Human Design & Beyond Podcast

Title: The 6/2 Profile

0:00:00.5 Lauri Wakefield: Welcome. Thanks for joining us today. I’m Lauri.

0:00:03.4 Leslee Wegleitner: Hi, everyone. I’m Leslee.

0:00:05.3 Lauri Wakefield: So, today we’re gonna talk about the 6/2 Profile, and we’ll give an overview of it, and then we’re gonna talk about the parts of the 6/2 Profile. I’m gonna talk about Line 6, and then Leslee is gonna talk about Line 2. And then I’m gonna name some famous people with the 6/2 Profile. So Leslee and I were talking before the call and I was talking about… Okay, during each episode, I’ve introduced this series as it’s the role that you’re… The Profile is the role that you’re here to play, to carry out your life’s purpose. We were talking about that, and I was like “Okay, so what exactly does that mean?” Because I think sometimes when you hear that… You know what I’m saying?

0:00:43.7 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.

0:00:43.9 Lauri Wakefield: Sometimes when you hear that, it’s like, “Okay, that’s good information, but what the heck does it mean?” So basically, it’s kinda like the way that you interact with people and the way that you interact with life. And then like, Leslee can share a little bit about this, but she was saying it’s a fixed trait that you have. You wanna add to that Leslee, what your thoughts were about it?

0:01:04.9 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah, it’s kind of just your natural disposition, I guess I’ll say. We both are 4/6s, so when we’re interacting with people, we’re out in the world, we’re friendly, we’re smiling at others, we’re… It’s not something that we’re thinking that we have to do or should do or… It just is who we are. But if we were a 2 in our first time position, we probably aren’t gonna be engaging with others. We’re not gonna be smiling, we’re not gonna be as friendly, and there’s nothing wrong with either or… But it’s just a natural state of being. Yeah.

0:01:43.4 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah.

0:01:43.7 Leslee Wegleitner: It’s just… Yeah. And you can’t change that. It’s just, it’s how you show up in different situations.

0:01:49.4 Lauri Wakefield: Right. Though, this is one of the… Our two remaining left angle Profiles that we’re gonna talk about. It’s about transpersonal karma, and this is something I’ve mentioned with each of the episodes for the left angle Profile, it’s that people with this type of Profile they need other people to fulfill their life purpose. They’re very impacted by connections, that they have with other people. And it can be something that can alter their life path, in a more drastic or dramatic way than maybe the right angle Profiles. The 6/2 is one of the most common Profiles, 14.43% of the population has this Profile. Line 6 is the role model, and Line 2 is the hermit. It’s the role model hermit. You like that combination, Leslee?

0:02:42.2 Leslee Wegleitner: Mm-hmm. [laughter]

0:02:42.8 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Kind of interesting.

0:02:45.0 Leslee Wegleitner: I do. It is. Yeah.

0:02:47.6 Lauri Wakefield: Anyway, and then toward the end of this, I didn’t say this up there, or when we first started, but toward the end of it, we’re gonna put the two Lines together. I’m gonna just give some basic information about the Line 6, and then Leslee’s gonna talk about Line 2. So with Line 6, we’ve talked about it, or… Yeah, we’ve talked about it before. There are three different phases to the Line 6. And the first phase is usually through the ages of maybe 30 to 35. I think mine was probably closer to 35 than 30. I don’t know about you, Leslee. What do you think?

0:03:27.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah, probably… Well, maybe 32, 33. It wasn’t… Yeah, it wasn’t right at 30, it extended beyond. Yes.

0:03:34.1 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah.

0:03:34.5 Leslee Wegleitner: I agree.

0:03:36.1 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. So that phase is the first phase, and you operate like a Line 3, where there’s experimentation that goes on, you just wanna experiment with different things, and you’re just more open to different experiences that as you go through the other stages, it’s not gonna… You’re not gonna be as experimental or as willing to experiment, but this phase is definitely like that. During that phase, you kind of find out like what doesn’t work, or also what isn’t truly aligned with what feels right for you. Did you find that Leslee?

0:04:09.1 Leslee Wegleitner: Oh, definitely.

0:04:09.7 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Me too.

0:04:11.3 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah, it was definitely a trial and error situation.


0:04:14.8 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah.

0:04:15.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Many compiled together. [laughter]

0:04:17.7 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. And it’s like, so then you get to phase two and you’re like, “Woo.” That’s like, okay, let me pull myself back. It’s called the on the roof phase, and that’s where like 35, usually 2 by the age of 50, it’s a pretty long time, I guess. But anyway, there’s a retreat, you retreat at that time and you take time to kind of process the experiences and things that have happened in your life up until that point. And you look at the things that didn’t work and then you wanna move into being able to do things that are right for you and that work for you.

0:04:56.7 Lauri Wakefield: Phase 3, when the Chiron return hits, it’s called you’re getting off the roof and you’re reengaging and then sharing wisdom and things. Just insights that you’ve had during that time of… It’s not like a total. Well, actually because of the Line 2, it probably… You can talk about that, Leslee, when you talk about Line 2, but it’s probably more… It’s interesting because you’ve got the Line 6, but the Line 2 has a natural tendency to withdraw at times. So that’s gonna always kinda be part of who the person is, who has a 6/2. But the the Line 6, their purpose is to just reach a point where they’re living authentically. And with this prof… I shouldn’t say with this Profile, with the Line 6, people who have Line 6, especially by the Personality side, it’s probably more noticeable to the person with the Profile is that they can be wise from a young age. I don’t know, like even little kids they can seem more mature or kinda like an old soul, you know what I mean?

0:06:11.8 Leslee Wegleitner: Yep.

0:06:13.8 Lauri Wakefield: So a couple of other characteristics of the Line 6 are, well, they’re sometimes known as the objective administrator or trusted leader. Line 6 they’re naturally kind of standoffish. Not that they’re like unfriendly, it’s just that they don’t like drama. They don’t wanna get drawn into things. They don’t like, if they’re gonna have a conversation, they would want it to be something that’s more in depth, something that’s more real. They wouldn’t want trivial conversations or things that just don’t matter. They’re more into things that have meaning. Trust is important for them. They need to be close to people who they can trust. If not, then that’s something that’s probably not gonna last.

0:07:00.6 Lauri Wakefield: But ultimately, they’re… Okay, so let me say this fast first. So what they’re going to, through the different phrases, when they get to phase 3 is they become the role model. So, they’re not like the role model, they’re not seeking to be the role model. It’s not something that they’re probably even thinking about, but it’s just how they emerge. So the ultimate goal for the Line 6 is to express themselves authentically, to be the truest expression of who they are and that then inspires others to be the same way. So Leslee, you want to talk about Line 2?

0:07:37.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Sure. So the Line 2 is gonna… Obviously, it’s in the unconscious position. And these people tend to, not necessarily see their gifts and talents because it is in the unconscious, and they are more relaxed and introverted with this on the unconscious side. They really tend to want to keep to themselves, do their own thing, not be bothered. But they are kind of in this Projection field, like the 5, because people are kind of noticing them, noticing their gifts or talents that they’re bringing to the situation, or just even what they’re doing, they’re getting recognized for.

0:08:22.9 Leslee Wegleitner: And so it’s kind of interesting because they could be completely oblivious to what their gifts are or how they’re talented. But people will see it and then that’s how they can kind of clue in, especially being on the unconscious side. That’s how they can kind of clue into what that possibly is ’cause ’cause people are going to be referencing it or asking them, “Well, how do you do that?” And then they get a little bit anxious because it’s such a natural part of who they are and what they’re doing that they don’t really even know how they’re doing it. And so that’s where they can get a little bit more pulled back-ish or like, “Oh my gosh, I don’t know.” But being that it’s on the unconscious side, the body side, it’s just… If they just realize, just do it, just show through the experience or show through you actually doing what they’re calling you out on as your gift and your talent.

0:09:17.8 Lauri Wakefield: Right.

0:09:18.1 Leslee Wegleitner: And don’t worry about the words and try to describe it because chances are you’re not going to be able to. [chuckle] It’s just something that’s really innate within self. And then that kind of will alleviate some of that anxiousness. And so the other thing is, is for them to just kind of be aware to not isolate themselves so much and to be doubtful of their own abilities when they are being told that, “Oh, my gosh, you really got a gift for this or for that.” And just to flow with it, just not get hung up on it. And not to hibernate too much. I mean, to be that hermit aspect is okay, but isolation is not going to give you the interaction. Allow that Projection field to work for you. And however that is, and it depends like for the 6 with the 2, you’ve got those different phases. So through the trial and error, it might be a little bit harder because you want to be the Hermit in this case.

0:10:24.1 Lauri Wakefield: Oh, definitely, yeah. Yeah, definitely yeah.

0:10:25.5 Leslee Wegleitner: ‘Cause when you’re in that phase, you’re gonna be like, “Oh, no, I don’t want to go out there and experience anymore.”

0:10:31.4 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. And then, the second phase, you’re like, “Wow, this feels good.”


0:10:35.5 Lauri Wakefield: Right?

0:10:36.2 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. Like I can CFR. I don’t have to be down in that, in the trenches anymore.


0:10:40.8 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Exactly.

0:10:42.5 Leslee Wegleitner: But then it’s kind of cool. Then when we you get to the last phase, it’s like, wow, you’ve gathered all this wisdom, and now you’re going to be called out to actually share that wisdom and your gifts and your talents. And it’s kind of like, it seems like it flows nicely together.

0:11:02.4 Lauri Wakefield: It does, yeah.

0:11:02.5 Leslee Wegleitner: So, yeah, that’s kind of all I have for that unconscious 2.

0:11:08.2 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, I was going to say too, ’cause you were kind of talking about putting the 2 Lines together. So that’s what I’m gonna share a little bit about. Okay, so Line 2 and Line 6 can both be detached. Line 6 isn’t necessarily only detached during the start, during on the roof phase, they can be detached just in everyday life, throughout their lives. But the thing, and I was thinking too about this, okay? So we’ve got, when we were talking about the Line 5 on the last episode, so the Line 5 can retreat like the Line 2 does. And they retreat for two different reasons.

0:11:46.7 Lauri Wakefield: Line 2 it’s because they just want to do what they enjoy doing. They don’t really want to be observed. They just want to do it. They don’t really like the attention. And so the Line 5 retreats because of the projection field, they have to pull back from it. But Line 6, it’s more like, they’re like if you think about sitting on top of a roof. And just overlooking everything, and it’s like, just being that wise observer. Just kind of taking it all in and processing it and just being objective about what you see. You know what I’m saying?

0:12:20.2 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.

0:12:20.3 Lauri Wakefield: So that’s where the wisdom comes in. I mean, not only through the process that you go through with trying to understand yourself, but it’s just like, in general, you just have that objectivity. So yeah, you talked about being on the unconscious side. So, yeah, it’s interesting, like the Line 2, but then you’ve got the Line 6 on the conscious side. So the Line 6 is like, “Hey, you know, I’ve got these. Like you started, especially as you get older, you start noticing some of the natural talents that you have. And so then it’s like, you get to the point where, like, “Hey, I really do have these and I want to share them when it’s appropriate, when I’m called out or whatever.” So that’s kind of like where the authenticity and the self acceptance comes in. You know what I’m saying? Where you embrace those natural talents as part of being a Line 6.

0:13:12.5 Leslee Wegleitner: Right. Yeah. So in that, 6 itself has that natural ability for people to look upon you for the wisdom, but it’s cool was being paired with that 2, because the 2 is a projection field to pull that out also.

0:13:24.4 Lauri Wakefield: It is.

0:13:28.0 Leslee Wegleitner: So yeah, I think they work really, really nice together and allow you to… They say you have to fulfill your conscious side to its highest expression for that unconscious side to really be there also. So it’s interesting ’cause that’s the Personality side. So we are more aware of that. So if you can understand that side of you, then that too is just gonna be icing on the cake for you ’cause it’s gonna draw people to you and acknowledge your wisdom and what your talent is around that wisdom and pull you out.

0:14:03.8 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah.

0:14:04.9 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.

0:14:05.9 Lauri Wakefield: Very true. So do you know anybody who’s a 6/2?

0:14:09.5 Leslee Wegleitner: You know, I do. I do. Not really well, actually a client, but it’s interesting ’cause I’m seeing, I’m seeing the 6… Oh, I definitely see the 2. She’s super, super gifted in art stuff. But she’s 70 and I’m curious to see if she’s really living out that 6 fully yet. We have a few more consultations to do, but I feel like she’s at that… A little bit of a resistance going on, which is fascinating ’cause now I’m kind of seeing it play out and she’s not fully done that conscious side, and she’s having some resistance with it. So I feel she’s still kind of just coming off the roof, even though she’s 70. [laughter] If that makes sense.

0:15:05.2 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. And I think those timelines, I think they’re just kinda like a guideline. But it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s gonna be exactly at that age. And sometimes, I don’t know. It’s… Yeah. Things are different for everybody.

0:15:21.6 Leslee Wegleitner: It doesn’t matter.

0:15:22.8 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. It really doesn’t.

0:15:23.3 Leslee Wegleitner: It doesn’t matter.

0:15:24.2 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. There are three phases regardless whether…

0:15:26.9 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah, exactly. I think that’s the main key is like, here’s the three phases. We as humans want everything within a timeframe, so they slap some time on there, but…


0:15:36.5 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. In general, that’s the word, that those are the ages just for the guideline. But then again too you’ve got, if somebody’s not following their strategy and authority, then the other parts of the body graph aren’t gonna be… You’re not gonna be living them out to their fullest potential.

0:15:53.3 Leslee Wegleitner: Right. That’s where the Incarnation Cross is never gonna be on purpose, because…

0:15:57.4 Lauri Wakefield: Exactly.

0:16:00.2 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. So it is kind of fascinating to watch how other people are in the stage, because I have a 6 unconscious. Actually my Chiron is a 6/2. So yeah, it’s… And I did feel that shift when I came into Chiron, for many different reasons. But that role was coming more evident where people reaching out and just different situations, but yeah.

0:16:24.6 Lauri Wakefield: Just so that people don’t get confused, your Profile didn’t change, but the Chiron return brought in something that impacted you.

0:16:35.3 Leslee Wegleitner: Yes. Yep.

0:16:36.4 Lauri Wakefield: So anyway. Okay. So I was gonna name a few famous people. You wanna hear them?

0:16:40.4 Leslee Wegleitner: I’d love to.

0:16:41.4 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Okay, so for Generators, including Manifesting Generators, Paula Abdul, Björn Borg tennis player. Kobe Bryant was, basketball player. Lily Collins, the actress.

0:16:55.8 Leslee Wegleitner: Okay.

0:16:57.4 Lauri Wakefield: She’s in… Have you watched that show? Or not that… Yeah, the show. Emily in Paris. Did you ever watch that?

0:17:02.3 Leslee Wegleitner: Oh, yeah.

0:17:03.7 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, she’s like the…

0:17:05.4 Leslee Wegleitner: The main character?

0:17:06.9 Lauri Wakefield: Lead role, yeah.

0:17:07.8 Leslee Wegleitner: Oh. Okay.

0:17:08.6 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. I like that show.


0:17:10.0 Leslee Wegleitner: I do too. It’s quirky.


0:17:12.7 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, well, it is. And it’s like, because it’s in France and I’m like, “Oh, that is so cool.” But anyway.

0:17:17.6 Leslee Wegleitner: And her clothes, just…

0:17:19.0 Lauri Wakefield: Oh, I love her clothes.

0:17:20.4 Leslee Wegleitner: They’re so… We know, yeah, they’re fun and just nothing I could probably pull off, but it’s awesome. Yeah. Okay. [laughter]

0:17:27.5 Lauri Wakefield: Okay, so another Generator is Alyssa Milano. And then we’ve got some Projectors who have a 6/2 Profile. Barack Obama, Jay Leno, he was a host for, I think it was The Tonight Show.

0:17:41.9 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.

0:17:42.2 Lauri Wakefield: The actress Michelle Williams.

0:17:44.7 Leslee Wegleitner: Okay.

0:17:46.2 Lauri Wakefield: She was… Yeah, I don’t know, I can’t think of like off the top of my head, any movies that she was in. But she was she’s been on a lot of them, she’s a good actress. John Bon Jovi from Bon Jovi. And then from manifesters, Kim Basinger and Dan Marino, the quarterback.

0:18:05.3 Leslee Wegleitner: Oh, wow. Okay. Yeah.

0:18:08.3 Lauri Wakefield: And then Reflectors, wow, I actually found a couple of those too. Mackenzie Phillips, I don’t know if you know who she is, she was…

0:18:14.7 Leslee Wegleitner: No.

0:18:15.9 Lauri Wakefield: I don’t know, she hasn’t really been like in too much that I’ve seen on TV for a long, long time. Not that I ever watched any, but I know who she is. Anyway, she’s a Reflector. Tom Petty was a 6/2, the musician. And then Uri Geller, is that how you pronounce his name? He’s a magician and an illusionist. He’s a Reflector.

0:18:40.4 Leslee Wegleitner: Wow.

0:18:40.9 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. So do you have anything else that you wanted to add, Leslee, before we wrap it up?

0:18:46.4 Leslee Wegleitner: No, I don’t think so. Feels good.

0:18:49.3 Lauri Wakefield: All right. So one thing I wanted to say, we mentioned it on the last episode, is that we are offering a free guide for coaches based on Human Design. And we’re gonna offer that through the end of July. So then beginning in August, we’re gonna be offering something for people who are just interested in Human Design. It’s not related to coaching, it’s just Human Design. So, we’ll… That’ll be available August 1st, and then in the next episode we’ll mention it again. So anyway, thanks so much for joining us today. In our next episode, in The Roles We’re Here to Play series, we’re gonna be discussing the 6/3 Profile, which is gonna be the last one.

0:19:29.1 Leslee Wegleitner: Oh. Wow.

0:19:29.9 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Kind of crazy, huh? We’re still trying to, yeah. We’re still trying to figure out what we wanna go into. We have a couple ideas. So, you know what? I was gonna say too, I haven’t said this before, but anybody who’s listening, if you ever have any ideas, things that you would like for us to cover, you can contact us on our website. I’m trying to think. Yeah, they could contact us there. So anyway, if you like to…

0:20:00.9 Leslee Wegleitner: We respond quite well as manifesting Generators.


0:20:03.3 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Well, I was gonna say, Leslee, I’m the one who goes in and checks the mailbox like every day. I don’t think you ever.

0:20:09.8 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah, I don’t. I don’t.


0:20:14.0 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, I do.

0:20:14.3 Leslee Wegleitner: So you respond very well.


0:20:16.8 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. I’m on it. Yeah. So anyway, if you’d like to see the show notes for today’s podcast, you can find them on our website at The show notes will be listed on our podcast, episode 37. If you’d like to join us as we continue our exploration into The Roles We’re Here to Play, please be sure to subscribe to our podcast. Thanks again and have a great day.

0:20:39.7 Leslee Wegleitner: Thanks everyone.