Human Design & Beyond Podcast

Title: Human Design Fear Gates 44 & 57

Lauri Wakefield [00:01]
Welcome! Thanks for joining us today, I’m Lauri.

Leslee Wegleitner [00:03]
Hi everyone, I’m Leslee.

Lauri Wakefield [00:05]
So today we’re going to continue talking about the Fear Gates of the Splenic Center. We’ll be focusing on Gates 44 and 57.

Leslee Wegleitner [00:13]
Yeah, Lauri would you like to start us out today on our discussion with the Fear Gate 44?

Lauri Wakefield [00:19]
Sure. Let’s do a quick overview first of the fears associated with the Splenic Center for those of you who are just joining us for this series. All the gates in the Splenic Center have a fear attached to them. The fears are physical in nature. In other words, you feel them in your body. They’re a byproduct of what’s going on in the world around you.

If you have any of the Splenic Gates defined, it will be a consistent theme in your life. If you have them undefined, there are themes you’ll experience when the gates are activated during transit or when you’re around other people who have the gates defined. It will be a variable, not a fixed energy.

Gate 44 is known as the Gate of Alertness. It connects to the will center through Gate 26 and forms the Channel of Surrender. The fear associated with Gate 44 is known as the Fear of the Past. Gate 44 is part of the Tribal Circuitry in the Ego Subcircuit. It’s also part of the Awareness Stream of Instinct giving it the potential for alertness.

Being in the Tribal Circuit, Gate 44 is concerned with supporting and protecting people in the group like the family, the team, or anyone who’s part of the tribe or small group. The ego subcircuit has to do with the structure of how people within the group function together like the shared values, business agreements, and other types of agreements, acceptable behaviors, and how resources are managed.

Besides being known as the Gate of Alertness, a keynote for Gate 44 is Coming to Meet. That’s kind of vague, but what it means basically is that the energy of the gate has the potential to work with and manage different egos – to not be intimidated by the egos of other people, to be able to unite the tribe, even though there may be competing egos.

The fear of Gate 44 is the Fear of the Past. It’s based on past failures and the fear that they’ll be repeated. If you have this gate defined, there’s a potential to get stuck in past patterns and keep repeating behaviors that are self-sabotaging or that have painful consequences instead of changing the patterns of behavior.

There can also be a fear that the past will catch up to you. If you have unresolved things from your past that’s when things can catch up to you. When issues from the past have been resolved there’s a lot of wisdom that can be gained from this energy. It can be considered a teaching gate because it has the potential to help others learn from their past mistakes so that things are not repeated. The energy of Gate 44 can be powerful in teaching lessons about both success and failure. Past successes can be just as important as past failures when it comes to having healthy patterns of behavior.

I have this gate defined in my chart, and I just love the energy of it. Just thinking back throughout my life, there’s one powerful lesson that I’ve shared with my kids and with other people. It’s something that was very profound for me. I’ll try to quickly tell the story. I had always gotten really good grades in school. It was just something that I was recognized for, and it was something that was basically part of my identity.

When I went away to college, things kind of changed. It was a messed-up time in my life. I was messed up at that time. I had no idea what I wanted to do. I just wanted to get away from home. So, when I got to college, I didn’t want to study or go to classes. I just wanted to hang out with friends. I won’t provide all the details, but I did terrible in school. Then seeing the results when I got my report card, it was like I cared but I didn’t care. But deep down inside it was something that really bothered me. I really cared, and I felt like a failure. So, the thing that hit me after that happened wasn’t immediate but maybe on a subconscious level. As time went on, I wondered how well I could have done if I had applied myself. The other thing that hit me was “I’m never going to know”.

Anyway, I did go back to college when I was in my thirties and finished my college degree. What I told my kids while they were growing up was that lesson. If you don’t do the best job you can do with something, you’re never going to know how well you could have done. That was just something that was incredibly powerful for me, and it was a past behavior I never wanted to repeat. It was a lesson and one that I like to share because I think it’s a way I can share one of my failures as a way of encouraging other people.

Anyway, Leslee, would you like to share anything about gate 44?

Leslee Wegleitner [05:07]
Sure. My Splenic Center is completely open. I don’t have any gates defined. So obviously I don’t have the 44th Gate. But I have a dear friend who has Gate 44 defined. I’ve been able to witness her artfully way of using this energy. She works with young adults struggling with depression and suicide. She teaches body awareness, and what I noticed was her ability to work with these young people in a group setting and really support them through their past experiences detecting their needs and their capability to cope or not in the moment. She could also sense if they felt threatened in their environment or how to find the correct opportunity to support them to feel protected and supported within the group.

This played out in so many different experiences for her, and it was fascinating to see her adaptability with each child and to navigate through it as a group. The commitment that she showed to support them and their families as they were going along this journey gave me a lot of insight into this gate and how it can really work for the benefit of all. You know it was really a beautiful thing to witness. So, are you ready to move on to Gate 57 Lauri?

Lauri Wakefield [06:37]
I’m ready. Would you like to start the talk about Gate 57, Leslee?

Leslee Wegleitner [06:42]
Sure. So, Gate 57 is the Fear of the Future. The fear of the unexpected and the unknown. It’s the gate of intuition and is half the Channel of the Brainwave with the Gate 20.
Gate 57 is in the Individual Circuit Group and the Sub-Circuit of the Knowing Circuit. The Individual Circuitry is really about bringing change that will indirectly empower others to transform. It does it through its own direction and is really not concerned about fitting in with others.

The Knowing Sub-Circuit is a creative process that wants growth and evolution but is not based on logic or experience. It’s done purely through this knowing. Gate 57 has a really unique quality because it is also one of the four gates that forms what we call the Integration Channels. The Integration Channels are like the energy of the Individual Circuitry. They bring energy of change through individual survival, living in the now integrating awareness over time and not concerned with the impact on others.

So, the Gate 57 is the most intuitive and insightful energy in the chart. It is about instantaneous, intuitive awareness in the now. It gives clear guidance about what is healthy and correct for someone and what is not. This energy can be very subtle, and that is why it’s so important to have this body awareness in order to pick up on the many ways this gate may show up for someone.

Some quick examples of how this intuitive gate works could be having visions, hearing, getting goosebumps, sensing, just a plain knowing, smelling, and the list can really be endless, depending on the synthesis of one’s complete chart.

But having this gate can also make someone feel overwhelmed and hypersensitive in the environment, which can also just wear them out. The variability of how one receives their intuitive awareness can be quite broad, which may lead to mistrusting it and create indecisiveness and uncertainty about listening to it. This is how the fear can really present itself through this gate. It is through this uncertainty – becoming overwhelmed and then responding through fear of the unknown the can keep one really stuck and possibly terrified of taking action. So, on the other hand, it can bring awareness quite intensely because it will reveal the truth and wants to make itself known.

Remember also, we’re still in the Splenic Center, which is all about health and wellbeing. So, when you choose to ignore the intuitive awareness given through this gate, you may find yourself having your immune system compromised and your physical stamina diminished.

This gate is really kind of a fun one to experience. I do not have it defined, but I amplify it because of my completely open Splenic Center. I have many different examples of experiences with it I could give. It seems like when I’m driving, I engage with this Gate 57 quite often and that has my most prominent and most interesting stories.

One day I was on a frontage road. I was just driving along, and I heard this loud voice yell, “Stop”; and I was, obviously, all alone in my car. So, I hit my brakes. Feeling kind of startled, I came to an abrupt stop and a large truck crossed my path. If I hadn’t stopped, I would have been broadsided by this truck. But what I noticed was on the right side of me. A stop sign was laying on the ground. Someone had recently hit it, so it wasn’t visible.

This has just happened so many times where this intuitive voice has guided me, in the moment, for my own protection. Then I have those stories of those experience in which I hear that soft little tap and something guiding me to not do something, and I choose to not listen. It’s usually around financial things or trusting someone; and then because I didn’t listen, I find myself back pedaling to get out of something or figure something out that could have been avoided if I had listened to that little soft voice.

So, Lauri, do you have any examples that you’d like to share?

Lauri Wakefield [11:27]
Well, first I wanted to say that I really like what you had to say about Gate 57. I don’t have the gate defined in my chart either, but I’m always fascinated by people who do. I don’t know if you remember, but last week you and I talked about how when you have a gate that’s not defined but you have other gates pointing to it, how it can just make that gate more… I don’t know. What words did we use, Leslee? You know what I’m talking about when we talked about that last week?

Leslee Wegleitner [12:03]
Well, like the amplification.

Lauri Wakefield [12:06]
When you have defined gates pointing to gates that are not defined. You were talking about the Channel 48-16. You have Gate 16 defined, not Gate 48. So. your Gate 16 points to Gate 48. Do you know what I’m saying?

Leslee Wegleitner [12:15]
Right. Yeah, so it’s kind of something that you’re attracting. Yeah.

Lauri Wakefield [12:22]
Yeah, right? So, I don’t have Gate 57 defined, but I have three other gates defined that point to it. I have Gates 10, 20, and 34. So, that probably explains the fascination I have with Gate 57.

But, off the top of my head, I can’t really think of a specific example of when I felt the energy of Gate 57 activated by another person or through a transit. So, I’m not going to add anything else.

Do you have anything else you want to say about Gate 57, Leslee?

Leslee Wegleitner [12:50]
Just one little last aspect. I was just going to say that the 57th Gate carries a continuation of what you find with the 28th Gate in its fear of death and its need for purpose. So, the gifts that can come through our fears in these two gates are the drive to be what we can become, what tomorrow may bring, and what does it all mean – all kinds of questions why. So, that is all I really have to share around this today.

So, how about you, Lauri?

Lauri Wakefield [13:21]
I think we’ve pretty well covered what we wanted to share with both gates. So, that’s going to wrap things up for this episode. Thanks so much for joining us today!

In our next episode, we’ll begin with the last gate in the Splenic Center, which is Gate 48. We’ll also begin our discussion about the Fear Gates in the Ajna Center.

If you’d like to see the show notes for today’s podcast you can find them on our website at The show notes will be listed under Podcasts Episode 4.

If you’d like to join us as we continue to explore the human design fear gates, please be sure to subscribe to our podcast.
Thanks again. and have a great day!

Leslee Wegleitner [14:03]
Thanks, everyone!