Human Design & Beyond Podcast

Title: Successful Living as a Projector With Debra K. Menke

0:00:00.0 Lauri Wakefield: Welcome. Thanks for joining us today. I’m Lauri.

0:00:03.3 Leslee Wegleitner: Hi everyone, I’m Leslee.

0:00:05.7 Lauri Wakefield: So, today we have a special guest that we are going to be… We’re gonna be interviewing her or discussing. She’s a Projector. And actually, one of the things that’s really super interesting about her is she’s a mental projected Projector, which about 2% of the population has that configuration. So, it’s a very interesting type of Projector. So, anyway, Debbie, do you wanna introduce yourself? Debra Menke is her name. Do you wanna introduce yourself and just give us a little bit of background about who you are, what you do and things like that?

0:00:43.3 Debra Menke: Well, hello, ladies. Thank you so much for inviting me to join you today. I’m excited to be here. Yes, so I’m Debra Menke and I’ve done a lot of things in my life, but I’m an author and I’ve been in leadership, sales leadership for most of my career in the beauty industry, led teams, sales teams of hundreds of women over the years, written a few books on leadership, on spirituality, really embracing your life as a single woman. “Powerful Women Lose Control” is that book, which is hilarious. And then also had a brief stint as a financial advisor and wrote a book called “Powerful Women Plan for Retirement”. So, a few different books. I’ve kind of been out there and done a lot of things. [laughter]

0:01:43.5 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, yes you have. So, I just wanted to mention this, I was gonna say it at the beginning, but I’ve known Debbie for about 20 years. And we’ve talked about her being a Projector and I think, well, you actually found out that you were a Projector before you and I started talking about it, right, Debbie?

0:02:01.7 Debra Menke: Yes, I did. Actually, when I was writing my second book, I had an author friend who also has written some books on Human Design. And so, she wrote the foreword to one of my books and she was the one who kind of called that out to me.

0:02:19.7 Lauri Wakefield: So, when she first said that to you, being a Projector and she told you, I mean she probably went into what the strategy is for a Projector, what did you think when you heard that?

0:02:31.4 Debra Menke: You know what, it made so much sense to me, she shared with me that I had… That was the first time that I really sort of understood that the importance of, for me, being invited into a conversation or being invited to speak because most of my life I have struggled with people feeling almost like I’m too much or being, gosh, what is the… Really being… How do I describe that?

0:03:10.5 Lauri Wakefield: Like powerful, I mean.

0:03:13.3 Debra Menke: Yeah, too powerful or… But they got me completely wrong. I would give anyone the shirt off my back, but I’ve always been told that, yeah, almost I’m too much. Right? And maybe I put people off or… I don’t know how to describe it. But… And maybe you can tell me how maybe I come off to other people. But when I understood that I needed to be invited, it changed the game for me because when I am invited to give my opinion or to give my ideas, then people think I’m brilliant. But when I’m not invited, they’re like, “Who do you think you are?” Right?

0:03:58.9 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. [laughter] Right, like who asked you?

0:04:00.6 Debra Menke: Yeah.

0:04:03.7 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Yeah. So I think, I know that Leslee has some insights because she took a look at your body graph before we got on the call. But one thing that I wanted to mention is the fact that you’re… Well, your sun sign astrologically is Scorpio, and Scorpio itself is a very powerful sign. So, with the aura of a Projector which is, it’s focused and absorbed and penetrating, so those are actually descriptive words that could be used for a Scorpio too. So, I think the two of them, it kind of goes together well as long as you understand the energy. And the other thing is part of your incarnation cross, the personality sun and the personality earth are in the Channel 43-23 which is what connects the Ajna to the throat center. So, that’s something that, like where Gate 43 is a Gate that can offer valuable insights, and then Gate 23 can put their ideas and thoughts into simpler terms so that other people can understand it. But anyway, as far as like Leslee, you had some insights about her chart. Do you wanna share those?

0:05:24.1 Leslee Wegleitner: Sure. So just a lot of her definition in the head and the Ajna that get to the throat, I mean, she’s got the Gate of ideas and then she’s got the whole Channel of the 64-47, which is all about acknowledging past experiences, and then she’s got the four to try to logically put them into a pattern to correct, and then the 24, which is more of the mystical and asking questions and wanting the answers, and then she gets to individually express them in a way that people will understand and kind of grab what she’s trying to say. And it’s fascinating because that 64-47 can be quite emotional because you’re going into the past. So even though it has nothing to do with the solar plexus and the emotional center itself, it’s still an emotional factor to a chart.

0:06:24.3 Lauri Wakefield: Right. It’s on a mental level.

0:06:25.3 Leslee Wegleitner: Right, right.

0:06:28.2 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. But also, yeah, I don’t mean to interrupt, but also the fact that she has an open solar plexus. I mean, that can make a difference with how the emotions are expressed, but…

0:06:36.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Right. And then everything under the throat is open for her. So, I’m kind of curious, so she has a very busy mind as she has expressed. So, can you tell the difference, like where the information is coming from? Are you… Do you sense things in the body? Can you tell… ‘Cause when things come in, like ideas or whatever, sometimes it’s like a channeling experience, right? So, how do you feel that?

0:07:10.3 Debra Menke: I feel that… So I also am… I’m an intuitive. And I would never have, before, called myself a medium, but in the past couple of years for whatever reason, that is now… I have that as well. So, it depends on if I can tell when I’m in a Channel and I’m getting a download from spirit, mostly what… But only when it’s for other people. So, I can tell when that comes through and I hear it in the form of thought forms and I feel an energy to the right side of my body, but when I’m receiving brilliant, what I would say brilliant messages for myself which comes in the form of creative flow, like a thought or an idea, I get those all day, every day, I know…


0:08:17.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.

0:08:18.7 Debra Menke: It’s constant flowing and that comes through the top of my head. I can feel that come through and like, whoop, and there’s an idea and I’m like, “Wow, that’s so cool!” And I go directly if I can, which usually I can because that’s when I’m sitting still enough to listen, I go straight into executing that idea.

0:08:42.1 Leslee Wegleitner: Mm-hmm. And that’s one thing with the Defined Head and Ajna is what comes through is usually not for us. [laughter]

0:08:49.9 Debra Menke: Right. Yeah.

0:08:52.1 Leslee Wegleitner: We’re here to inspire and bring ideas or whatever through for others. So, that’s like perfect. Yeah.

0:08:57.4 Debra Menke: Yes. Like for instance, yesterday I was working with a client and I was sitting here trying to figure out how they could launch this in their business and it came through like, “Oh my gosh we need to do X, Y, Z.” And I went to executing it. I created an email for her. I created a promo for her. I created the… I put it all in Canva. It was beautiful. I went to ChatGPT and boom, in five minutes, I had a business plan kind of written for her to be, “Here you go. Here’s how to execute that.” And I had never done that for any other client before. And now I’m gonna do it for all my clients going forward because it was just that brilliant. So, I was like, “Wow, that was so cool.”

0:09:47.8 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.

0:09:47.9 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. And I think too, like when you’re talking about like… Because they didn’t probably ask you to do it, it was just a thought that you had, but because you had already been in a position recognized for something that it kind of… You’re able to share that with it being received well. Does that make sense?

0:10:05.0 Debra Menke: Yeah. So for clients, it’s different. I think where the difference is when you’re working with a client, it’s a contract already. They expect that from you.

0:10:16.1 Lauri Wakefield: Okay.

0:10:17.2 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah, yeah, exactly.

0:10:20.8 Debra Menke: So… And if you could see me, I’m holding my hands close together because that’s what spirit does. So that’s a contract, like a handshake. We have a handshake. We have an agreement. You expect that from me. But it’s other people, if I walk into a room, I’m not usually welcome until somebody invites me into a conversation. It’s almost like they don’t even like me standing there.


0:10:48.0 Debra Menke: I don’t even know how to explain it to you. But in… Or in business, if I’m sitting around the boardroom and in the boardroom, if I offer my ideas, I come off kind of like you know an A-hole unless somebody says “Debbie, what do you think about that?” And when they say it, they’re like, “Oh my gosh, they’re hanging on every word.” But if I try to say it first, I can’t… Nobody can hear what I have to say.

0:11:16.1 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Yeah, it’s interesting.

0:11:18.2 Debra Menke: If I sit there long enough, they wanna know what I have to say, which is super interesting.

0:11:21.4 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah.

0:11:23.1 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah, that is…


0:11:24.6 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. So another thing that I wanted to bring up is, so you’re being a mental projected Projector. You’re authority type or decision-making type is… It’s known as mental projected. And I told you about this a couple of years ago, like where… Like the bigger decisions in life, like if you had an opportunity to move or you had an opportunity to start a new job somewhere, something that’s big in your life where your decision-making, your best decision-making is gonna take place with trusted people, trusted friends, trusted family, whatever, in the right environment and it’s gonna be through you talking, talking it out, but not talking because you’re asking for advice or you want any feedback. It’s just talking so that you can sort through it yourself. Does that sound right?

0:12:17.7 Debra Menke: Yes, it does. And I do have to be careful about that too, because sometimes I can come off as really selfish because I need to talk so much through something. And you’re right, I don’t ask for permission ever. I don’t need anybody’s permission for anything or anybody’s advice really. But I do need to talk it out and have somebody listen. And that is difficult sometimes too because I’m alone. I’m a single woman and I have been for many years. So there isn’t that… Maybe that’s why I’m single too because I have to talk so much, right?


0:12:57.8 Debra Menke: I don’t know. That’s a whole another maybe episode. But it’s probably difficult for some of my girlfriends to have to listen to me on the phone a lot because it becomes too much about me.

0:13:13.9 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Yeah, I mean, but that’s just part of… I mean, I guess it’s like knowing… I don’t know. Yeah, it’s something that you know, I mean, you know when…

0:13:25.9 Debra Menke: I know that about myself. So, I have to really stop myself and I have to, “How are you? Tell me what’s going on?” I really have to focus on asking people other questions about themselves. And I know this about me because that’s what I do. I can just ramble for a long time.


0:13:46.2 Lauri Wakefield: We kind of ramble when we talk, don’t we?


0:13:49.8 Debra Menke: We kind of do too. Well, and all my friends know their Human Design through me. [laughter] So they kind of… I think we’ve got this and I have a lot of manifesting generator friends, but, so then you kind of just understand, “Oh, okay, that’s just how she processes. Oh, that’s… There she goes on the emotional roller coaster. She’s up, she’s down. She says this one day, she says that one day.” They just kind of know me. So it’s kind of a fun tool when you have your close people around you that know the system because then you can kind of… They would accept it. “Oh, well, this is how Debra has to process. She’s gonna have… She’s gonna call me and we’re gonna talk and I’m not gonna say much. [laughter] And that’s okay.”

0:14:36.1 Lauri Wakefield: So, when you reached out to me, it was a couple of months ago, I think, and you had your friend visiting you. She’s a manifesting generator, right? Did she… Did you guys… And you guys talked about your charts. So did she say things about you in your chart, or were you able to explain things to each other about your charts?

0:14:56.2 Debra Menke: No, because I don’t think either one of us really know enough. I only know enough to really be quiet when I need to be quiet. That’s all I know about my chart is sometimes I’m like, “Okay, Debbie, just be quiet and let them come to you.” That’s really been my biggest takeaway. I’m super interested though, as we’re talking, I really wanna learn more about this because I think it would be such a great tool, not only to know my own but to know my children’s and know their spouses, maybe it might help me a little bit too. And it’ll be fun to get to know how the grandchildren operate too. Yeah. [laughter]

0:15:40.3 Lauri Wakefield: Definitely.

0:15:41.7 Leslee Wegleitner: Right.

0:15:42.5 Lauri Wakefield: Definitely. So, did you have any other insights that you wanted to share, Leslee?

0:15:48.6 Leslee Wegleitner: Not off the top of my head, no.

0:15:52.1 Lauri Wakefield: Okay. So I was gonna say, ’cause I don’t wanna be like…

0:15:55.3 Leslee Wegleitner: Not without getting too complicated where if people can’t see the chart, it would be like, “What?”


0:16:01.4 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. So, I was gonna say your Profile is a 2-4. So you and I talked about that, Debbie, but like the line two or the two in the Profile is, it’s something, it’s an energy that needs to be… They need a long time and they need to withdraw from the energy of other people, kind of introverted, and then there’ll be like people who will reach out and try to get them back out, like interacting and stuff like that. And then like another thing, and I told you this, and I don’t know if it really made sense to you, but two’s have a natural… They have natural talents or a natural talent that they really enjoy. I mean, yours is sales.

0:16:51.6 Lauri Wakefield: I mean, that’s… Or leadership, like leading teams. I see that in you without being part of it. I see that as a talent that you have. And you probably don’t even really think about it. It’s just part of who you are. So you probably… Well, I shouldn’t say you, but anybody with a line two, like when they have a natural talent, they’re not using that natural talent thinking, “Oh, look at me, I’m so great at this.” And it’s just something that they just do and they just wanna just do it. They don’t want people talking to them about it. Do you know what I’m saying? Does that make sense?

0:17:22.8 Debra Menke: Yes. Yeah. I don’t really need recognition. Yeah. I don’t do things… I don’t think even… What I am good at, which you have just explained to me, is taking complex ideas and making it very simple for people. And I think that is what makes me a very good leader through the years is because I can really get down… I can see things big picture globally, strategically, and then I know how to execute it with the team below in a way that makes it understandable for them. So, I can see in the corporate side, the higher-ups, the executive team, I can see what they’re needing and I can figure out how to execute it at the ground level by making it an easy construct or concept. And also, not only, “Here’s what to do,” but “Here’s how to do it.” I think that that’s what makes me good at what I do, but I enjoy that. I thrive on that. Yeah.

0:18:31.3 Leslee Wegleitner: You just pretty much explained your incarnation crash to a team. That… I mean, it’s perfect. And then your variables which are the arrows on the chart are all left for you. So that’s all logical. So there’s… Yeah, there’s your… Even the 64-47, the abstract, the seeing the big picture, and then… But you have the logic to hone that into… And then for the logic of bringing in the patterns to kinda what you were talking about is then you see the team, you’re like, “Okay, I see the big picture. We need to go here. These are steps that we’re gonna get there.”

0:19:07.5 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. So I was just gonna… I don’t mean to interrupt you Leslee, but I was gonna say, just looking at the different Gates that make up the incarnation cross, the incarnation process, the personality sun, Earth, personality Earth, and then the design, sun and design Earth. So when you take the Gates that make up the incarnation cross, it’s known as the right angle cross of explanation, so those four Gates, the way that they were together in your incarnation cross is like you started to find a balance between voicing your unique insights, simplifying complex ideas, formulating solutions and upholding principles. So those are the four Gates. Yeah.

0:19:50.3 Debra Menke: That’s interesting isn’t it?

0:19:51.4 Lauri Wakefield: Yes, it is.

0:19:51.6 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.

0:19:52.4 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Yeah, I know there’s…

0:19:55.6 Debra Menke: I’m very principled.

0:19:57.0 Lauri Wakefield: Yes, I know.


0:19:58.6 Debra Menke: Yeah.

0:20:00.8 Leslee Wegleitner: Well, and your moon is all about ideas. And that’s also up in the head center. So here, your desires with the moon is all the ideas, so…

0:20:09.5 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Yeah, the moon is what drives you. Yeah.

0:20:13.2 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. And there’s your ideas. So it’s beautifully orchestrated.

0:20:20.8 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. I was gonna talk about the other part of your Profile. So we talked about the line two and then the line four. Leslee and I both have line four in our Profiles too. So it’s all about networking and growing your network. And it’s not like a conscious thing where you go out and try to create this network. It’s just something that naturally occurs throughout your life. You just have people that you have within your network. That’s really important for people who have line four in their Profile. So another thing I was gonna say about that too, is that it’s a… Line fours typically, they just want people to accept them and like them for who they are. They don’t wanna try to be something they’re not. You know what I’m saying?

0:21:06.9 Debra Menke: Authenticity is really important to me, and I can’t stomach… And this is also the older I get, ’cause you can tolerate a lot more when you’re younger, I feel, or you’re trying a little harder. The older I get with this and settling into… I’m able to settle into more of who I am. I don’t… I can’t tolerate small talk or surface conversations.

0:21:33.3 Lauri Wakefield: Right. Yeah, you know what’s interesting, Debbie, I was just thinking about that when you brought… I think you brought it up before we jumped on the call, but when we were sitting after Cory’s wedding, and we were sitting at that table at the restaurant when everybody was getting ready to leave, remember?

0:21:48.4 Debra Menke: Yeah.

0:21:48.7 Lauri Wakefield: And you said that to me, you said that to me about that you just don’t have tolerance or desire to… Just superficial conversations. Yeah.

0:22:00.1 Debra Menke: No, I would rather be sitting in my grandma chair with my blanket.

0:22:03.4 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah.

0:22:04.0 Debra Menke: I mean, you’re gonna think I’m a grandma, but I am a grandma, right?

0:22:09.6 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. [laughter]

0:22:10.7 Debra Menke: I actually bought my first recliner and I’m… So that’s why we call it the grandma chair, because I said I would never get one because my mom and dad had matching ones and I just thought, “Oh my God, how old are you?” It’s not why I bought one. So I sit in the grandma chair with my blankie and I would so much prefer to do that than to sit somewhere with a large group of people talking about nothing. I would rather be by myself. And that’s where you talked about that downtime and the introvert. Right?

0:22:37.9 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah.

0:22:40.5 Debra Menke: In that way, I’m an introvert, but if you wanna have this kind of a conversation, something that matters and goes deeper, I will talk to somebody for so many hours that they’re exhausted, right? But I can’t tolerate the other.

0:22:58.1 Leslee Wegleitner: And I do believe that’s kind of part of the spiritual path, and that’s why some of us will struggle because it’s like we don’t wanna be out in the world of just making conversation. “Hi, how’s it going? How’s the weather?” And so we do retreat and we’re finding more of our inner core of who we are, and then those are the conversations that we wanna go out and express.

0:23:18.2 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. You know what I was thinking too, Leslee, when we’re talking, is I wonder… It’d be interesting to see what her Chiron is, like the Chiron Return, ’cause that would have come in Debbie… It’s a transit that would have come in between the ages of 49 and 52. So you’re already… Sorry, that’s… That transit’s already come out. So yeah. The Chiron. I mean, Leslee can probably explain a little bit about the return if you want to, Leslee.

0:23:44.3 Leslee Wegleitner: Well, it’s just… I find it, especially when we… Is it… Oh, it’s people with sixes. Never mind. So I’m finding… I work more with women, so I guess I can only speak through that. But it seems like it’s a very big shift for women. And it’s kind of at that stage where the menopause things going on too, but it’s like you kinda come into your purpose, like why you truly are here, and it’s this overlay onto your natal chart that happens. And I think that’s why a lot of women do some pretty dramatic changes at that point, if it’s getting divorced or a job change or, I don’t know, join the monastery. I don’t know. [laughter] Or even like the spiritual aspect of them starts really showing up because I feel like… And that’s kind of menopause. That’s what they say. It’s like your crown chakra’s finally opening up and you’re becoming more connected. And I think this is all a part of it. So it’s pretty significant.

0:24:49.5 Debra Menke: Well…

0:24:49.8 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, go ahead…

0:24:50.3 Debra Menke: What you just described… I had what I call my Eat, Pray, Love years.

0:24:57.5 Leslee Wegleitner: Okay.

0:25:00.6 Debra Menke: I completely switched careers. And then after switching careers, I went, took a year off in Florida, laid by the pool like it was my job. And finally, after 30 years of really hiding my spirituality and my gifts, the gift of Light Language and mediumship and Shakti, which is helping other people move energy through their body, I embraced that and literally wrote three books during those years.

0:25:36.3 Lauri Wakefield: Yes, you did. Yeah.

0:25:37.7 Debra Menke: So three books between the ages of 49 and 52. So…

0:25:43.1 Leslee Wegleitner: There you go.


0:25:44.8 Debra Menke: Crazy. Yeah.

0:25:45.9 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. I was gonna say too that that year that you said you just laid by the pool, that is not true. [laughter]

0:25:51.8 Debra Menke: I know. [laughter]

0:25:51.9 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, you had things that you were working towards and stuff like that. And yeah, I mean, that’s when you told me about the Shakti part of it, which I thought was super interesting.

0:26:05.6 Debra Menke: I think what I mean is I left corporate America for a little while and I embraced my spirituality, wrote books, did TV interviews and did all… That was super fun for me. I did a lot of things that I had not embraced in prior years because I was too afraid to show up authentically, because it was already hard for me to show up in a room the way I am. So can you imagine opening up to the world like, “Hey, by the way, I talk to dead people”?


0:26:41.5 Debra Menke: “Okay, we already thought she was crazy… “

0:26:43.0 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah.

0:26:44.9 Debra Menke: “Here we go.” Confirmation.


0:26:49.3 Lauri Wakefield: So anyway, do you wanna mention the three books that you wrote?

0:26:53.8 Debra Menke: Yeah. So the first one is called “Powerful Women Plan for Retirement” and the second one is “Powerful Women Lead With Vision”, so a great book for leadership. They’re all spiritually law of attraction-based, I should mention. Even the financial book is very much law of attraction and abundance mindset. And then the third one is called “Powerful Women Lose Control”. It’s the single woman’s guide to creating an extraordinary life. And I wrote that one after a very difficult break-up and it was really… I think that’s really taking those complex ideas and helping somebody else to go through and heal like I had done. Right? And actually, this is interesting, I think that’s exactly what I did in all three of those books, especially the retirement book. I took complex ideas and really help women understand how to do this step-by-step and what each of those really hard things that we’re not taught as women early on about our finances and about investing, and really made it very easy to understand.

0:28:09.0 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. So when you wrote that book, that was actually the first book in the series. And that was something… Well, you were working in the financial industry at the time, so you had different certifications that you gained while doing that, right? So yeah.

0:28:24.1 Debra Menke: Yeah. I was a financial advisor at the time, and Series 7, trading stocks and doing all the things. So I had to learn it and push all of that into my brain when I was studying for my Series 7, I studied 13 hours a day. So I was a financial advisor for about six years until I realized I couldn’t sit behind a desk for the rest of my life talking to men about their money all day. I really am the kind of woman who likes to lead and help other women.

0:28:55.1 Lauri Wakefield: Yes. Yes. Yeah, that’s your niche. Yeah.

0:28:57.2 Debra Menke: Yeah. But for whatever reason, I chose to take a little tour and that is that part of my brain that always is wanting to learn something new. I just couldn’t stay with that sitting behind a desk every day. But I did realize that I may have done that for women because there’s a huge need out there for women to understand those things…

0:29:23.8 Lauri Wakefield: Financial. Yeah.

0:29:24.3 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. I was telling Lauri that earlier today. It seems like a big movement. I’m seeing more and more women that are promoting their stuff of how to help women set themselves up because a lot of us will outlive our spouse or our partner, or we don’t have one and we choose not to. And so it’s just kind of a thing that’s surfacing right now.

0:29:50.6 Debra Menke: So many of us have left those decisions to a male financial advisor through the years, or a husband, or a boyfriend, or a father. And I noticed very quickly because I had been leading sales teams for so many years that when I got into this financial world, we women were not planning the way that we should be. And also, we spend a lot less years saving for retirement than our male counterparts do because in early years, we may be home taking care of children and in later years, we end up taking care of our aging parents a lot.

0:30:32.7 Debra Menke: So we miss a lot of those years that our male counterparts have to invest, and we a lot of times leave the decision-making to them. But we as women in our society, there’s a bigger shift now where we want to know and we want to be in charge of our financial future, but we don’t know how. And so I really loved being able to kind of bring all of those ideas and teach that to women.

0:30:57.3 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. So… Yeah, I was gonna mention a couple of things. One is that, like the other book, the leadership book, so that was when you were working… Well, that experience, or a part of that experience was when you were vice president of sales at Jane Iredale?

0:31:15.3 Debra Menke: Yes. I was a director of sales for the US and Caribbean with Jane Iredale Cosmetics and led 100-plus women over the years there. And that was really… For me, I saw a lot during those years and other companies, the importance of leading sales teams and how to do that. And really it was more about, how do we get back to the humanity of leadership and a human-centric culture? Right? Be more about our internal and our external customers than leading up and caring about what we need at the top. Leading with love, really.

0:32:01.7 Lauri Wakefield: So I know that you have a meeting that you need to go to Debbie, so we’ll probably try to wind things down here. So I’m gonna put… ‘Cause you’ve got all the books that you’ve written. The three books are available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and several other platforms out there. So I’m gonna list the books in the show notes. And then I’m going to also put your website there, It’s spelled D-E-B-R-A-K-M-E-N-K-E dot com. So Debbie, you do Shakti sessions and you mentioned a couple of other things, intuitive readings maybe.

0:32:44.4 Debra Menke: Yeah.

0:32:44.9 Lauri Wakefield: Okay.

0:32:45.6 Debra Menke: Yes. I do on the weekends. I’m starting to kinda open that back up. I stopped doing that for a little bit, but I am opening that back up on the weekends. And… Yeah. So your viewers are welcome to contact me for that.

0:33:05.1 Lauri Wakefield: Okay. So I’ll put that in the show notes.

0:33:07.9 Debra Menke: Your listeners. I guess this isn’t being viewed. Your listeners. [laughter] I’m used to doing television. [laughter]

0:33:14.6 Lauri Wakefield: Right, right. So another thing I wanted to ask, do you have any plans to maybe offer sessions to people who may have questions about financial planning or anything like that, or retirement or anything like that or not?

0:33:29.6 Debra Menke: Right now, no, but feel free to reach out and email me if you have any questions after reading the book. Everything is really spelled out there. And I would just recommend, find a good financial advisor that you can trust. And there are a lot more women, female financial advisors out there these days, which is so nice.

0:33:53.3 Lauri Wakefield: Okay. So do you have anything else that you wanted to add, Leslee, or anything else that you wanted to say, Debbie?

0:34:02.3 Debra Menke: I’m just… Thank you for having me.

0:34:04.0 Lauri Wakefield: You’re welcome.

0:34:06.0 Debra Menke: Yeah.

0:34:06.0 Lauri Wakefield: Well, thank you for being on here.


0:34:07.7 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.

0:34:08.9 Lauri Wakefield: It was fun. It was interesting.

0:34:10.3 Debra Menke: It’s really… It’s so interesting to me. And I’d love to pick your brain more at another time. I think the two of you are onto something here because every single thing that you have shared insights with me is spot-on. [laughter]

0:34:24.3 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. It’s super, super interesting. And I think it’s something that helps us know ourselves and help us understand other people, so that’s the value in it.

0:34:33.7 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.

0:34:34.6 Lauri Wakefield: Anyway, Leslee, did you have anything else that you wanted to say?

0:34:37.0 Leslee Wegleitner: I don’t. It was just very nice to me, too.

0:34:39.1 Lauri Wakefield: Yes.

0:34:39.5 Leslee Wegleitner: And thank you for being on the show.

0:34:41.6 Lauri Wakefield: Yes.

0:34:42.3 Debra Menke: Absolutely. Well, thank you, ladies.

0:34:44.5 Lauri Wakefield: Okay. So that’s gonna wrap things up for this episode. Thanks so much for joining us today. In our next episode, we’ve invited a guest to share her knowledge. Okay, Leslee, I wasn’t sure how to word this. I was gonna say another modality, but I’m gonna say using an ancient Chinese art because it is, and it’s gonna be an episode that’s based on the Beyond Human Design podcast episodes that we’re doing in-between some of the Human Design episodes. So if you’d like to see the show notes for today’s podcast, you can find them on our website at The show notes will be listed under podcast episode 43. If you’d like to join us as we continue our exploration into topics about Human Design and other complementary modalities, please be sure to subscribe to our podcast. Thanks again and have a great day.

0:35:35.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Thanks, everyone.