Human Design & Beyond Podcast

Title: The 3/6 Profile

0:00:00.6 Lauri Wakefield: Welcome. Thanks for joining us today. I’m Lauri.

0:00:03.5 Leslee Wegleitner: Hi everyone, I’m Leslee.

0:00:05.3 Lauri Wakefield: So today we’re gonna talk about the 3/6 Profile and I’ll do an overview of it and then we’ll talk about the different parts of the 3/6 Profile. Leslee will talk about it in its highest expression and we’ll… Actually, I don’t think either one of us know anybody that’s a 3/6 Profile.

0:00:23.2 Leslee Wegleitner: No.

0:00:23.4 Lauri Wakefield: So what are we talking about? Like, somebody who’s a 6/3 but not a 3/6. So we can’t really talk about it, from personal experience, but I’ll name a few celebrities who have it. And the 3/6 is actually the least common Profile. It’s 2.25% of the population. Not that that’s a big difference between a lot of the other less common Profiles, but it’s actually the least common. So when we look at the Profile, just a quick overview of what it is, it’s the archetype or character of the role that you’re here to play to accomplish your life’s purpose. And the Profile is, it’s a combination of the two Lines, the conscious and unconscious. And there’s an attempt with the Profile to reconcile or bring together or to merge the two different characters that are part of the Profile. So the Line 3 is the Martyr, and then the Line 6 is the Role Model. We haven’t even talked about the Line 6 yet but we talked about the 1/3 and then the 3/5. So we’ve talked about the three a couple times. So we’ll go over some of the characteristics of Line 3, try to introduce maybe a few things that we haven’t already said already. And then we’ll talk about the characteristics of Line 6. But…

0:01:55.5 Lauri Wakefield: So basically when you put the two together, it’s the person’s designed to interact with the world through their own experimentation and then to act as a role model for others through what they’ve experimented with, or learned through the experimentation. The Line 3 on the conscious side, which we’ve already talked about this, but they’re here to learn through their own mistakes or basically through trial and error. So they’ll try things and they do that to find out what works and what doesn’t work. And they’re the type of people who, out of anybody, they’re the ones who are like, “Oh, I’ll try it.” Right? [chuckle]

0:02:33.9 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.

0:02:33.9 Lauri Wakefield: So I’m not gonna do it but, let’s get this person, they’ll do it, right? And it’s about trial and error in the physical world. So, I don’t know, maybe the first Profile that we did when we talked about the 1/3, we were talking about inventors very much in the physical world, through experimentation trying to find out what works and what doesn’t work as an inventor. But they can adapt and adjust to things like when they do something that’s considered an error or a mistake or something that just didn’t work, they have the ability to adapt and to adjust and to bounce back. And other people may look at it as a failure, but if they’re okay with, and they haven’t been too conditioned by others telling them that they made another mistake or they did something wrong again, they can pick themselves up and just go on and try to do it another way.

0:03:35.1 Lauri Wakefield: So, it’s also Line 3 is part of the lower trigram, which means that it’s interpersonal self-absorbed, and they’re not really here to share what they’ve learned with others. It’s more of a personal process, but if they have been criticized by other people for making mistakes, they can become fearful of making mistakes and that can inhibit them or kind of shut them down a little bit. Like what’s natural for them to experiment and then they might try to control the natural tendency that they have to want to experiment with things, which will stifle and frustrate them and then that’ll actually prevent them from growing. So Line 6, the Line 6 is really kind of an interesting Line. And there are three different phases to it that. The first phase is, acts like a Line 3, where they’re here to experiment and, do the trial and error thing so that’s the first 30 to 35 years of their life. So what’s interesting is that first part of their life that they’ve got, it’s like having two Line 3s going on, you know what I’m saying, Leslee?

0:04:48.1 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.

0:04:48.4 Lauri Wakefield: Like they’ve got conscious and unconscious. The only thing with the Line 6 is that, ’cause it’s gonna move into the second phase and then the third phase, it’s not something that lasts. It’s something that with the 3/6 Profile, it’s a little bit different than the 4/6 or the… What’s the other one I’m thinking of? The 6/2. Because they don’t have the Line 3. So it is truly that Line 3 is… Am I making any sense with what I’m trying to say? The Line 3 is always gonna be there with the 6/3 Profile. So even though Line 6 goes through that phase of the Line 3 in the first 30 to 35 years, they move on from it, but they’ve still got that Line 3. So the Line 3 energy’s still gonna always be part of their nature. Does that make sense?

0:05:40.7 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. So they’re always gonna experience that frequency with themselves. Yep.

0:05:45.2 Lauri Wakefield: Okay. So after the first phase, they move into the second phase, which is known as going on the roof. And I don’t know. Like I’ve said before, when we talk about the different Lines, you may not have the 3/6 Profile, but both Leslee and I have the 4/6 Profile. So even though it’s a different Profile, we can still understand the energy of Line 6, right, Leslee?

0:06:10.3 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.

0:06:10.7 Lauri Wakefield: So, ’cause we were talking about the going on the roof face, which is really interesting. Both of us have experienced that. So I can talk about how it was for me and you could talk about how it was for you even though it’s a different Profile. But anyway, let’s just talk about the… [chuckle] we’ll talk about the going on the roof, what that is. So the when they go into that phase it’s usually from their mid ’30s up until the Chiron Return and that’s a time where they kind of pull back and just try to reflect on things that they’ve done or just the life in general. And it’s on, I don’t know if I would say introverted. Did you kind of feel that way Leslee with with you when you were in that on the roof phase? It was kind of more introverted maybe?

0:07:04.9 Leslee Wegleitner: Actually that’s when I started my coffee shop so. It wasn’t necessarily introverted but there was an aspect of kind of standoff-ish or… Yeah. Where the observing was happening but I was still engaging. Yep.

0:07:19.4 Lauri Wakefield: But I don’t know if introvert was is the right word for it but it’s just like, well, there’s, just try to reflect on life and try to make sense of things and try to just, I don’t know. I don’t know how else to explain it. I mean how did you find it to be…

0:07:38.8 Leslee Wegleitner: When kind of going through that three phase. [chuckle] So you’re reassessing your decisions for the first 30 years kind of what I was finding and I don’t wanna say correcting but trying to understand how to move forward, where I want my life to go, what I was excited about and engaged in that was correct for me. What wasn’t. That’s kind of more of what I was feeling when I was up on the roof.

0:08:10.1 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. It’s an interesting phase I think because I think there’s a lot of growth that takes place during that time. But anyway so what’s interesting with the 3/6 Profile is that with the second phase for that Profile the second phase of Line 6 they don’t get to fully experience it because they’ve always got that Line 3 there. So the Line 3 even though they’re on the roof the Line 3 is gonna pull them back into do you know what I’m saying?

0:08:39.6 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah, the trialing phase one. Yeah.

0:08:40.8 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, it’s interesting. Yeah. So that yeah that would be for the 3/6 or the 6/3 they’re never gonna really experience the phase two somebody, like somebody, like the 4/6 or the 6/2 would.

0:08:56.1 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah that makes sense.

0:08:57.3 Lauri Wakefield: Okay. So after they do the… Go through the second phase they go into the third phase which is where they… It’s called the role model phase. And it’s usually around the Chiron Return the around the age of 50 or so 48 to 52 maybe the Chiron Return. So when they get into that phase it’s a… It’s like they’re kind of reentering the world and ready to engage again with people. And people look at them it’s like, I don’t know if wise is the word but people who just, how would you explain a role model?

0:09:42.7 Leslee Wegleitner: Well, what I’ve noticed is people will engage you for the experiences that you went through in the other stages. So it’s like they call you for your I don’t wanna say expertise but like how did you make it through this? How did this go for you? You know? How did you get through something how did you do this? How’d you do that? That’s what kind of what I was experiencing.

0:10:05.8 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. It’s like when we look at anybody in our own personal lives people we consider role models. It’s kind of like you just are fascinated with how they did something or their process or…

0:10:21.6 Leslee Wegleitner: You’re recognized…

0:10:22.6 Lauri Wakefield: Like who they are, you know what I mean? Just who they be who they became because of what they went through kind of, right?

0:10:28.6 Leslee Wegleitner: And I think part of it too is just who you are. It’s just you kind of get recognized for…

0:10:36.1 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Being authentic. Yeah.

0:10:38.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. Yeah. Being authentically you and just being who you grew into being so kinda admire or put you in that category where it doesn’t necessarily have to be something you’ve done.

0:10:56.7 Lauri Wakefield: Right. Right. Okay. So anyway okay so when we put the two Lines together which is what I said I think at the beginning that so it’s the Martyr Role Model. What they externalize is what they’ve learned through their life experience. That’s Line 3 to become the role model Line 6 for others. So did you wanna talk about the… When they’re, people with this Profile or in the expression of it? Did you wanna talk about that or just add some other things that I mention? Okay.

0:11:32.8 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. So with the 3 I think in the past you were talking about the bonds made broken and just how sometimes they can be kind of, if a relationship isn’t working they don’t have a problem with breaking up or they tend to with the 6… The 3/6’s the tendency to maybe have a lot of jobs because if it’s not working they just walk away. And they’re able to do that. So that might be something that is recognizable with that Profile. In the lower expression for the third Line we’ve talked about two is they can be kind of ungrounded in their trial and error so kind of accident prone and while they’re making their mistakes. And then I was saying jumping around and being kind of… So then with the higher expression is just learning and bringing forth what their experience was out of that third Line.

0:12:29.8 Leslee Wegleitner: The other with the 3rd Line it’s a lot to do with navigating the material plane. I don’t know if we talked about that at all but… So with the Profile of the 3/6 it’s a… It’s kind of a lot to do with business and bringing through their experiences being able to be more business orientated because of that material plane. I just kind of jumped ahead but as far as the unconscious 6 and we talked about the three stages but the lower expression for the 6th Line is someone who’s just gets bored and possibly jumping and or bumping into things in that first stage of life. And then later it might look they’re being pessimistic or distant or detached from reality.

0:13:20.3 Leslee Wegleitner: And then in the highest expression they’re able to, I guess bring their wisdom out into the world, maybe through business after they’ve bumped into enough things to know what did or didn’t work, and then are able to create from that 3rd Line, that double 3rd Line. It’s kind of like pretty powerful. If you start thinking about the material plane and how it’s so connected to that, and then you’re in the 2/3’s, and I can see where it would look very, from the outside, very disruptive and scattered. But the purpose of it I can see being really beneficial if that person is not getting be, not being conditioned, but actually able to be that resiliency and adapt to what’s happening. And I have to say, the person that I know that’s a 6/3, I really recognize that within them and how they can problem solve, is amazing.

0:14:25.7 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. So that’s just… That’s, I don’t mean to interrupt you, but that’s a flip to the 3/6. It’s the 6/3. Yeah.

0:14:32.6 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. But in the first half of his life he’s a 3/3.

0:14:36.6 Lauri Wakefield: Right. Yep.

0:14:36.8 Leslee Wegleitner: So I can really see where the benefits and how extraordinary that can turn out if it’s a 3/6 or a 6/3. So yeah, I think that’s all I kind of had to add as far as that goes. Oh, one last thing is they were talking about they really need a good sense of humor. [chuckle]

0:15:02.0 Lauri Wakefield: Right.

0:15:02.2 Leslee Wegleitner: So I can see with that whole trial and error, and it’s, if they can stay more lighthearted in life, it would be very beneficial for them and not to go down the road of the Martyr. Right? The double Martyr.

0:15:16.3 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Right.

0:15:17.0 Leslee Wegleitner: So, yeah.

0:15:20.2 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. I think the thing that’s hard too is… ’cause we’ve already talked so much like about the Line 3, so we probably didn’t have as much to add to that. You know? It’s…

0:15:29.7 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.

0:15:29.7 Lauri Wakefield: [chuckle] You don’t wanna keep saying the same things over and over again. But yeah. It’s interesting. When you, even though we’ve talked about that Line, it’s when you put the two together that makes it interesting, how the energy works together. So since neither, well, I mean, yeah. Neither one of us do have anybody that we personally know who’s a 3/6, but I can name a few famous people.

0:15:51.9 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.

0:15:55.0 Lauri Wakefield: People that…

0:15:56.3 Leslee Wegleitner: I see it. That’s it. Yeah.

0:15:58.3 Lauri Wakefield: It’s… [chuckle] You know that they have that Profile. It’s like you don’t know them personally, so how, or how it plays out in their life. But okay. John Elway he was a quarterback for the Denver Broncos for years. And then Tina Fey is a 6, or is a, excuse me, a 3/6. Will Ferrell, Kate Hudson, Ben Stiller and Mariah Carey.

0:16:22.1 Leslee Wegleitner: Okay. Interesting.

0:16:29.0 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. So anyway, that’s probably about it. Do you have anything else that you wanted to say, Leslee?

0:16:35.0 Leslee Wegleitner: No, I don’t. I don’t think so. I think that’s a wrap.


0:16:39.1 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Pretty much, right?


0:16:40.8 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.

0:16:41.2 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Okay. Well, thanks so much for joining us today. In our next episode in The Roles We’re Here to Play series, we’re gonna discuss the 4/6 Profile that you…

0:16:50.4 Leslee Wegleitner: Yay.

0:16:50.7 Lauri Wakefield: You and me, Leslee, right?

0:16:53.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Yep.

0:16:53.6 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah.

0:16:54.0 Leslee Wegleitner: I have lots to say. [chuckle]

0:16:55.5 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. I would think so. Right? And hope so. Right?

0:16:58.5 Leslee Wegleitner: Yep.

0:17:00.3 Lauri Wakefield: So if you’d like to see the show notes for today’s podcast, you can find them on our website at The show notes will be listed under Podcasts/Episode 32. If you’d like to join us as we continue our exploration into the Roles We’re Here to Play, please be sure to subscribe to our podcast. Thanks again, and have a great day.

0:17:19.7 Leslee Wegleitner: Thanks everyone.