Human Design & Beyond Podcast

Title: Using Feng Shui to Create Harmony in Your Home With Lisa Morton

0:00:02.4 Lauri Wakefield: Welcome. Thanks for joining us today. I’m Lauri.

0:00:05.4 Leslee Wegleitner: Hi, everyone. I’m Leslee.

0:00:08.5 Lauri Wakefield: So today we have someone here today. Her name is Lisa Morton, and she is a Feng Shui expert, but she also has quite a few other things that she studied and kind of uses all the modalities. So we’d like to just introduce you to her and have her… Well, why am I talking like third person Lisa. Sorry.


0:00:34.2 Lauri Wakefield: Lisa, you want to go ahead and just kind of give us just what your journey’s been with the different things that you’ve gotten into? Did you start with yoga?

0:00:46.8 Lisa Morton: Sure, sure. My journey kind of starts back when I got out of design school. I was doing more traditional design. I was actually designing private aircraft interiors. I did that for several years, and it was great. I grew up on a farm in Iowa, and so here I was, this girl. I got to travel around the world and use outrageous materials and meet outrageous people, and it was great fun. And then I reached a point of burnout, and I think a lot of things kind of came to fruition. I think I started realizing some perfectionism issues that I might have. I started struggling with mental health, really is what it boiled down to.

0:01:27.8 Lisa Morton: And so then I’m like, “well, how can I find my heart, my insides, and connect with more of me?” I felt like that’s what I needed to do. I started meditating. I started getting into yoga and practicing yoga. I altered my diet. I became a vegetarian, did all these different things to experiment. But what was interesting is the key part was altering my home, understanding my home. So I’d had this view of traditional interior design, make it aesthetically beautiful and functional and everything, but it never even crossed my mind, really, about the energy of the space. So I then decided I left my fancy job and [laughter] I started my own business. We moved to Cleveland, Ohio. I started my business there. This was probably 2010. And I started doing residential design. I knew I wanted to morph into something. I didn’t know what that was.

0:02:31.9 Lisa Morton: I then did Reiki training, and I became a Reiki master, and that was just huge for me because it was huge for my health and wellness. That’s why I did it, just to simply do sessions on myself. But then I was like, “wow, your body has energy. Your home has to have energy. How can I work with this?” Because I love working in people’s homes and spaces. So then I started studying Feng Shui. I did all kinds of training in that I have an advanced certification in interior alignment, which was created by Denise Linn. It’s intuitive Feng Shui or instinctive Feng Shui. So in the training, we learn how to do the traditional black and white rules and Feng Shui approach. But we also learn to connect with our intuition on a deeper level and blend that together.

0:03:30.8 Lisa Morton: So since then, I have just been going 100% studying biophilic design, color psychology, and learning all these different ways to improve your space and make your space feel good, because that will, in turn, make you feel good.

0:03:44.5 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. I went to your website, and I saw that you have a lot of different certifications, so it’s something that you’ve definitely been interested in studying.

0:03:55.0 Lisa Morton: Sure, I’m a forever learner. [laughter]

0:03:58.0 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, me too. Well, that’s probably, like, if we talk about your Profile, which is a 1/3, line one is investigative and research oriented and just a desire to learn new things and a desire to become an expert in what they, so. Leslee, did you have anything that you wanted to ask?

0:04:20.8 Leslee Wegleitner: I’ve done some Feng Shui stuff. I’ve never come across someone that brings in the land. Usually you do the bagua over that… I’m doing traditional Feng Shui, so use the bagua over the home foundation. But it makes so much sense to bring the land in, so I’m kind of curious a little bit about that, how you incorporate that.

0:04:45.4 Lisa Morton: It’s really fascinating. So it’s important to look at the property, because it can be, whether you have a small postage stamp lot or a big acreage out in the woods, you want some sort of protection behind you. So maybe a hill or trees giving you protection behind your body. You want to be able to see what’s in front of you. So have a clear view out front and then some sort of protection on the side. So we can do this with nature, by planting trees, placing specific boulders or decorative rocks in certain areas, building out a little seating area in a corner. I’ve even buried rocks and crystals. There’s a lot we can do to alter the space.

0:05:28.1 Lisa Morton: I think, no matter what, it’s important to connect with the earth around your home. So just walk out there, spend time out there. It’s not just where you go out to pull out the barbecue and for the kids to play. [laughter]

0:05:43.6 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. Well, that’s fascinating.

0:05:45.1 Lisa Morton: It’s important to really connect and connect with the trees and the nature around your home, because they support your home too.

0:05:51.4 Leslee Wegleitner: I had a… The home that I lived in before here. When I first moved in, I did some clearing on it and we ended up… There was an incident that happened on the property before the house was even built. And so the energy of these young people were still there. And it was pretty fascinating to just… And how that it was affecting my youngest son because he was playing with these little energies. I’m like, “oh, oh, we got to switch this around.” And then we had a big tree that died. Excuse me. And that was really interesting. The energy of the lot changed when the tree died.

0:06:32.0 Lisa Morton: Wow. Sure. And you can feel it.

0:06:34.4 Lauri Wakefield: Yes.

0:06:35.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.

0:06:36.1 Lisa Morton: Yeah, it’s fascinating.

0:06:36.9 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, it’s interesting. I think all objects have energy to them. I think sometimes people think you’re crazy when you say that, but it’s true. I know that, my husband and I lived in a home back in, what was the early 2000s. And I don’t know, there was just a negative energy to the home. And that was before I really knew much about anything. But I could just feel it and sense it. And when we moved away or sold it and moved away, that energy was left behind.

0:07:10.3 Lisa Morton: Yeah, it’s fascinating to see some of these homes. My husband and I actually lived in a home that… This was prior to any of my knowledge now, but we were engaged to get married and we about broke up several times in that home. We had a really rough time and then we still held onto the home. We had actually rented it out. There were two divorces that happened in that home to our renters.

0:07:35.9 Leslee Wegleitner: Oh, wow.

0:07:37.7 Lisa Morton: And so, it’s just fascinating. And now I know to do a clearing, and I do a lot of clearings after life events like that to shift the home or people moving into a new home because you don’t know what happened there prior as far as… And it’s not just clearing woo stuff out, it’s just energies, it’s emotions, it’s disagreements that happen. The energy just like hangs in the space.

0:08:04.6 Lauri Wakefield: It does. So the color psychology… Gosh, I guess every one of us has something in our throat today.

0:08:10.8 Leslee Wegleitner: I know.

0:08:12.5 Lauri Wakefield: Throat stuff, huh? So I was gonna ask about the color psychology. So now how does that work? Is it something where you just kind of know it’s gonna work for that person? Or is it something like colors that they’re drawn to and then you can sense whether or not it’s something that’s gonna be like a positive thing? Is that how it works or how does it work?

0:08:31.6 Lisa Morton: It’s really a blend. So I’ve just studied color. That was one of my favorite things when I first got into design was color. Because there’s so many colors. You think there’s blue. There’s no such thing as just blue. There’s 5 million blues that range from really cool to aqua to deep to navy, everything in between.

0:08:57.8 Lisa Morton: I love to work on color. I love to help people find colors. I think they have a hard time finding that exact tone. So I’ll use my knowledge of color. But also Feng Shui will bring that in too. Say they need more grounding in their space. We’ll pick out an earth tone, so a beige, tan, brown, cream, or white. But we’ll also make it work for how they wanna feel in the space. So for example, if they want a little lighter energy in the space, we’ll go with a paler tone versus a darker chocolate. And then kind of morph from there, too, depending on their needs and what’s happening in the space. So it’s really kind of a blend of several things when I work with color, but it can be really impactful to find just that right color.

0:09:45.6 Lauri Wakefield: So you have quite a few services that you offer. I looked at your website. Now, do you do virtual?

0:09:54.7 Lisa Morton: I do. Yeah.

0:09:54.7 Lauri Wakefield: Okay. But, virtual where you would help people. Like even just… What’s the word I’m thinking of?

0:10:05.1 Lisa Morton: Space clearing?

0:10:05.5 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah.

0:10:07.3 Lisa Morton: Yes. I do primarily, mostly just virtual now. COVID was really a shifting point, and I was like, “Well, I have to go virtual now.” And then it just started working so much easier, and I just found a way to go deeper. So here’s me. I just love interiors. So I’ll go into your home, and I find that when I’m in my office working on your space, I can understand it at a deeper level than if I’m in your space, because I’m like, “oh, look at that sofa. That’s so cute. Where’d you get it? How’d you pick it out.”


0:10:44.8 Lisa Morton: Or, “tell me about this meaning behind this artwork?” So I think by being in my office, I’m able to go deeper into your space. My space clearings. I know a lot of people are like, “how do you do this virtual?” It’s very much like distance reiki, and I have found that to be transformative, I’m able to get a lot more, from the clearing, more information to give you by being in my own space, because I can stay in that zone and not be snapped out by those pretty things that I like to look at. [laughter]

0:11:22.4 Lauri Wakefield: Not as distracted. Yeah.

0:11:22.6 Leslee Wegleitner: And I have to bring in your chart because you have the open head and Ajna, and as Lauri knows, [laughter] it can be very distracting when you’re not in your space.

0:11:32.6 Lauri Wakefield: Yes.

0:11:35.8 Leslee Wegleitner: You take on, like you said, the shiny object syndrome is like a perfect description of exactly what you’re explaining. [laughter]

0:11:42.0 Lisa Morton: Yes.

0:11:43.2 Leslee Wegleitner: You’ve intuited that very well.


0:11:48.4 Lisa Morton: I also found, though, just as an empath and an intuitive person, now, I really only do clearings in person for people I really know, family, close friends. Because when I was doing it, I did every protection possible, and I still just was taking on a lot, and it was just too hard on me. And I’m like, “this isn’t what it’s meant to be.” I’m really wanting to help people and feel good myself, so I have to find this balance. And then who knew it would be so much better doing? Because I felt at first, I’m like, “well, that’s not the full experience if I’m not in their space.” But it’s an even better experience, which is wild.

0:12:31.9 Lauri Wakefield: Because you’re detached from it, which is what you were kind of saying. You’re in your own space and just where you’re familiar with that energy. It’s your own energy and the energy of your home. Yeah. I was gonna say another thing about your chart that, it actually has to do with your personality sun and personality earth, which is on the right side of the Human Design chart. So this is what it says with the gate placement, is that you seek to express your individuality and to create something unique that reflects your inner direction or self-discovery. Does that sound true?

0:13:07.5 Lisa Morton: That sounds very true, because I always wanted to create my own style of design [chuckle] and that’s kind of what I’ve been able to do.

0:13:15.5 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, it’s interesting.

0:13:18.0 Leslee Wegleitner: It’s fun to listen to someone talk about what they do. And then us as knowing charts, it’s kind of like you can just completely see how they’ve embraced what they came in to do. And also, your line… Well, it’s not gonna make any sense, but your Earth sign, what Lauri was talking about, is in two and it’s in line one also. But it’s also when we go deeper into the chart, it’s an intuition also. So you’ve got lots of different areas in your chart that bring out that intuition. And so, really what balances you is intuition, and it’s sensitive to disharmony and the higher knowing through aesthetics and being led by your higher self and the person’s higher self to give direction.

0:14:08.3 Leslee Wegleitner: And this is what balances you. So I’m just like, “oh my gosh, here she is,” doing the Feng Shui, stepping in with her higher knowing, her sensitivity to the disharmony that’s happening within the home, and then being able to balance that for others. It’s like, “wow, that is incredible.” [laughter]

0:14:26.2 Lisa Morton: That is incredible.

0:14:29.4 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Gate 57, you also have that and that’s in your personality moon.

0:14:38.4 Lisa Morton: This is really fun because I’m like, “oh, I am on the right track.” You ever wonder sometimes…

0:14:43.5 Lauri Wakefield: I think a lot of people, it’s like they’re not in tune enough with who they are to really be able to have the highest expression of themselves, be who… How they’re operating or who they are. You know what I mean?

0:15:01.6 Leslee Wegleitner: Mm-hmm.

0:15:02.3 Lauri Wakefield: So that’s a good thing because that means that you’re probably pretty content most of the time. Nobody’s content all the time, but most of the time you probably are. And you just feel like you’re doing what you should be doing.

0:15:16.3 Lisa Morton: I do. Yeah. I feel grateful to be able to do what I do.

0:15:20.3 Lauri Wakefield: Yes.

0:15:20.7 Leslee Wegleitner: And the gate that Lauri was just talking about, that is intuition. You’ve got it several times. And in one of the areas, it’s about cleansing through inner realization. It’s like, you can’t make this up. [laughter] So here you do the cleansing of the space through your…

0:15:41.7 Lisa Morton: That’s wild.

0:15:41.8 Leslee Wegleitner: Your realization. I’m just like, “oh my goodness, there it is. There it is.” So fascinating.

0:15:49.7 Lisa Morton: It is fascinating.

0:15:52.8 Lauri Wakefield: Before we got on the call, you were talking about yoga. You actually teach yoga still?

0:16:00.3 Lisa Morton: I do. I only do one class a week. I sub… If a teacher needs to be gone, I like to help out. There’s a studio in Connected where I live here, and it’s just a really great community. I just do one class a week. As I said, years ago, when I was really struggling with my mental health, I started doing yoga. And it’s been like 20 years now, and it will always be part of my life. It has morphed and shifted over time from power yoga to slow and meditative to somewhere in between. But it’s a very important part of my life. Keeps me balanced.

0:16:34.4 Lauri Wakefield: Right. Obviously, it’s something that you probably do every day, then?

0:16:39.1 Lisa Morton: I do.

0:16:39.8 Lauri Wakefield: Like, you have a practice that you do every day and then meditation, too.

0:16:42.1 Lisa Morton: And I also, I’m a big believer in movement every single day for my health and well-being, I have to move every single day, whether that’s a walk, a jog, a bike ride. I go to the gym every day. And a lot of people think you’re just working out, but that’s also a meditative self-care time for me.

0:17:03.3 Lauri Wakefield: Exactly.

0:17:03.4 Lisa Morton: So even though I’m working out and lifting weights or something, I actually listen to… [laughter] Most people listen to crazy pump you up music when you’re working out. I listen to meditative, really beautiful, interesting, cool, trippy music when I’m working out. [laughter] And I think it’s a breath because you’re breathing, you’re moving, and yeah, that’s what I’ve kind of created. It works for me.

0:17:30.2 Leslee Wegleitner: Well, your type is a generator, and it’s all about moving. And it’s doing things that you love. But it’s important for generators to use up their energy or you won’t sleep at night if you don’t. So, once again, very good intuition [laughter] to know that about yourself, that you just need that movement every day.

0:17:54.1 Lisa Morton: I do. It definitely helps clear my head, too. And I also have… You’ve read that, you’re supposed to do the hard… I’ve heard this that you’re supposed to do the hard thing first thing in the morning, like take the cold shower, do whatever. And I’m like, “if I do my workout,” I’m up and working out at 06:00 AM, and that’s like hardest part of my day. Then the rest of the day is great.


0:18:19.3 Leslee Wegleitner: Exactly.

0:18:19.6 Lauri Wakefield: So do you get a lot of people then who contact you to do the energy clearing? Do you ever still do interior design? Like, just interior design with the Feng Shui too?

0:18:37.3 Lisa Morton: I do. Sometimes, I have especially local people that are local to me. They want me to help them in their homes. I just designed an ayurvedic wellness center, which is fun.

0:18:46.3 Lauri Wakefield: Oh nice.

0:18:47.7 Leslee Wegleitner: Oh wow.

0:18:47.7 Lisa Morton: Most of my design work kind of goes into that realm of yoga studios, holistic health, alternative health clinics, things like that, where some people offices… I’ve done a lot of home offices lately, too. Setting up your space, it’s not… It’s easy to think of an office as black and white. You have your computer, you have this, you have your pens, you have your keyboard and everything. But there’s so much more involved in creating a space to help you be productive for you and your body and what you need. You can’t just send someone in a cubicle and expect them to succeed. We need to set them up. And so I’ve been doing a lot of work with setting up home offices, setting up office spaces.

0:19:33.4 Lisa Morton: And again, even if you just have a small cubicle, there are certain things we can do to enhance the energy to help you feel more focused, more energized, more relaxed, maybe if you’re stressed out.

0:19:46.8 Leslee Wegleitner: So can you give some examples of how you would… I’m gonna botch this word up. Is it biophilic?

0:19:51.8 Lisa Morton: Yeah. Biophilic. Yeah.

0:19:53.0 Leslee Wegleitner: So bring in nature inside. Yeah, give some examples of that.

0:19:55.9 Lisa Morton: Oh my gosh. Nature is so important and we’re so closed off from it. I remember a time when I was working in a cubicle in a giant office building, and the only time I would see sun is if I went out for lunch. And that’s not what we’re meant to do. Our bodies need that nature. And I actually was recently telling someone about this that I remember. At the same time, I had a coworker that brought a plant in. And again, this was like 15 years ago, before some of this stuff got big, and everybody was like, “why did she bring a plant into the office?” But I noticed I kept walking by her cube to see this bamboo plant, like every day I wanted to check on it. And I know now it was because I was craving that nature.

0:20:45.9 Lisa Morton: So bring some sort of nature element into any space where you don’t have a view of nature. So if you don’t have a plant or you don’t have a window with some trees or some bushes or some sort of nature, bring that wood element. That’s what we call in Feng Shui. It’s a wood element into your space. So a plant, flowers, it can also be artwork, maybe a painting of some beautiful flowers. It can also be any type of vertical lines. Also bring in that wood element and the color green. Yeah, the color green. Any shade of green works.

0:21:23.5 Lauri Wakefield: I was looking at while you were talking at your space behind you. And it’s calming. It’s very calming.

0:21:32.0 Lisa Morton: I love this space.

0:21:32.1 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. So that’s your home office, I’m sure.

0:21:34.6 Lisa Morton: This is, yeah. And I have a plant here that’s just growing like crazy. [laughter] It’s gonna take over before long.

0:21:43.3 Lauri Wakefield: So I was gonna ask you. My husband and I, we have a house full of cats. We do. We have like five cats. I like plants. So you gave me some ideas there, because I can’t because they’ll get into them. But yeah, those are great ideas. And that’s interesting, too, about the vertical lines. And I guess that would be kind of, because it kind of like maybe mimics a little bit the shape of a tree, maybe.

0:22:05.9 Lisa Morton: The growth of a tree growing up tall through the woods. You can see how tall, and it’s reaching up to the sky. Yeah, just lots of plants. Again, if you don’t wanna do plants, though, artwork of plants. I have some really cute… I actually got, just redid a bathroom, and we got these really cute images of succulents, and it’s like a watercolor, and they’re adorable. And I did a collection of six of them, and that alone brings in the wood element.

0:22:35.1 Leslee Wegleitner: Oh, nice.

0:22:35.8 Lisa Morton: Yeah. So it doesn’t have to be a living plant.


0:22:42.0 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, that was like my burning question. I didn’t want to prevent that…


0:22:44.0 Lisa Morton: Here’s another thing I thought you mentioned that was interesting. In the Feng Shui world, there’s a lot of people that would tell you, do not bring anything fake in. Like a silk plant. But I work with so many people who travel on business, or they are in an office and they can’t get the plant to sunlight or anything, but they want some sort of green in their space. Here’s my belief that if you really love it and it makes you feel good, then it’s okay. If you see a silk plant and you see Grandma’s old dusty flowers, [laughter] and it doesn’t raise the energy of your body, then that’s not for you. Don’t go that route.

0:23:29.6 Lisa Morton: But if you’re just like, “I love the green. It’s cute. It’s in a cute little pot. It makes me feel good.” That’s okay.

0:23:36.2 Lauri Wakefield: Right. Yeah, because it’s about energy, vibration and… Yeah. When you work with clients, what’s your favorite thing to do? I think you’ve kind of already been expressing it, but go ahead. Yeah.

0:23:50.5 Lisa Morton: That’s really hard because I think I’ve gotten really good at space clearings. But the Feng Shui aspect, I like eat, sleep, and breathe, the five elements. It’s not just something I practice or do for my clients. That’s how… Everything down to like the color, I pick out to wear every day, what I put in my body. As far as vegetables or, everything goes back to that five element system. So I don’t know. That’s hard.


0:24:26.3 Leslee Wegleitner: That’s a good thing.

0:24:29.7 Lauri Wakefield: Because you like both. But yeah, I can see because you keep reverting back to things that are related to the Feng Shui. So yeah. It’s definitely like, I have a little bit of knowledge of it, but yeah, it’s something that fascinates me.

0:24:44.0 Lisa Morton: It is. It’s amazing to also realize… I don’t think people realize what their space is telling them. I have a teacher that always says, “if your home is a metaphor for your life, what is it saying?” So that’s huge. Just to think about that, walk through and see those things that are reflecting back energy back at you, does it make you feel good? Does it make you not feel so good? And also keep in mind that when we’re in our space, we’re so used to it. It’s like, say you go to a friend’s house, and they just bought this new home, and you walk in, you’re like, “oh, look at these beautiful doors. Look at this great trim. Look at this great wall color.” We notice things, right?

0:25:30.3 Lisa Morton: But in our own home, we’re so used to just going about it, we don’t even realize. But we’re still being affected by those things. We’re still being affected by that clutter pile in the corner or that vase that somebody gave you that you don’t get along with them now, or you had a falling out with them, hanging onto this vase. Those things still affect our body.

0:25:55.0 Lauri Wakefield: It’s funny that you just said that. I have a friend of mine from years ago, and she kept pictures of her and her ex-husband. And I was, “Why? Why Mary? Why would you keep those?” And she’s like, “well, why would I throw them away?” So I had… My first marriage, I got rid of [laughter] anything that he was in. She’s like, “well, why did you do that?” I’m like, “why would I want pictures of him?”


0:26:18.2 Lauri Wakefield: I’m like, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with keeping it, but to me it’s like, I don’t want that memory.

0:26:24.1 Lisa Morton: Exactly.

0:26:26.9 Lauri Wakefield: I know where the… Another thing I was gonna say, too, is my husband and I just moved back in April. We moved south of where we were living. So we had to… Well, I did. I went through a bunch of stuff and probably got rid of, not necessarily threw away, but gave away. Threw away, probably, I wanna say, like maybe 50% of just things. I’m not talking about like furniture, maybe, but I’m talking about little things that you just accumulate over time, and you feel clean. You know what I mean?

0:26:58.6 Lisa Morton: It’s a refreshing feeling. And by getting rid of things, it makes space for new things to come into your life, right?

0:27:07.2 Lauri Wakefield: Exactly.

0:27:08.5 Lisa Morton: Get rid of that ugly pair of shoes you’re not wearing, because hey, you might get a beautiful new pair out of it.


0:27:12.2 Lauri Wakefield: Right. Exactly.

0:27:14.8 Lisa Morton: But I want to share a quick story. I had a client years ago. This was just really eye-opening for me. This was actually when I was first starting, and she wasn’t sleeping at night, and we found a few things in her bedroom. But the main thing I found was fascinating was when… Across from her bed, she had a dresser and she had all these family photos, which we don’t really want tons of family photos in our bedroom. That’s the energy of a lot of people in our bedroom. And all these faces looking at us. So the plan was to remove the photos, but was really interesting was the very first… We kind of read left to right, naturally, right? So the very first photo she would look at first thing in the morning was an uncle who she didn’t really like. He wasn’t a very nice man, and in the end, he had actually taken his own life.

0:28:05.9 Lauri Wakefield: Oh.

0:28:06.4 Leslee Wegleitner: Oh wow.

0:28:07.1 Lisa Morton: And that was how she was starting her day, every day. No wonder she didn’t feel good in the morning. There was just so many things but that was just something that was really eye-opening to be very observant of everything in your space.

0:28:22.1 Lauri Wakefield: Yes. Leslee, did you… I keep talking. Do you have anything that you wanna ask Lisa?

0:28:25.0 Leslee Wegleitner: No. I mean, this is really fascinating, and it’s making me wanna walk into my house with fresh eyes.


0:28:34.4 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, exactly. Like when you’re talking about things in your room, because I’m actually in my bedroom. My office is in my room. It’s on my office, my computer. And I’m like, “okay, is there anything in here I need to get rid of and bring something new in?” I’m not kidding. I’m serious about it.


0:28:49.8 Leslee Wegleitner: I’m actually a thrower, so even with clothes and stuff, if I don’t wear it for the season, it’s gone, something from my mother. Well, my family owned a rubbish company, so things were really easy to get rid of. So I’m pretty good at minimizing things. But I do know one thing, is if my home isn’t like my sanctuary, so if I go out into the world and I have a hectic day or just being out in the world, energetically can be draining. Just driving down the road can be stressful sometimes. So coming into your home, if that doesn’t feel… It’s gotta be a grounding space for me. That is my grounding space. I love to travel, but when I come home, I’m looking forward to this grounding space to kind of get me back.

0:29:38.2 Leslee Wegleitner: And so I’ve learned that a long time ago that it’s just so important to have that space.

0:29:44.2 Lisa Morton: I love that you notice that, because I have a lot of clients that they’re like, “well, I just sleep here.” “Well, it’s just where I crash at the end of the day.” No, it’s so much more than that. It’s where you’re revitalizing your body. You’re nourishing your body through food. You’re snuggling with your children. You’re hosting your friends and family. It’s so much more than just a place to go. And it can be more. It can inspire us to go where we want to go in life with our goals, wishes, and dreams.

0:30:15.5 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, I think, too. Even habits that we have in our home. I know for myself, when I get up in the morning, one of the first things I do is make the bed. And then before… It may not be necessarily right after dinner, but soon after, I wash the dishes because… I don’t know. I don’t feel right. You know what I mean? If those things aren’t done.

0:30:40.4 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. Okay. So, when you have a full channel in your chart, which just means it connects two centers together, it’s called your strengths. And would you like to know you have two channels, full channels. Would you like to know the strengths of those channels? Because I found it…

0:30:57.7 Lisa Morton: I would love to know. [laughter]

0:31:00.9 Leslee Wegleitner: It’s very fascinating. So, you have the 214, which is able to sustain creative work and the knowing how to use their work to empower others and can manipulate change in the direction that they wish. So I’m thinking, “okay, that’s very fitting.” And then also you have the 4426, which is here to use their… User instincts to sell a message, a product or a truth.

0:31:27.4 Lauri Wakefield: I have that channel too. Okay, so the 142 connects the Sacral to the G center and then the 4426 connects the Splenic center to the Heart center or the Will center.

0:31:43.9 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. And you have both of those in the conscious. And then if you look at your Incarnation Cross is kind of like your overall purpose. Which for you, kind of a knowing with your Cross is people passing through your life to make a change or take a new direction. That’s your purpose. And I’m like, “well, of course it is,” [laughter] because doing the Feng Shui and the house clearing and all that is to make a change so that they are opening to be able to do a new direction. And that the channel 214, it’s that inner knowing and then how to share direction for others, but then also self-direction because it’s an individualized channel.

0:32:28.6 Lisa Morton: Wow.

0:32:29.7 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. And self-direction too, with the individual circuitry. There’s individual tribal and then collective, but individual circuitry, sometimes it’s kind of like for ourselves, but other people can learn by observing us.

0:32:44.8 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. It’s self-empowerment of knowing.

0:32:48.0 Lisa Morton: Interesting.

0:32:48.3 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.

0:32:48.4 Lisa Morton: Because I feel like I learned to do what I do because I had to fix and help myself, and go from there. And I was like, “wow.”

0:33:00.7 Leslee Wegleitner: That’s usually the self journey. [laughter] It’s like we think of these challenges of being so awful and this and that, but really we just gotta change that perception of, “this is what’s navigating us. This is what’s giving us our depth of knowing… “

0:33:19.1 Lauri Wakefield: Right. And how we develop.

0:33:20.4 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. And so, not always easy when you’re in the mix of the chaos to remember that. [laughter]

0:33:29.8 Lauri Wakefield: So I think we’re gonna wrap things up here. But gosh, Lisa, we’re gonna have to continue our conversation with you.

0:33:39.1 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.

0:33:40.3 Lisa Morton: This has been great fun.

0:33:42.5 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. So if you’d like to learn more about Lisa, you can go to her website at Her name is spelled L-I-S-A, M-O-R-T-O-N. Pure Living with Lisa Morton. That’s gonna wrap things up for this episode. Thanks so much for joining us today. In our next episode… Actually, I don’t know if we have that decided yet, but when we publish it, then that’ll be what it is, right?

0:34:07.6 Leslee Wegleitner: That’s right.

0:34:09.3 Lisa Morton: So if you’d like to see the Show Notes for today’s podcast, you can find them on our website at The Show Notes will be listed under Podcast Episode 44. I also wanted to mention too, if you go to Lisa’s website, she has, well, different services that she offers, but she also has… You have a couple of resources, right, that people can check out if they want.

0:34:34.4 Lisa Morton: I have a whole bunch of freebies on my Learn with Lisa Tab, but then you can also sign up to receive my top Feng Shui tips.

0:34:44.3 Lauri Wakefield: Okay. All right. So if you’d like to join us as we continue our exploration into topics about Human Design and other complimentary modalities, please be sure to subscribe to our podcast. Thanks again and have a great day.

0:34:53.6 Leslee Wegleitner: Thanks, everyone.