wakefield: Right.

0:04:38.1 Shelly Liedtke: Yeah the important thing is transmuting the lower vibrations to a higher vibration so that the person can do what their soul intended on doing here in this lifetime more easily and to smooth out the energy so it’s not bothering them and maybe even shift it at the soul level in their journey overall, so it’s…

0:05:04.6 Lauri Wakefield: Right.

0:05:05.6 Shelly Liedtke: Yeah.

0:05:06.0 Lauri Wakefield: So it was interesting ’cause as I was looking at your chart it’s all about leadership being the manifestor it’s about, well, the 6/3 profile I don’t know it’s… Would you say your first 30 years of life with being a 3/3 within that was very true? Did that ring true for you? Because this process is not finished now kind of energy and like let’s try to change this or yeah and how is that kind of now in later years how does that come about?

0:05:45.4 Shelly Liedtke: Well I’ve wondered because Ross says that’s the martyr energy of course well it’s really difficult not to feel whiny about things when it seems like disaster after disaster is happening, so I do need to have compassion on myself for being a 6/3 Profile. I literally thought something was wrong with me when I was learning from… I first connected with Shaytan Parkin and I had taken… The first class I took from him was the relationship class and at that time he was offering like 20 minutes visit with him for taking the class and he just went over with me. I hadn’t really known anything about human design for very long and he told me, he said, “Shelly, not very many 6/3 Profiles make it past 30 years old.”

0:06:48.9 Lauri Wakefield: Really? Wow.

0:06:49.8 Shelly Liedtke: It’s true. It’s true. Most 6/3 Profiles will take themselves out of the world by risk taking. And so having an understanding of that gives patience and compassion for oneself as well as if, you know a 6/3 Profile, you can see what’s happening ’cause it’s just one trial and error after another. What, “Oh, that didn’t work.” It’s like… Who was it that made the light bulb? Edison, tried 100s of times of what didn’t work until he found what worked. Well, then he continued forward with what worked and improved on that. So really that’s what we’re talking about. And having that double on both sides, I was in a constant way of doing that. I had both of my children born at home, I home taught for a total of 23 years and that all of that was nothing but, oh well, that worked. That didn’t work. And my son is a reflector and so he was constantly… I would say that’s the fast track. Having a reflector child is the fast track to spiritual learning.

0:08:20.0 Lauri Wakefield: I bet.

0:08:20.0 Shelly Liedtke: Because they will reflect everything back to you, escalations and all and yeah, there you go. It was the biggest learning time and the most exhausting time of my entire life. It just about killed me, so, literally. Yeah. I was in tremendous burnout by the time I was 32, so yeah.

0:08:53.3 Lauri Wakefield: So when were you first introduced to Human Design?

0:08:57.1 Shelly Liedtke: It’s been almost 12 years ago.

0:09:00.6 Lauri Wakefield: Okay.

0:09:00.7 Shelly Liedtke: Yeah.

0:09:01.8 Lauri Wakefield: So when you found out that you were a Manifestor, did it make sense to you right away or was it something that you had to kind of observe for a little while to understand how the energy worked?

0:09:14.8 Shelly Liedtke: Well, I’m gonna have to say the first time I heard about human design was in 2010. I was in class taking a class and it was very odd. I’m not certain why this happened, but the girl mentioned human design and that she could tell us what our design was and everything and she was actually going to be giving a class but when I got my… When I asked her for my chart, she didn’t give me a copy of it. I think this must be as a 6/3 Profile experience as well.


0:09:50.1 Shelly Liedtke: She told me I was a Manifesting Generator and it felt so so wrong and she did not give me my chart and I was like, something is wrong here. I was so… I have enough emotional definition in my design, and I could sense…

0:10:06.5 Lauri Wakefield: Yes, you do. A lot.

0:10:07.0 Shelly Liedtke: That my energy was way off, and I was so nervous about it, and I went searching online, and for some reason, I couldn’t find anything. It took me a long time to find Chetyn. Karen didn’t even pop up. Jovian didn’t pop up, nothing. And I have no idea why, except that Chetyn was to be the first person I learned human design from is the only thing I can figure. So finally, I got my chart from him, and that felt much better. When I got the correct information for myself, it clicked in.

0:10:44.8 Shelly Liedtke: And as I began learning from him, I was able to calm myself down more at the emotional level. It was like being soothed somehow, like, oh, everything’s just fine. And even though all these “messes” have been going on or this weird upsetting energy my whole life, everything suddenly started calming down. And it was visible enough that my husband said something about it. So he really loved that I was doing Human Design, and he’s not into the other spiritual stuff that I do, but when I connected with Human Design, he really really really loved that, yeah.

0:11:37.8 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, you do have a lot of emotional definition, and you have two channels from the Solar Plexus to the throat.

0:11:46.3 Shelly Liedtke: Yeah.

0:11:47.0 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Did you wanna to comment on that, Leslee?

0:11:50.5 Leslee Wegleitner: Well, that’s just a lot of energy. And then you’re a [0:11:52.8] ____ so everything’s going to the Throat and so that pressure through that Solar Plexus for that, I can imagine. And then being a Manifestor too, with the 35/36 channel, it’s all about experiences but there’s and then the two channels that you have are manifesting channels, and so they’re pretty intense. So I can only imagine.

0:12:23.3 Leslee Wegleitner: Not understanding that and then coming to an understanding of how your emotions work could be really impactful and then kind of down as a Manifestor too, just because Manifestors are, they get in their mode. They just go.

0:12:39.1 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. And I think it’s… I don’t know if it’s hard but it’s different for someone who has Emotional Authority as a Manifestor because they wanna initiate, they wanna implement and the timing sometimes with the emotional waves… You know what I’m saying Shelly? Do you ever experience that like where you just kind of have to stand back like you have something you wanna do but you have to kind of stand back and wait a little bit before you implement it?

0:13:07.6 Shelly Liedtke: Yes, I’m just barely getting myself out in the world more. I’ve had an online presence since 2009, so I’ve been working at that for a while, but the Human Design stuff is like, presenting regarding it or doing anything like what we’re doing today. And I’ve just barely started up for me and I’m 58 right now so this… I get, the sixth line just because we come off the roof when our Chiron activation occurs doesn’t mean that things are gonna start rocking and rolling right away. And it’s a good thing actually for me as a 6/3 Profile because if I get too many things going at once then it can feel overwhelming. I start making a lot of errors or mistakes. What we would view as mistake I guess they’re all learning experiences, but yeah that can get uncomfortable. There’s some things that I am just barely going to be able to start instituting that I’ve been working with since I was four. I’ve been teaching. I started teaching my sister when I was four, I would go to preschool come home and teach her what I learned.

0:14:27.6 Lauri Wakefield: Aww.

0:14:27.7 Shelly Liedtke: Yeah, handwriting was my absolute passion. I mean my life theme, is education. I was so so enamored with handwriting. I cannot describe to you how empowering that was for me. My mom she put me on a chair in the kitchen up a chalkboard. She had this little cream chalkboard by the back door and she was getting me ready to go to Kindergarten and everything and she showed me how to draw my name on the chalkboard and I thought I went to heaven somewhere.


0:15:03.5 Shelly Liedtke: Yeah, so being… A couple of years ago, I certified as a Vimala alphabet instructor and it was one of the hardest things to obtain.

0:15:14.6 Lauri Wakefield: What, can you explain that? What is that?

0:15:17.7 Shelly Liedtke: It’s bringing in… You’re drawing positive hand strokes into your handwriting when you form letters…

0:15:27.1 Lauri Wakefield: Oh.

0:15:28.1 Shelly Liedtke: So that you have self empowerment and self-confidence. The way that we’re taught to handwrite or draw our letters at school. Many of them are disempowering. The t, the letter t, the lowercase e is a very good example when we draw the T just as a cross. It’s very disempowering meaning it lowers your ability to be yourself and to stand confidently as yourself and it causes you to be a good little automaton droid and to just follow what you’re told if you cross that lowercase T at the top as if it were uppercase.

0:16:14.1 Lauri Wakefield: A capital, yeah.

0:16:16.7 Shelly Liedtke: And a little bit up, like up going up to the left slightly slanted up when you cross it on the top. Then it helps you stand in your own empowerment and raise your self-esteem. I mean, will literally raise the bar to the top of that. I am…

0:16:37.6 Lauri Wakefield: So what is that called again?

0:16:40.9 Shelly Liedtke: Vimala alphabet.

0:16:42.1 Lauri Wakefield: How do you spell that?

0:16:44.1 Shelly Liedtke: V-I-M-A-L-A.

0:16:47.0 Lauri Wakefield: Okay. I’ve never ever heard of it. Have you Leslee?

0:16:50.0 Leslee Wegleitner: I have not but you know what, I do not like writing. Like I Just do not, that’s so interesting. It’s like people are like journal and stuff and that is just, it’s not for me ’cause I don’t like writing. But I can sit at a class and journal it but I don’t wanna do the pen-to-paper thing.

0:17:10.2 Shelly Liedtke: A lot of people struggle with this and the handwriting I’ve noticed with seeing handwriting samples of children in particular at this time in the world it is degrading and it’s one of the most important things we could be doing for our nervous system and our DNA.

0:17:31.5 Lauri Wakefield: Wow.

[overlapping conversation]

0:17:31.7 Leslee Wegleitner: Wow. Very bad.

0:17:34.1 Lauri Wakefield: I wonder if there are like any written languages that are actually empowering. You know what I’m saying? Because like, I don’t know like the letters that we use the way that, the symbols that we use they’re different in other cultures, right? You know what I’m saying like the Chinese language, you know what I’m saying? Like…

0:17:54.3 Shelly Liedtke: Well, the Chinese language is a pictograph basically is my understanding there each character is a picture. And the Vimala handwriting technology is not just about well, it’s absolutely not about analyzing the handwriting. It’s about focusing on drawing in positive energies into your body system. In my experience it works with your DNA strands in uplifting your vibratory resonance like raising the vibration of your DNA. It just feels better, function better, my nervous system functions better when I do my handwriting practice. I’ve been able to dovetail it into the Human Design system. Last year, I finished up a beta class series with a couple of students that volunteered to do that so I could see how to present it. So once…

0:19:03.4 Lauri Wakefield: That’s interesting.

0:19:05.0 Shelly Liedtke: Yeah. Once I put that together and I’ll be doing that, but what that will go into the Human Design, my quantum-touch you can also use that in the Human Design as well, because there’s a body part associated with each one of the gates, as well as the centers. And as we know from Richard Rudd with the gene keys, then each one of the hexagrams can be associated with a codon ring and amino acid and so on.

0:19:36.2 Lauri Wakefield: It’s complex, yeah.

0:19:40.0 Shelly Liedtke: Yeah, so I’ve been able to bring the energy of the handwriting in a generalized fashion for each one of the letters of the alphabet into the human design system. And I haven’t shared that yet, but I will be, so…

0:19:58.6 Lauri Wakefield: That’s really interesting. Yeah, I know Leslee. Leslee does Light Language. Have you heard of light language?

0:20:06.1 Shelly Liedtke: Yes, I started out many years ago. That was part of the shaman energy that I carry as well, but I was calling it sacred song because I didn’t know what else to call it.

0:20:17.9 Lauri Wakefield: Right.

0:20:20.1 Shelly Liedtke: It just comes through at times, and especially when there’s a lot of energy that is there to shift, and mainly I’ve done it for myself, but there’s been times where I’ve done it for groups of people as well.

0:20:35.7 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, because Leslee’s talked about Light Language and Human Design in the past. Do you want to share any of that, Leslee?

0:20:44.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Well, I find with Human Design, when you’re applying it, sometimes there’s that resistance to actually really apply it. And that’s where I kind of bring in the Light Language aspect because it just… You bring in the codes for them or the frequencies for them to work with, but it’s kind of behind the scenes, and it gets them out of their heads, and then there’s no force to it. If there’s no force, there’s no resistance, right? So it just bathes them in the frequencies, and then I’m not saying it’s going to happen overnight.

0:21:20.5 Leslee Wegleitner: Sometimes the shift and the aha will, but it’s then a part of integrated into their field where if it takes a week, a month, six months, and I know for myself, I’ve been doing it for over 20 years or 20 years, so the shifts that I’ve done, just pretty aligning and just pretty simplistically not in my head thinking about it. And then all of a sudden, I wake up, I’m wow, I handled that situation so differently. And I’m oh, yeah, like six months ago, I put that intention into a drawn out code and then spoke the language, and it’s just another form of using frequencies. So I find it’s a really good… The two really complement each other.

0:22:06.1 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. So guys…

0:22:06.8 Shelly Liedtke: You draw out symbols, and you speak?

0:22:11.2 Leslee Wegleitner: I do.

0:22:11.3 Shelly Liedtke: Is that what you’re saying? Okay, cool.

0:22:13.7 Leslee Wegleitner: I draw them out, and I speak them, yeah.

0:22:16.8 Shelly Liedtke: Cool.

0:22:17.5 Leslee Wegleitner: And they really are one and the same. Someone gets the drawing, it’s everything that I’ve spoken, and if they just want to listen to the spoken form, it’s in the drawing.

0:22:26.5 Shelly Liedtke: Yeah. Awesome.

0:22:30.0 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, Shelly, I was going to ask you, too. You do audio, don’t you? That’s not called that, but you know what I’m talking about? Maybe you can say what other services you offer, because I know I read something about audio in there. Am I making sense?

[overlapping conversation]

0:22:58.6 Lauri Wakefield: Hearing or something? Hearing, maybe? Or something? Not bio-tuning, but something like that, don’t you? Incorporate something like that into your practice?

0:23:05.8 Shelly Liedtke: No, but Quantum Touch does involve toning sometimes.

0:23:09.5 Lauri Wakefield: Okay.

0:23:09.6 Shelly Liedtke: During a Quantum Touch session, which that’s kind of where the sacred song came from. It’s literally a song that comes through, and spontaneously. I listen to inner… The sounds in what I’m being shown in spirit space, and then I do my best to bring that out with my voice. Yeah. I don’t know if I’m answering your question.

0:23:42.9 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, you are. I can’t think of what it was, but anyway, now that I probably confused everybody, including you. Did you have anything else that you wanted to mention, Leslee?

0:23:53.7 Leslee Wegleitner: Well you’re the quarter of civilization, which is also about manifestation, so I find that very interesting. Your chart is really all about that. And then, the mystical theme of that is from womb to room. And I just thinking about those words, it really is kind of fitting with what kind of what you do. It’s like this stuff is so amazing to me, how it brings in all these little pieces, and then it creates the whole. But they all work so well together the 6/3 is about the leadership and going through those trials and tribulations, so that you can step into that role of leadership if you make it through.

0:24:35.7 Shelly Liedtke: Yeah, if you make it through.

0:24:38.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah and then like the 12/22 is a lot about creativity and, and that’s also in the 6/3, there’s some, there’s melancholy there, but it’s really about that creative energy that you can then help others form. And articulate from. Yeah, I just, it’s really interesting. And then the education piece to that.

0:25:03.6 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. Beautiful. You’re doing your work. And I think I totally agree. Me and Lauri are both 4/6s, and coming off the roof, I’m 57, and I thought, okay, here we go at 50, this is it. But it did, it took time.

0:25:22.7 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Yeah, and I don’t it’s like an immediate thing, and sometimes, it’s not like you’re always in that, because that’s high vibration when they’re talking about what you’re aspiring to or what’s your… Do you know what I’m saying? That’s the high version or the high expression of it, but it doesn’t necessarily mean we’re gonna be there 100% of the time.

0:25:47.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Right. And that you’re gonna step into it like immediately.

0:25:50.3 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. One thing I wanted to ask you too, like with the 22, do you find that you kind of think about things before you express them? Like you’re kind of careful with the way that you… With the timing, like a sharing things with people.

0:26:06.6 Shelly Liedtke: Definitely. I do my best to be very careful. I have a lot of unexpected energy in my design. I listened to Christopher Witecki on Namaste Day with his Sirius Joy. So I’ve been learning the Step Astrology system from him and a lot of my activations are Aquarian. Also, that Neptunian energy with Pisces and the 22, I’m very careful with how I express things and when I express.

0:26:48.8 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, and the way that they’re said too.

0:26:50.5 Shelly Liedtke: The way it sounds and even at that sometimes people, I’m gonna say decide quite often to get their feelings hurt or whatever, or I’m like, I don’t know what just happened there, but…

0:27:05.2 Lauri Wakefield: That wasn’t you.

0:27:07.1 Shelly Liedtke: Yeah, I came across a book, I can’t remember the author’s name, but the title of the book is What You Think of Me is None of My Business. That book has been so helpful. [laughter] So, and I’m human, I have moments where I’m, always have unkind moments and so that can come through as well. And I of course don’t like that if or when that happens and so I am very careful with my expressions. My son was super helpful as a Reflector and we raised our children to speak what was on their mind so we could hear and consider.

0:27:56.5 Shelly Liedtke: And we never told them, oh, you’re going to get in trouble. If you talk to me that way or whatever. We recognized, oh, they’re just venting or we really want to hear what is going on in your heart and well, let me see. There was one thing he said when he was about six, it was something that he goes, mom when somebody hurts your feeling, it’s like you’d get a cut on your heart.

0:28:27.6 Shelly Liedtke: Yeah. So he would say things like that to me every once in a while and it would just, pull me back because I really had a traditional upbringing but I was also raised Mormon. I’m not attending that church anymore but so some of that parenting can be what we had demonstrated and probably you girls know what I’m talking about.

0:28:55.7 Lauri Wakefield: Kind of harsh. Yeah.

0:28:57.7 Shelly Liedtke: And so I learned from him in particular, oh, this is not the correct way to parent and we’re not doing this anymore. And so I made a complete change of how I was doing for him and then when his sister came into our home, then we had shift everything. Yeah, and I’m grateful because she’s a Virgo. She’s hyper sensitive with everything regarding her body. She’s living a spiritual lifetime. And I’m grateful for learning what I did from him. So I was prepared for her. And then we’ve all gone forward together, of course. But yeah.

0:29:50.6 Lauri Wakefield: When you talking about your Splenic Center and you have completely open.

0:29:56.3 Shelly Liedtke: Open, yep.

0:29:58.0 Leslee Wegleitner: You don’t have anything hanging, on the other side. So I would think when you step into an environment, you’re pretty empathic with the well-being of others, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, their fears. I mean, just can you touch a little bit on that? And I would think that would really help within you too.

0:30:22.7 Shelly Liedtke: Yeah, for sure. I feel like a lot of the time the spleen center doesn’t get that completely open spleen center and mine has no gates even reaching towards it. So I have zero connections and yet my Gate 46 is my Unconscious Earth activation. So being in my physical form is what I do and it’s who I am. It’s my purpose.

0:30:48.4 Shelly Liedtke: And yet here sits this Open Spleen Center. [laughter] It’s been very confusing in studying my design because I’m like, hey, what is this? If I’m not supposed to be, ideally playing out any white spaces in my design, then what is this? And I was not able to get any clarity except through spirit guidance. And basically, as far as I’ve been able to notice all this time, when there’s a completely open center like that, it behaves somewhat like a Reflector. And because I have my son in my life, I can see that pattern where I’m literally reflecting whoever is sitting in front of me physically. It’s a physical reflection. And if I don’t like who… How that feels to me. I don’t like being around that person. [laughter] Very uncomfortable.

0:31:49.2 Leslee Wegleitner: I have a completely open Spleen, but I do have the 16 and the 20.

0:31:56.0 Shelly Liedtke: Okay.

0:31:56.0 Leslee Wegleitner: And they’re pointing towards that, but I can so relate to that. Like we will walk up to people, me and my partner and he’s like carrying on this conversation and my body’s just like, I gotta go. I gotta go. [laughter] I don’t want to be, and I feel rude, but it’s just like I can entangle with this person. And Jim, he attracts the most unique individuals and sometimes it’s good and sometimes it’s bad and he’ll just care, he’s a 6/3. He just carries on the conversation, but, his Spleen is defined. And so I’m like, I’m out. [laughter]

0:32:32.7 Shelly Liedtke: Seriously.

0:32:34.2 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.

0:32:34.2 Lauri Wakefield: So when I give readings regardless of what the subject is for the reading, it could be Human Design or cards or throwing the coins or whatever it is. I’m literally reflecting back to whomever is sitting and who that is for. And when I do group readings, like there’s an…

0:32:53.6 Leslee Wegleitner: A lot of energy.

[overlapping conversation]

0:32:58.2 Shelly Liedtke: Message for the whole group. Yeah, it’s very crazy how the card draws or whatever. Like they all end up weaving together with this over lighting energy for everyone. It’s very…

0:33:11.1 Lauri Wakefield: Reflecting it back. Yeah.

0:33:12.7 Shelly Liedtke: Yeah. It’s very interesting.

0:33:15.8 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. So yeah, I don’t mean to cut things out, but I know you have a meeting in about 15 minutes and you need to get prepared for it. So we probably should… I think about wrapping things up what do you think Leslee, did you have anything you wanted to say or?

0:33:36.5 Leslee Wegleitner: No, I think this has been great. Yes, it’s been very fun. Fabulous.

0:33:41.2 Lauri Wakefield: Okay, thanks so much for joining us today. In our next episode, Leslee and I are gonna talk about some things about human design, just between the two of us. If you’d like to see the show notes for today’s podcast, you can find them on our website at The show notes will be listed under podcast episode 46. We’re also gonna include, I’m gonna give Shelley’s website the URL to that right now, but we’ll include them in the show in the show notes actually Leslee do you want to… Ooh not Leslee. Shelly do you want to spell it out your website?

0:34:15.9 Shelly Liedtke: Sure, it is my name, but I’ll spell out my name because it’s a little bit different So as S-H-E-L-L-Y middle initial L and last name is L-I-E-D-T-K-E.

0:34:32.6 Lauri Wakefield: So I know I asked you before we got on the call if you wanted them to go to any particular page, but you said the Home page is okay. Just the Home page.

[overlapping conversation]

0:34:40.0 Shelly Liedtke: The homepage and then there’s a Services Offer tab and little mini Human Design course in there. So for free that people can click through and there’s some audios for Quantum Touch on the Quantum Touch page. So yeah, if you have any questions, just get in touch with me.

0:35:00.3 Lauri Wakefield: Okay, if you’d like to join us as we continue our exploration into topics about human design and other complementary modalities, please be sure to subscribe to our podcast. Thanks again and have a great day.

0:35:11.1 Leslee Wegleitner: Thanks everyone.

0:35:12.5 Lauri Wakefield: Thanks, Shelly.

0:35:12.8 Shelly Liedtke: Thank you.