Human Design & Beyond Podcast
Title: The 5/2 Profile
0:00:00.5 Lauri Wakefield: Welcome. Thanks for joining us today. I’m Lauri.
0:00:03.4 Leslee Wegleitner: Hi everyone. I’m Leslee.
0:00:05.9 Lauri Wakefield: So today we’re gonna talk about the 5/2 Profile. Actually, this is our… Leslee and I tried recording this a little bit earlier today. And we actually… We were actually doing a pretty good job, weren’t we, Leslee?
0:00:15.8 Leslee Wegleitner: We were until my internet decided to drop me.
0:00:21.5 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. I was like… Like technical problems or mechanical problems or human problems.
0:00:24.6 Leslee Wegleitner: There you go.
0:00:25.1 Lauri Wakefield: [0:00:25.2] ____ something like that.
0:00:28.7 Leslee Wegleitner: We’re not sure. [laughter]
0:00:29.3 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, one of the three. So the 5/2 Profile. I’ll give an overview of it and then we’re gonna talk about the parts of the 5/2 Profile. And I’m gonna talk about the Line 5 again, just like I did last time. And then Leslee’s gonna talk about the Line 2. Yeah, and I just… I mean, I’m gonna try to… Maybe say something a little bit different or say it a little bit differently this time. ‘Cause we’ve kind of talked about the 5 a lot, haven’t we? [laughter]
0:00:56.0 Leslee Wegleitner: We have. [laughter]
0:00:57.6 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. So it’s like, what more do you say about it? I don’t know. But then there are people who will be listening to this, who haven’t listened to the other one, so. And then toward the end of the episode we’re gonna put the two Lines together, talk about that. And then, I’m gonna mention a few famous people with the 5/2 Profile. Do you know anybody who has a 5/2?
0:01:21.8 Leslee Wegleitner: You know, I don’t.
0:01:23.4 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, I don’t either. I don’t either. Which isn’t surprising because it’s actually one of the least common Profiles. It’s 2.29, I think 2.29% of the population.
0:01:32.2 Leslee Wegleitner: Okay. Okay.
0:01:33.0 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. So anyway, to give a quick summary of what the Profile is and the human design chart, it’s basically the role that you’re here to play to carry out your life’s purpose. And the two Lines, the first Line is on the personality side, and the second Line is on the conscious design side. So we’ve talked about the two Lines before, in combination and a Profile. It was the 2/5 Profile and this is the 5/2. So it’s just a flip on it. And it’s one of the few that actually has like two of the Lines and… Two of the same Lines in two different Profiles. So, yeah, it’s kind of interesting. We did that one, it was a couple months ago. I think it was a while while ago.
0:01:44.1 Lauri Wakefield: But anyway, the 5/2 is one of the Left Angle Profiles and there are only four Left Angle Profiles. This is actually the last time we’re gonna talk about the 5 and the Profiles. And we’ve talked about the 2 a couple times and then… Well actually no, ’cause we’re gonna be doing the 6/2 next time, so we’ll have one more time with that. So anyway, the Left Angle Profiles are all about Transpersonal Karma and the two Lines in the chart, the Line 5 is in the upper trigram and the Line 2 is in the lower trigram. So, I was gonna say too, and I mentioned this on the last episode, is that only a third of the population has a Left Angle Profile. So that’s not… Well, I mean, you figure… I mean it’s still a lot of people, but the most people don’t have a Left Angle Profile.
0:03:17.1 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. So, when you put the… Okay, the keywords for the two Lines, the Line 5 is the Heretic and the Line 2 is the Hermit. So you put them together and it’s the Heretical Hermit. Remember when I said that last time we were trying to record? Doesn’t it sound kind of funny? Probably not. So then like I looked up the word… Not that I don’t know what Heretic means, but I looked… I just wanted to see what it said about it. So the Heretical departure from accepted beliefs or standards, holding it an opinion at odds with what is generally accepted. Is that interesting?
0:03:57.4 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah, that is interesting, fitting.
0:04:07.2 Lauri Wakefield: Who cares?
0:04:07.4 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, okay.
0:04:08.6 Leslee Wegleitner: Some of the words are interesting that are used. [laughter]
0:04:11.2 Lauri Wakefield: They are. Yeah, they are. I mean it’s… But you know, you figure like, when Rau was doing his thing with the human design system for some reason it meant something. It means something, so…
0:04:23.5 Leslee Wegleitner: Right, right. It’s a vibration of the [0:04:24.7] ____.
0:04:25.9 Lauri Wakefield: And it doesn’t… Yeah, and it doesn’t necessarily mean like the interpretation. Like if we were to look it up in the dictionary, like I did [chuckle] It doesn’t mean that it means that, but… But anyway, so he had different names that he… Keywords that he gave to the different Lines. So the Line 5 is a Line that carries the most Transpersonal Karma. Well, both Lines actually, the Line 5 and the Line 2, they operate in a projection field. So both Lines are projected upon, but they’re projected upon in different ways. Leslee’s gonna talk about the Line 2, like I said, and she’ll talk a little bit about that.
0:05:04.0 Lauri Wakefield: So the Line 5. Yeah, we did talk about those quite a few times, didn’t we? People project things onto the Line 5 person, that the Line 5 person knows things or can solve problems or resolve issues. A lot of times the Line 5 person, [chuckle] they’re just kind of like… People assume that they know things. So like the Line 5 person’s like, I… Well I… Like you think I do, like in their own head, like you think I do, but actually I don’t really. So sometimes what happens… You know what I mean? It’s like, “Okay, well if you think I do, well then maybe I do.” But what happens is like the Line 5 person when they… When they’re projected upon like that, and it’s something that they can’t meet the expectations of the people or the person who put the projection on them, then it’s like they… The other person’s disappointed, but it wasn’t like the Line 5 person’s fault. It’s like…
0:06:12.2 Leslee Wegleitner: Right.
0:06:12.3 Lauri Wakefield: You know what I’m saying?
0:06:13.7 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. The other person has created this in their mind. [laughter]
0:06:18.4 Lauri Wakefield: Right, exactly. Exactly. Example the savior, that’s… Yeah, that’s another keyword for the… That the Line 5’s sometimes referred to as the savior. So anyway, the Line 5… Both Lines, they seek like retreat time, they seek time to get away from other people. So the Line 5 is more because of the projection. So they’re projected upon and they… And then when they fail to… I don’t know, it’s essentially just to get away from the projection field. Sometimes it’s like they just need to get away from it. So their projection… So their retreat is more about… Actually, I’m gonna talk about that towards the end of the podcast after you talk a little bit about the Line 2. But I think, I don’t know, I think that’s probably about all I have to say about it. If I think of anything else, I’ll mention it. But yeah, it’s just mainly the projection and I… The 5 and 2, they both… They’re, they’re harmonious together.
0:07:24.2 Leslee Wegleitner: Right.
0:07:24.6 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, so anyway, you wanna talk about the Line 2?
0:07:28.2 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah, well, I was just gonna add with the Line 5 again, it’s… They can overestimate their abilities because other people are projecting all this stuff onto them, and so it’s almost like programming that they can solve all these problems and so to maybe a solution or some avoidance of the disappointment can be to just really lay it out on the table. Like what are your expectations? Ask the other person what their expectations are and then just communicate that, and then that will hopefully sidetrack any disappointments in the end. And then like you were saying before was the strategy and authority, of course, it’s always a good thing to put into play to make sure that you’re connecting to that strategy and authority, so you are with the right people and in the right situations. So the projection field will be more correct and in alignment.
0:08:30.2 Lauri Wakefield: Right. Exactly.
0:08:31.4 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.
0:08:32.0 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, we did talk about that before. So…
0:08:34.8 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.
0:08:35.1 Lauri Wakefield: In the…
0:08:37.1 Leslee Wegleitner: In the one that got cut off. [laughter]
0:08:39.6 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, exactly. I was just gonna say that, the one that didn’t work.
0:08:43.3 Leslee Wegleitner: The one that didn’t work.
0:08:44.6 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, it didn’t work.
0:08:45.7 Leslee Wegleitner: So with the Line 2 in the Unconscious position, which is also the body side of the Profile, is the Hermit as you had mentioned, and they typically are pretty… They’re shy and they really like to be alone and they don’t wanna be bothered. It’s kind of like they’re doing their own thing and they just wanna be left alone. So what they have to… But the Line 2 is always associated with talent or a disposition of some sort. And this is kind of hidden from them because it’s in the Unconscious on the body side. So their whole life is really about finding out what this talent is for themselves and developing it. And it’s interesting and it’s important for the them to realize that listening to others will give them clues on what that is, ’cause other people will call it out or will see what the talents are. And then with the Line 2 also, in order for some of that to come forward, they need that solitude also, so that’s kind of interesting. So that solitude is really an important part of being the Line 2 or the Hermit. And yeah, I guess that’s all I was gonna say about the Line 2. Do we wanna chat about the bringing them together and…
0:10:17.5 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, we can do that.
0:10:19.2 Leslee Wegleitner: Okay.
0:10:19.6 Lauri Wakefield: So…
0:10:20.8 Leslee Wegleitner: Unless you have more.
0:10:23.7 Lauri Wakefield: What’s that?
0:10:23.9 Leslee Wegleitner: Unless you have more on 2… On the 2?
0:10:25.7 Lauri Wakefield: No, ’cause I’ll talk about it when I put the two Lines together. So we’ve got the Line 5 the Heretic, and the Line 5 the Hermit. So it’s also sometimes referred to as the Reluctant Heretic. Do you like that Leslee? Reluctant Heretic?
0:10:41.9 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.
0:10:42.0 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, it’s kind of cool.
0:10:42.8 Leslee Wegleitner: I do.
0:10:43.4 Lauri Wakefield: Anyway, so I mentioned at the beginning that both of the lines, they’re projected upon, but just in different ways. So one thing that’s really interesting is that… Okay, so the Line 2, like Leslee was talking about, it’s their natural abilities and their natural talent. So they’re engaged… Or not engaged, but they’re doing what they love to do and they’re doing it. They don’t wanna be around a lot of people doing it and having other people watching them do it. They just wanna do it. They wanna do it, and they don’t wanna be disturbed, they don’t wanna be distracted. So the Line 5, they’re… So that’s how the Line 2 retreats. And then the Line 5 is to get away from the projection field, but to look out, it’s not… They’re looking outward where the Line 2 is just involved in their own process. So anyway, with the 5/2 Profile, what happens is the Heretic, the Line 5, in this Profile, it’s designed to actually call out its own natural gifts of the Line 2. Rather than having other people so much pull it out, it’s something that comes from within. Does that make sense?
0:12:04.4 Leslee Wegleitner: Yep.
0:12:05.9 Lauri Wakefield: So when they’re in the right projection field, and that’s gonna be mainly at times… Well, it is gonna be, it’s gonna be at times when you’re following strategy and authority and you’re in alignment with your true nature, the projections are gonna be what’s right for that person. That make sense?
0:12:27.7 Leslee Wegleitner: Yep.
0:12:29.2 Lauri Wakefield: So when they call out their own Line 2, isn’t it funny they call themselves out, “Hey, I’m gonna call myself out.”
0:12:37.5 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. [laughter]
0:12:37.9 Lauri Wakefield: I’m gonna call this talent out of myself. Yeah. But one thing I was gonna say too is that, with this Profile, they can get kind of overwhelmed. Especially if they’re not following strategy and authority, they can get overwhelmed by all the projection that’s placed on them, and then it can make them uncertain about whether or not they… I don’t know, whether or not they really actually have that talent or their skill or whatever. But what that can do is it can actually cause them to become underachievers ’cause they don’t wanna disappoint others.
0:13:18.2 Leslee Wegleitner: Right.
0:13:18.6 Lauri Wakefield: So they kind of retreat, you know what I mean? And try to… “I’m gonna get out of the projection field.” [laughter] “I’m going to stay away from that.” Right?
0:13:28.4 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.
0:13:29.0 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. But anyway, another thing too is the power of attraction is like super important to the 5/2. And that’s when they’re in alignment, and when they’re in alignment is when they’re following strategy and authority. That the projection is going to be correct for them. But anyway, I think that’s probably all I have to say about that. Did you want to add anything to it, Leslee?
0:13:53.3 Leslee Wegleitner: Just one little thing. So like self motivation is actually pretty crucial for the 5/2 and they have to learn to motivate themselves by following their strategy and authority. And no one can really motivate them to any action in life. I found that kind of interesting. Or to get them out of their cave until they’re really ready and they want to. So if someone attempts this they will become incredibly stubborn and go deeper in their cave which kind of makes sense, right? I found that was kind of an interesting factor and I kind of… I can feel that between the two, like how that would play out. So, yeah.
0:14:38.4 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Because they both retreat. You know, that’s… Just in different ways. Yeah. So we said at the beginning neither one of us know anybody who’s a 5/2. I’m sure there are plenty of people out there who are. As a matter of fact I know a few famous people… Not that I know them. But I mean, I looked it up and I actually… Because they had more time because sometimes I don’t have a lot of time like when I’m preparing for the podcast, so. But anyway I did have enough time to find quite a few so.
0:15:08.7 Leslee Wegleitner: Oh, good.
0:15:09.0 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. So for emotional generators, we’ll just say generators. Justin Bieber, Chef Gordon, the race car driver Jimmy Buffett. You know Jimmy Buffett? Dakota Fanning, the actress, Dakota Fanning. Yep. And then for Self-Projected Projector, Lisa Kudrow, she was on Friends. Do you know who I’m talking about? Emma Watson’s a Splenic Projector with a 5/2.
0:15:38.8 Leslee Wegleitner: Okay.
0:15:40.6 Lauri Wakefield: I got a couple for the for the… Actually for manifesters. Okay. So Ego Manifestor, Tommy Hilfiger.
0:15:49.1 Leslee Wegleitner: Okay.
0:15:50.1 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. And then I even found a Reflector. Scott Hamilton, the ice skater. He was in the Olympics.
0:16:00.4 Leslee Wegleitner: There’s a talent, right?
0:16:04.2 Lauri Wakefield: Exactly.
0:16:04.3 Leslee Wegleitner: Obviously they’re all stars, so they all have their their shining moments.
0:16:08.3 Lauri Wakefield: They sure do. So do you know of anybody? I mean, like famous people did you…
0:16:14.0 Leslee Wegleitner: I don’t. No, I didn’t really look into that, but…
0:16:18.1 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, that’s okay. We had enough. We mentioned enough of them. So anyway, in the last episode I mentioned that we were releasing a coaching guide. And it’s based on the human design system, and it’s something that I actually linked to it in the podcast, the last podcast… After the podcast had been recorded. So it’s available and it’s something that if you’re a coach or you know of somebody who’s a coach and you think they’d be interested in it, you can share that with them. And another thing too is it’s not necessarily like… You don’t have to necessarily be a coach, but like maybe somebody who wants to become like a human design coach or who wants to be a coach at some point and would like to use human design. It’s just a guide that can be helpful. So we’ll link to it in the show notes for the podcast and it’ll also be available on our website when I finally put it on there.
0:17:22.0 Lauri Wakefield: I’ll actually do that tomorrow or maybe Saturday, I don’t know. Anyway, so I think that’s going to wrap things up for this episode. Thanks so much for joining us today. In our next episode in The Roles We’re Here To Play series, we’ll discuss the 6/2 Profile. If you’d like to see the show notes for today’s podcast, you can find them at our website at The show notes will be listed under podcast episode 36. If you’d like to join us as we continue our exploration into The Roles We’re Here To Play, please be sure to subscribe to our podcast. Thanks again and have a great day.
0:17:58.8 Leslee Wegleitner: Thanks everybody.