Human Design & Beyond Podcast

Title: Human Design Fear Gates 32 & 50

Lauri Wakefield [00:00]

Welcome! Thanks for joining us today, I’m Lauri.

Leslee Weigleitner [00:04]

Hi, I’m Leslee. Today we’re going to continue discussing Fear Gates in the Splenic Center. The focus will be on Gates 32 and 50. So, before we get started, let’s do a quick review with the Splenic Center. It is the awareness center that governs our primal instinct for survival. The Splenic Center is the home of body intelligence, which gives us awareness and uncertainty about the world around us. The alertness we experience through our fears in the center ensures our survival, gives us the drive to perfect life and pushes us to a greater intellectual depth.

So, Lauri, would you like to start us out with the Fear Gate 32?

Lauri Wakefield [00:40]

Sure! So, Gate 32 is known as the Gate of Continuity or Duration. It’s one-half of Channel 54-32, which is known as the Channel of Transformation. The potential of Gate 32 is to know what can or can’t be transformed. It’s part of the Ego Circuit in the Tribal Circuitry, which means that it’s here to support the tribe or the family, or the team. It’s about working together as a team. It’s about valuing members of the tribe and being able to see the potential of each individual – their skills, talents, and abilities. Basically, seeing the things that can help them advance in life.

Gate 32 is also the energy to know which ideas, goals and ambitions have the best chance of succeeding and to be able to know when it’s time to move forward with them.

The fear associated with Gate 32 is the fear of failure. This can show up in ways that challenge you to make changes when something seems to be working okay the way it is. Sometimes there’s a push to expand or grow in ways that take you out of your comfort zone. So, there can be resistance to change. It’s a fear that can be paralyzing at times. It can keep you stuck. It can make you unwilling to try something new or different that could be better or bring more success. And like all fears, if you don’t confront them and try to push beyond them, the fears can grow and stifle you.

I have Gate 32 defined in my Unconscious Sun, so I’ve experienced these types of fears. It’s weird because your unconscious definition is something that operates beneath the surface. It’s something that you’re not aware of on a conscious level. It’s usually through other people pointing it out to you or through looking at your human design or looking at patterns of behavior that you can’t really explain. That’s not what we’re talking about here, but I just wanted to mention it.

This type of fear has been a major theme in my life. So, being aware of the tendency to hold back or to hold on to what’s already working and not wanting to change things has been really helpful to me. When you can see things like this, it just helps to explain why you operate the way you do sometimes. And like all definition, if it’s undefined in your chart, you’ll feel this energy during planetary transits and when you’re around other people who have it defined. It just won’t be a consistent theme in your chart.

One of the ways around the fear of failure in Gate 32 is to be prepared when the time is right to make the change or to take action. For example, you have a goal to do something that you want to do. It’s a dream that you believe is possible if you just allow yourself to do it. If you get prepared by doing what needs to be done to make it happen, you’ll be ready when it’s time to move. So, being prepared can lessen the fear, and pushing through the fear makes you stronger and minimizes or eliminates the fear the next time you’re confronted with a similar situation or opportunity.

Leslee, do you want to add anything to Gate 32?

Leslee Weigleitner [03:40]

Sure! My oldest son actually has the whole Channel 32-54 defined consciously in his chart. I remember one experience when he was working for a company selling solar panels for homes. He was really struggling to get sales. He called me because he was so frustrated and just got off the phone with his boss. His boss was trying to help him figure out what was happening and why he was just not able to land any deals.

After his boss wasn’t able to really give him the help that he was needing at the moment, he called me. We were just having a conversation, and he realized he didn’t believe in the company. He was asking his boss how this really benefited the customers that he was selling to. He just wasn’t getting any direct answers.

So even though my son did not have the clarity of the whole picture, his energy was just not allowing him to have success because, on some level, he knew the company was lacking integrity. Selling something that did not benefit others was resulting in no sales or failure but was also keeping his integrity to move on. So, it can also work in that way – failing if it’s not for the greater good of the whole and you know that on some level. You get that sense.

I guess I’m ready to move on to Gate 50. How about you, Lauri?

Lauri Wakefield [05:11]

Sure. Why don’t you begin with the Gate 50, Leslee?

Leslee Weigleitner [05:14]

Okay. So, Gate 50, known as the Gate of Values, is part of the Defense Circuit which is a sub-circuit of the Tribal Circuitry. Gate 27, known as the Gate of Caring, is the other half of the channel and is called the Channel of Preservation.

I want to break this down a little bit to give a broader understanding of the levels in which tribal energy works through this channel. It is about caring for protecting, nurturing, and sustaining life in a community. The Defense Circuit has only two channels. The other channel is a mirror image on the body graph connecting the Sacral to the Solar Plexus. This channel is 59-6, which is the Channel of Mating. This channel is focused on mating and reproduction. So, naturally, after offspring are born, the sacral response is “How do we care for what we have created?” or “How do we take care of those that cannot take care of themselves?”. This is how responsibility moves into the tribal energy of Channel 50-27.

Gate 50’s fear is the fear of responsibility – the fear of taking on responsibility or the fear they will fail their responsibilities. So, Gate 50 fears can play out as an avoidance of responsibility by refusing to acknowledge where your responsibility lies within a situation or by acting irresponsibily. It can be experienced as an over-correction by taking on too much responsibility.

So, let’s look at how the Gate 50 being the Gate of Value plays into responsibility. I just have one more keynote I’m going to add into this Gate 50 to help with this. Its mystical name is The Guardian. It establishes which values are right or wrong along with the drive to protect and guide its young. It’s about creating values and integrity that will uphold tribal law to sustain the well-being of the tribe. The instinct Gate 50 brings is its awareness of knowing which are corrupt or unjust, unnecessary self-serving, or need to be challenged or changed. So, going back to the Fear of Responsibility with Gate 50, I want to mention it is about the tribe or community; but it can also be about the care of the planet.

I want to share some examples of how these fears could play out with the family. It could be staying close to your family to fulfill obligations with aging parents or having the fear of raising children with value so that they can have a secure future. In a work environment, you may take on too much causing failure to maintain responsibilities or values on a project. An example with the planet could be taking on the responsibility of cleaning up the ocean.

So, establishing boundaries along with living true to your strategy and authority is required for one to intuit the correct responsibility. People do not set themselves up for failure and pure exhaustion. Another thing that can happen with those who are experiencing Gate 50 with the fear of responsibility is they may become lawbreakers and challenge the law.

One thing I would like to mention is why Gate 50 is also called the Cauldron. Gate 50 is an alchemical process that brings together all the other six gates of the Splenic Center. This is why it is called the Cauldron. It creates an understanding of how your inner and outer world meet. It helps one to establish healthy boundaries for one to see how they create or they relate to others and then create values for the community that will sustain.

My younger son has the whole Channel of the 50-27, and he is dedicated to competing and CrossFit. So interesting, the foundation of this sport is about being able to maintain one’s mobility to live life to its fullest; or another way to look at it is whatever circumstance you find yourself in, you’re able to physically make it through. When he was explained to me how most people are not in it for the competition but to establish these other qualities, it made so much sense why he was coaching and providing others with individual programs.

So, is there anything else, Lauri, that you would like to add to Gate 50?

Lauri Wakefield [09:49]

Yeah, there are a few things I’d like to say about it. With any of the gates, there’s a duality that exists. So, there’s a possibility that you’ll fear responsibility and the other possibility is that you won’t fear it. But I think that it’s kind of situational, and I’ll explain what I mean by that in a minute. So, either you’ll take responsibility or you’ll avoid it and this is in a tribal sense. I have this gate defined in my chart too, so I’ve experienced its energy. It’s kind of interesting to look back at times in my life where I’ve been called to take responsibility for other family members outside my immediate family.

Leslee, you and I talked about this before we got on the call today. What do you think about people who have Gate 50 defined? Do you think it’s something where they attract situations or opportunities to take on responsibility?

Leslee Weigleitner [10:49]

I do. I feel like it’s just a frequency that we emanate out from our essence, and so it will pull in electromagnetically those that are looking for the nurturing or the caring. Or, like in my son’s case, the community to build a body that will sustain them in their life. So, yeah, I completely do.

Lauri Wakefield [11:16]

Yeah, I think so too. It’s not something that I’ve ever really thought about. There have been several times in my life when I’ve been asked to help out with other family members. I’m a manifesting Generator. So my strategy is to respond. It’s not that I’ve actually sought the responsibility, but I’ve been asked and had to respond when help has been needed. So, in situations like that, I’ve had to be honest with myself about whether or not I had the energy to take on the responsibility, which is from the sacral. That’s really important with responsibility because if you take on the responsibility that you don’t have the energy for it ends up depleting your energy, and then it’s harder for you to help take care of that responsibility.

So, my experience in the situations where I did accept the responsibility, I wasn’t fearing the responsibility. I definitely had to make adjustments, but I didn’t necessarily fear it. An example of how fear might show up for me with this gate is something like borrowing something from someone else. I wouldn’t ask somebody if I could borrow their car unless I had no other choice. But the fear that I have is that something might happen to their car while it’s in my possession. I wouldn’t want to be responsible for it. Even if it wasn’t my fault, I just wouldn’t want to be responsible for it. That’s kind of a small example.

I think that’s about all I have to say about it. Leslee, do you want to add anything else?

Leslee Weigleitner [12:56]

No, I think that’s it.

Lauri Wakefield [12:59]

Okay, that’s going to wrap things up for this episode. Thanks for joining us today!

In our next episode, we will talk about the fears that can be found in Gates 44 and 57.

If you’d like to see the show notes for today’s podcast, you can find them on our website at The show notes will be listed under Podcasts Episode 3.

If you’d like to join us as we continue to explore the Human Design Fear Gates, please be sure to subscribe to our podcast.

Thanks again, and have a great day!

Leslee Weigleitner [13:32]

Thanks, everybody!