Human Design & Beyond Podcast

Title: Living Life as a Reflector with Amber Clements

0:00:03.1 Lauri Wakefield: Welcome. Thanks for joining us today. I’m Lauri.

0:00:05.4 Leslee Wegleitner: Hi everyone. I’m Leslee.

0:00:07.3 Lauri Wakefield: Today we’ve invited, a guest to join us today. Her name is Amber Clements, and she is one of the rare Reflector types. And I reached out to Amber a couple weeks ago to ask her she’d be willing to be a guest on our podcast. And she’s actually… I think I told you this, Amber, that I’d been thinking about asking you seriously for probably two years ’cause I saw, well, you’re a student of Karen Curry Parker’s. That’s where you got your certification, right?

0:00:40.6 Amber Clements: Yep, that’s right.

0:00:41.5 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. I saw you in the directory, and I was, oh, a Reflector and just your face and everything, it just seemed friendly and nice. And I was, I’m gonna reach out to her someday, yeah, that’s how that came about. And I’m really, Leslee and I are both just really happy that you were able to do it and willing to do it. Leslee, did you want to start by asking Amber some questions or you want me just to…

0:01:13.5 Leslee Wegleitner: Oh.

0:01:14.2 Lauri Wakefield: Open it.

0:01:16.0 Leslee Wegleitner: It doesn’t really matter. Does Amber wanna, just kinda give maybe how she got in her first understanding that she was a Reflector? I’m kind of interesting…

0:01:29.4 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, I was thinking about that too, Amber. When did you hear about Human Design?

0:01:35.4 Amber Clements: Oh, gosh. Oh, quite a few years ago now. I first, a friend of mine did, ran the chart, this is back when it wasn’t a little bit less accessible, wasn’t all sort of all over everywhere. And she ran my chart and told me about this new thing. And anyway, she got very excited when she ran my chart, said, “oh, you are this thing.” And I’m, “oh, okay. That’s nice. Just send me an email.”


0:02:00.4 Amber Clements: And she’s a wonderful friend, but sometimes some of the things she sort of used to present me with were a little bit, whoa, where did that come from?

0:02:07.3 Lauri Wakefield: Right.

0:02:08.3 Amber Clements: I sort of took it with a grain of salt and one night I was just at home, I don’t know, I was a bit bored. I think it was a Saturday night, and I happened to see the email, and thought, oh, what’s this about? I had a little read and then I read more and more and it was like I was read… It was basically about what it, what being a Reflector was about. And as I’m reading the lines, I kind of, this is, there’s something here.

0:02:34.3 Leslee Wegleitner: Oh my gosh.


0:02:35.0 Amber Clements: Oh my goodness me.

0:02:36.1 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.

0:02:36.4 Amber Clements: And I instantly sent away for this free, more detailed report because of this. And I got it pretty quickly from memory. Anyway I just remember being absolutely stuck to the seat going through this detailed report about, and it was like somebody had captured my life into a few pages, in a way that I just had never been seen before. Or even I wouldn’t have described myself that way until somebody else did, if that makes sense. So many details about how I felt that always felt a bit strange and I couldn’t quite put my words around it. And there they were in print in this sort of explanation about being a Reflector. It was a really, it was a moment of ahas obviously. And it, I don’t think it matters what type you are. You get ahas with the Human Design chart, don’t you about…

0:03:27.9 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Yeah.

0:03:28.4 Amber Clements: Oh, that’s right. That’s what’s happening. But what really got me was this, some of the unusualness, some of the different stuff, some of the things that I’ve been calling out for years to people about things that are happening or changing or that what we need. And people would look at me strangely about it, and then a few years later, everybody’s doing the things that I was calling out. And it’s this sort of, this sensing that you had about what you had to do and receive that maybe other people aren’t ready for until they’re ready for it, if that makes sense.

0:03:58.3 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, yeah. I just wanted to say too, for any of our listeners who aren’t familiar with the Reflector, it’s one of the, it is the rarest Human Design type about 1%-2% of the population is a Reflector. You went through the reading, or the report that you got, and then did you decide that you wanted to start studying it, or did you, was it.

0:04:26.1 Amber Clements: Well, not straight away, I sat with it a while. I did a bit of reading. I’m a 1/3 with a lot of gates in my chart that like to get deep, too way too much perfectionism. So, for me I really just had to sink my teeth into it for a while. And then at the right time, I started to get curious about studying. So, I started to learn a little bit self-talk for, initially. And I didn’t really deep dive into studying it myself until the right opportunity presented. It was sort something that felt it was coming. Some this, let’s just say the planets are aligned and I walked out of a pretty big corporate career into it, not actually purposely. I sort of stepped out of the career going this isn’t working anymore. And suddenly opportunities came my way in the Human Design space. And before I knew it, I was traveling to the States to do some more study and it kind of went from there. Truly followed the flow rather than something I tried to initiate or push into action as a Reflector.

0:05:31.3 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. You have a fascinating background. I looked at your About page on your website and you have experience with, on project management too. And you do, is it Biofield Tuning?

0:05:44.0 Amber Clements: Yeah. Yeah. Biofield [0:05:46.4] ____.

0:05:46.7 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Okay. Yeah, okay, you started studying the Human Design and then decided to go do the certification and…

0:06:00.2 Amber Clements: Yeah. Look, I just dug my teeth in a bit and then I really wanted to get deep. I want… So I spent time learning it. I know there was encouragement to go out and start using it, but for me, I was, I really feel I need to really know it and embody it before I bring it to anyone else. And then one day, I was probably ready, but I wasn’t conscious of being ready. People started asking me, oh, are you doing readings or are you doing sessions? And sort of from there, that’s how it evolved. As a Reflector sometimes it’s not so much that you get an invitations like projectors, but you get initiations. That’s certainly been my experience. And life was really initiating me on that journey. I’d started writing a few books just for something that I enjoy doing that I never finished. But one of these was studying to journal about being a Reflector. And in that process, I ended up writing a book about it.

0:06:56.5 Lauri Wakefield: You wrote the book, which is on Amazon, which is available on Amazon. We’ll link to it in the show notes about being a Reflector.

0:07:04.6 Amber Clements: Yeah. Look, I just think that journey for me was just, it was really, there was no pushing. In fact, anytime I’ve tried to push something, it just sort of falls on its face, for me, it has to be very much what I call in that flow, in that initiating space that allows me to, okay, that’s coming along and that feels right, I step into that space. And that’s kind of how it’s been with Human Design. I really haven’t, it’s naturally evolved and progressed for me in a way that I wasn’t, I didn’t go out there trying to hike it and pull it across the line.

0:07:38.5 Lauri Wakefield: Right.

0:07:41.1 Amber Clements: Yeah. And I’ve been enjoying it ever since.

0:07:43.0 Lauri Wakefield: So Leslee, I’ve been doing all the talking or all the asking, so you want to ask Amber some questions?

0:07:48.4 Leslee Wegleitner: Sure, my question to you is, with all those energies, having such an open chart, how, what are your tools to help you kind of what’s yours, what’s not? I’m assuming the bio-tuning and the bio-scan and all that kind of stuff kind of played a role with helping you understand and how to have boundaries with all that.

0:08:18.1 Amber Clements: Yeah. Look, the thing, the brilliant thing about being a Reflector, once we recognize it is that we’ve got this Teflon aura. So we’ve got this real ability to actually protect ourselves from being conditioned that nobody else has. In fact something I was speaking about the other day or talking about how Ra Uru Hu, the charterer [0:08:40.6] ____ of the Human Design system, talked about if any type was to really survive on the planet it would be Reflectors, which is really interesting because you think naturally it’d be you guys, the Manifesting Generators who’ve got so much dynamic, beautiful energy and power. But what it is, is if we understand, it’s almost a muscle, if we understand how to sort of switch it on or how to be conscious of it, we can really, we can take everything in, but actually not let it penetrate in a way that’s harmful.

0:09:09.8 Lauri Wakefield: Right.

0:09:09.8 Amber Clements: Which I is a, it’s a blessing once you realize that’s a tool that you’ve got naturally within you as a Reflector. But obviously once you find out about being a Reflector, you need to, there’s some work you need to do at first to get rid of all the stuff that we’ve been carrying around. And that’s when, honestly, there’s so many different fabulous tools out there. What’s really worked for me and certainly what I’ve seen with other Reflectors is getting out to nature, grounding, sound, frequency work, anything that’s just about letting go, sort of releasing, because that’s really what it is.

0:09:44.1 Amber Clements: It’s just that holding onto things that really no longer serve in those, on all those open centers, letting go of the stories, letting go of the energy, letting go of the expectations. It’s almost like as a Reflector, you’ve got to let go of these expectations that you can be a Manifesting Generator leading the charge, it’s a dream to be doing that, but it’s not necessarily a healthy one for us.

0:10:10.2 Lauri Wakefield: Well, one thing that’s interesting, okay, so the Lunar phases are something that Reflectors are affected by more so than other types. Now do you as the moon goes through the different signs and it goes through, it activates different gates in your chart. Do you find that you identify with being a Generator or being when it, the sacral is, excuse me, when the sacral is activated or when… Go on.

0:10:45.6 Amber Clements: No, no, no, you got one. [laughter]

0:10:47.8 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. I was just gonna say, okay. You have a motor to the throat when that’s activated, do you find that, you feel more you can identify with the Manifestor energy, you know what I’m saying?

0:11:00.2 Amber Clements: Yeah. Now I absolutely know what you’re saying. Look, it’s really interesting you say that, because I’ve done a lot of Lunar tracking with transits and it’s, you get what we call temporary definition for a while there. What I did initially track when I first knew that was part of our tool process. And I certainly found that during the month, there are times when I’m more energized, I have more energy or I can speak more clearly or communicate or whatever it is when we, connections in the chart. But I personally wasn’t finding that there was a consistency with the hookups with the transits.

0:11:35.2 Lauri Wakefield: Okay.

0:11:40.4 Amber Clements: And I’ve heard that with a few Reflectors that I’ve worked with. I always say to all Reflectors, go out there and track it to see how that feels for you. But I know that there are certain times I can feel it coming when it’s, this is a time when I need to be doing less. This is a time when I can really ramp it up. I’ve kind of been less tracking now, I’m more sensing into where that is or how I’m feeling during the month. But yeah, it’s what I have really noticed as well as while we don’t talk about it being the actual phases of the moon affecting Reflectors, what I have noticed is a lot of Reflectors talk about that in fact, often the lunar, the full moon or the new moon can have quite a significant impact. I know for me, I don’t sleep during the full moon, I’m wired to the… And with a new moon, it’s just so juicy and comforting. And there’s something really lovely about going through that phase of the moon. And that’s something I’ve found in common with a number of Reflectors. Yes, I, the transit tracking really is useful for some people ’cause they get to see how things hook up for them. But personally for me, I find that it’s not as straightforward as that.

0:12:50.9 Lauri Wakefield: Okay.

0:12:50.9 Leslee Wegleitner: So, then how does your decision making kind of how does that affect your decision making if you’re not really tracking?

0:13:00.4 Amber Clements: It’s about, yeah, it’s about timing.

0:13:01.2 Leslee Wegleitner: Okay.

0:13:01.9 Amber Clements: It’s about giving yourself plenty of time. Basically the more time we give ourselves, of course, whether the transits are impacting us physically, that we can feel it or not, there’s still we’re still going through that process. The more time we give ourselves, the more chance we can feel into whether something’s right, we’re not making rash decisions.

0:13:19.7 Leslee Wegleitner: Right.

0:13:22.5 Amber Clements: Definitely something I noticed with Reflectors is if we’re already on a path, for example, when you said, would you like to speak on your podcast, I’m already doing this sort of work. It feels aligned when somebody contacts me that’s in a similar field that seems aligned with who they’ve been working through. When something comes along, it already feels it’s part of the journey. There is no decision to make. It’s a clear step. When there is a decision, when it’s something that’s not aligned or something that we have to think about or consider, that’s when it’s best to have the time to make the decision.

0:14:00.7 Lauri Wakefield: Right.

0:14:00.8 Amber Clements: What usually happens is over that period of time, you process it through lots of different, almost the emotional way, but not so emotionally bound. You’re feeling into it over a number of different aspects of yourself and how you feel over energetically, emotionally, mentally, until something clicks. What’s that?

0:14:22.6 Lauri Wakefield: I was just gonna say, do you find that talking to other people, just talking it out can help with the decision? Yeah.

0:14:29.6 Amber Clements: Absolutely. Talking it out, finding a way to just to give yourself time to consider it, feeling into it. There’s definitely talking, but it’s got to be to the right people.

0:14:39.7 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, exactly.

0:14:40.8 Amber Clements: If you’re talking and people are trying to give you advice, it’s not conducive to the talking process. It really needs to be just, let me air this. Let me process this. I don’t need a solution. I’ll find my own solution. I just need to process it.

0:14:56.7 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, ’cause I know that’s something that’s super important to Reflectors, is being in the right environment with the right people, being in the right community.

0:15:06.6 Amber Clements: Definitely.

0:15:07.1 Lauri Wakefield: You said that you know other Reflectors. ‘Cause they’re so uncommon, but because you are a Reflector, do other Reflectors reach out to you, or it’s just people that you’ve just met throughout your life?

0:15:23.0 Amber Clements: Yeah, they mostly reach out to me because of my book. I get a lot of Reflectors come to me for that reason, although recently I’ve been less focused on the Reflector thing. It’s interesting, change the focus, therefore less Reflectors show up. But what’s really interesting is a lot of them have written to me. Now, I wrote my book from a place of, this is just, there needed to be more information. This is just my personal journey. It was just meant to be for people that are just sort of starting to understand themselves. It certainly wasn’t all the details and as deep as I would write one now.

0:15:56.9 Amber Clements: But what I found is a lot of Reflectors will write to me and say, hey, I’ve just read your book and you’ve saved my life, or you have turned things around, or you’ve given me hope. Because I think before we… You tell someone they’re a Reflector and this is all these things that are potentially you’re gonna have issues with, or this is the difficulty you might have being very open. And it can feel, well, what’s the point? How am I going to manage? How do I do anything? What’s the point? I’m not actually here to work the same way. I’m not supposed to… It can be kind of a bit hard to take. I think I’ve always been…

0:16:31.4 Lauri Wakefield: Depressing.

0:16:32.4 Amber Clements: Yeah, it’s a bit depressing. So I think it’s just, yeah, it’s really looking at what does that mean? It doesn’t mean that we’re crippled, we’ve just gotta do nothing and kind of sit around and wait for things. It just means we’re just going to treat ourselves in a slightly different way for things to work.

0:16:51.2 Leslee Wegleitner: And I think all types have that within the type, we’re Emotional Manifesting Generators. We have to wait too. And to gain that clarity sometimes can be a lot of inner conflict back and forth, back and forth.

0:17:07.6 Amber Clements: Oh, absolutely.

0:17:09.2 Leslee Wegleitner: It’s interesting because we all have that aspect within the chart.

0:17:11.6 Amber Clements: Totally. Totally. Look, and it’s what’s really interesting is a few people that actually had read parts of the book or whatever have said to me, oh, it was, reading a book about me and they weren’t Reflectors. I think what’s really interesting is we’re kind of a combination of all of those aspects.

0:17:26.8 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.

0:17:27.0 Amber Clements: And I think that’s what’s beautiful about it is there’s a lot more similarities than we realize in that way.

0:17:37.4 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, it’s definitely interesting. One thing when you were talking about the tough one, just having the tough one, coding that for Reflectors, where things don’t stick as much as they do with other people who have more definition in their chart. Because we talked about Reflectors, we talked about all the types. I don’t know. It was a while ago. It was probably last year we went through all of them. And the Reflectors, I just found that really fascinating because it’s like being in a room with windows, open and it’s a cross breeze. It’s just in and out, where other types can, it’s not as easy for it to flow through that way.

0:18:16.5 Amber Clements: Yeah. Absolutely. I love that.

0:18:18.4 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah.

0:18:18.7 Amber Clements: Yeah, totally. It’s also hard to be seen as a Reflector. Most people will see you as whoever you’re with. And that’s really interesting, you’ll have, if you go somewhere, I could go somewhere new and be with a bunch of people and they’ll all tell me how amazing I am because I’m X and usually X is what the group is about. It’s not necessarily how I would have described myself. It’s not a bad thing. It’s just something that happens. It’s lovely because people embrace you for that, but it’s not necessarily pure you.

0:18:48.2 Lauri Wakefield: Who you are. Yeah. That’s interesting though, before you knew that you were a Reflector and you knew that there was part of it. Did you still feel that way? People aren’t seeing me as who I am?

0:19:00.7 Amber Clements: Yeah. I always noticed that, but I didn’t understand why. And that was one of those aha moments, oh right. [chuckle]

0:19:10.8 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah.

0:19:11.1 Leslee Wegleitner: Now it makes sense.

0:19:13.1 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah.

0:19:13.1 Amber Clements: Yeah. That’s it. Absolutely.

0:19:13.8 Leslee Wegleitner: I’m not weird. [laughter]

0:19:16.2 Amber Clements: Yeah. I’m not a weirdo after all.


0:19:20.6 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, so you got into the Biofield Tuning, what got you into that?

0:19:26.9 Amber Clements: Look, when I first started doing this, I was finding that it was, I really loved helping people understand their chart, but I also wanted to give somebody something that a tool or something they could use to help them with what to do with that stuff. And I’d just learned about Biofield Tuning from someone and there was something sort of kept popping up in my life. And there was an opportunity really close to where I live to go and have some sessions. And from that, I realized how beautiful that was and how for me sound is everything. Frequency is everything. And it’s what works for me atleast and it doesn’t even have to be biofields tuning, any kind of sound.

0:20:11.1 Amber Clements: Anything that’s about really bringing me back into what I would call into a balance. So Biofield Tuning has been a really good way to do that. Now, what I find for me is, as a Reflector, particularly if I’m doing Biofield Tuning with someone, so, I’m working with them personally and tuning into their energy as a Reflector and I’m being so open, it’s almost I can really feel and get into them very purely. It’s not being… I’m not… There’s no definition within me for it to be kind of filtering through.

0:20:44.8 Lauri Wakefield: All right. Sure.

0:20:45.7 Amber Clements: I was finding when I was doing the work, it was very very effective for others.

0:20:50.3 Leslee Wegleitner: I have a sonic slider. I love it. [laughter]

0:20:53.1 Amber Clements: Oh, there you go. [laughter]

0:20:55.3 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. So I’ve been doing, is it Eileen, right? Eileen Mc.

0:20:58.8 Amber Clements: Eileen, yeah.

0:21:00.7 Leslee Wegleitner: Eileen. Yeah.

0:21:00.8 Amber Clements: Yeah.

0:21:01.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. I’ve been doing that for a while.

0:21:01.9 Lauri Wakefield: I didn’t know that, Leslee.

0:21:02.8 Leslee Wegleitner: Yes. I’m really, yeah. Anything frequency. [laughter]

0:21:08.3 Amber Clements: Oh, absolutely. Absolutely.

0:21:10.9 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.

0:21:10.9 Lauri Wakefield: You also do bio-resonance therapy, now what is that?

0:21:15.4 Amber Clements: That is in a similar vein. It’s, I have a scanner. It’s a bit harder to sort of describe, but it’s essentially it’s bone conductor earphones that you wear that it scans your voice and without going down a rabbit hole, your voice is an expression of what’s happening within you. So it’s showing emotions because it’s the way that your body is resonating. What it does is it finds where your out of resonance, in other words, where you are out of alignment emotionally.

0:21:47.4 Lauri Wakefield: Really?

0:21:47.9 Amber Clements: And it gives you, yeah, it gives you sound almost a sound frequency track with some nice music and other tonal things underneath that you won’t necessarily hear, so that you can play and bring yourself back into resonance. So it’s a really good way of balancing yourself, and you don’t even really have to be consciously thinking about what’s out or what’s not out. It’s sort of doing it for you.

0:22:11.1 Leslee Wegleitner: It’s like, yeah. I’ve done that too. It’s really nice. Like an anecdote that just of frequencies to help balance. Yeah.

0:22:16.1 Amber Clements: Oh. Absolutely.

0:22:17.9 Lauri Wakefield: Do you use that when you’re dealing with clients? Also those…

0:22:22.9 Amber Clements: Yeah. I use it when, it’s always an option. It’s something where if I sense that it might be useful for someone, I might share it and say, let me know if you’re interested. Or sometimes when I’m working with people in a more of a coaching capacity, I’ll use that with them, we’ll do some regular, whether we use the bio-resonance machine or whether it’s a bit of Biofield Tuning, it just, it really depends on what’s going on. If it’s just somebody who needs a little bit of rebalancing, the machine is fabulous. If it’s someone that’s got a lot of trauma or holding onto a lot of things that’s a bit more deep seated or whether it’s something that’s really kind of been there for a long time, I find that the tuning, the Biofield Tuning helps to clear some of that as well. It just, I kind of go with what I intuitively feel will be best for someone and then give them an opportunity if they feel it’s something they wanna have a go.

0:23:11.9 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. That’s a nice, ’cause Human Design is wonderful to give you the awareness and the tool to understand self, but then it’s how do you take them to that next level of actually…

0:23:22.3 Amber Clements: Exactly.

0:23:23.1 Leslee Wegleitner: Moving that energy. And so that’s where I think the frequencies and different modalities come in really nice to compliment that.

0:23:30.7 Amber Clements: Oh, definitely. Absolutely.

0:23:33.0 Lauri Wakefield: One thing I was thinking, Amber, when you were talking as you were talking about how, I don’t remember exactly how you put it, but when you’re working with people and it’s, you, it’s almost an innocence maybe, where you don’t get, well, that’s just part of being a Reflector, I guess. You don’t take the energy in, but you can see it or sense it.

0:23:53.2 Amber Clements: Yeah.

0:23:54.2 Lauri Wakefield: Does that make sense, what I just said?

0:23:56.4 Amber Clements: Yeah. Absolutely.

0:23:57.5 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah.

0:23:57.7 Amber Clements: Absolutely.

0:24:00.8 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. So.

0:24:01.5 Amber Clements: Blessing and a curse sometimes though. [laughter]

0:24:03.4 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. [laughter]

0:24:04.4 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.

0:24:04.8 Lauri Wakefield: Did you grow up by yourself or do you have other siblings?

0:24:11.5 Amber Clements: I have siblings. I was the oldest child. And in my family I have a manifesting mother and a very, very defined, eight or nine centered defined father and sister.

0:24:22.2 Lauri Wakefield: Oh wow.

0:24:22.6 Amber Clements: Who were both Generators and a Projector brother. I had a good, I didn’t have any Manifesting Generators in my direct family, which is really interesting. I lived, my grandfather and grandmother lived with us, and they were Manifesters as well. I had a fair bit of manifesting energy. But a lot of friends are Manifesting Generators, which I actually think was a really nice balance in having that suite around me. But what’s really interesting is as a child, I was seen as the problem. [laughter]

0:24:53.3 Lauri Wakefield: I was gonna ask…

0:24:54.2 Amber Clements: Obviously [laughter]

0:24:55.3 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, I was gonna ask if you, maybe felt like you kind of you didn’t fit in or you were just the odd one in the family and.

0:25:03.6 Amber Clements: Yeah. What was really interesting is I was almost, I was the focus, but also the problem. As the oldest child, I’m pretty responsible and very sensitive. My parents always say they thought I was a lot older than I was, they put a lot of responsibility on me. But they were going through separation. They didn’t break up at that point. They waited till I was 18, but they were going through separation and because as a Reflector not realizing it, you’re taking all of that stuff on and feeling responsible for the younger ones. And they often were blaming all of it on me. And in fact, I was about 6 years old and I suddenly needed glasses and had to sit up the front of the classroom. And only for that one year. Which, it’s sort of embodied within me this sense of not being able to see and this behavior and…

0:25:51.8 Lauri Wakefield: Like it was kind of a manifestation of something else. It really wasn’t your eyesight.

0:25:56.1 Amber Clements: Yeah.

0:25:56.5 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Interesting.

0:25:57.8 Amber Clements: Yeah.

0:26:00.3 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Well, it’s interesting. I’m sure, it’s been an interesting journey. And Leslee, did you have any other questions that you wanted to ask Amber?

0:26:13.7 Leslee Wegleitner: I don’t have to. No.

0:26:16.0 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. ‘Cause we’re gonna try to keep it to about 30 minutes so we don’t… People, we know people sometimes are like they don’t wanna listen to something that’s an hour long.

0:26:26.4 Amber Clements: Yeah. We could…

0:26:28.2 Lauri Wakefield: We can talk and talk and talk, but…

0:26:30.5 Leslee Wegleitner: We could.

0:26:30.8 Lauri Wakefield: Yes. Yeah. So is there anything else that you wanted to add, Amber that you wanted to let the audience know? Or let me and Leslee know?

0:26:40.4 Amber Clements: No, but if you do know any Reflectors, it’s probably a good place to point them toward one book, and that’s really not doing a plug so much.

0:26:48.3 Lauri Wakefield: No, no, no, no. We’re gonna do that.

0:26:49.5 Amber Clements: It’s just helpful.

0:26:49.5 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, we’re gonna do that. I’m gonna put a link to your book in the show notes. And I’m also gonna put a link to your website. Anybody who’s, wants to learn more about Amber, then it’ll be, well, I’m gonna put it in there, but it’s And then I’ll put the link to the book, that’s gonna wrap things up for this episode. Thanks so much for joining us today. And our next episode we’ve invited somebody to, it’s gonna be a Projector, we’re gonna talk to her and if you’d like to see the show notes for today’s podcast, you can find them on our website at The show notes will be listed under podcast episode 42. I’m gonna say this again because in case people don’t go to the show notes. Can you tell everybody what the name of your book is, Amber on Amazon?

0:27:53.8 Amber Clements: Sure. It’s The Human Design Reflector: Barometer of the World.

0:27:57.5 Lauri Wakefield: Okay, that’s on Amazon. And that’s probably available on other sites at sell books. And then her website is If you’d like to join us as we continue our exploration into topics about Human Design and other complimentary modalities, please be sure to subscribe to our podcast. Thanks again and have a great day.

0:28:23.1 Leslee Wegleitner: Thanks everyone.

0:28:23.4 Amber Clements: Thank you.