Human Design & Beyond Podcast

Title: Human Design Fear Gates 18 & 28

Lauri Wakefield
Welcome. Thanks for joining us today. I’m Lauri.

Leslee Wegleitner
Hi everyone. I’m Leslee.

Lauri Wakefield
So, in our first episode, we said we were going to be talking about the fears associated with gate 18 in this episode. We’ve actually decided to expand this episode to also include the fears associated with gate 28; but before we dive into those gates, we’re going to give a quick review of what we covered in episode one about the fears of the Splenic Center. We said that they’re physical in nature and that they’re fears that are a by-product of our awareness of what’s going on around us in the world – basically, things that threaten our survival. They push us to take action and to do what’s necessary to ensure our survival. It’s not always a life or death thing but can be more of a sense of well-being – trying to keep us operating at our peak level, so we can thrive and survive.

Leslee, do you want to recap how our fears show up in the Splenic Center and maybe give an example of it.

Leslee Wegleitner
Sure. So, what I’ve noticed is how our bodies give us signals and show us signs through being uncomfortable when we start to feel fear. If we lack the awareness to these sensations within the body, we are unable to acknowledge the wisdom our body is truly giving us behind the fear.
So, here’s a quick example. You’re invited to start a business with someone and the initial body response is of excitement. This excitement may vary, depending upon your authority. The next acknowledgment will be the not-self mind chattering about all that could go wrong. So, it could kind of sound like this – give up my job, my secure income. I am miserable at my job. What if the business doesn’t work? What will I do then and on and on?

So, the mind will definitely give us lots of uncertainty to ponder, but always remember to come back to the strategy and authority. The body never lies It will always direct us correctly. When these fears show up and create confusion, they can stop us from moving forward in life. We choose a safe decision of what we know and block the original excitement we felt. The more we become familiar with our individual process of using strategy and authority, we will see the purpose of this process and how these fears are valuable when experiencing life. Fears will never disappear or the sensations that happen in the body but gaining the understanding of the fear sensations in the body is what enriches life.

So, Lauri, do you want to start us out by talking about the fear gate 18 of authority?

Lauri Wakefield
Sure. So, we’re going to take a look at a couple of fears that are associated with gate 18 – the Fear of Authority and the Fear of Imperfection. Gate 18 is part of the Collective Circuit in the Understanding sub-circuit. It’s also half of the channel 18-58, which is the Channel of Judgment.

So, one of the fears of Gate 18 the Fear of Authority, and the theme of the gate is to “work on what has been spoilt”. I’ve really had to spend some time with this to try to make sense out of it – like what does that mean? But the way I understand it is that we have to look at our relationship with our parents from the time we were born. Sometimes, we get to a point where we start to see their flaws and imperfections and realize that they don’t know everything. But we’ve been influenced and conditioned by them throughout our lives and we’ve adopted certain values, opinions, beliefs etc. that have been deeply ingrained.

If we start to see inconsistencies or things we don’t agree with anymore or things that need to be corrected, it’s something that we may look at as being spoiled. The theme of gate 18 is “work on what has been spoilt”. I’m not sure if the way I’m trying to explain it makes sense; but basically, it’s a correction made to something we’ve learned from our parents because we now see it as being incorrect or wrong. If you substitute the word “spoiled” with the word “conditioning”, It would be working on how you’ve been conditioned instead of working on what has been spoiled, if that makes better sense.

Whether you have this gate defined or not, you’ll experience the energy of the gate. If you have it defined in your chart, you’ll experience it consistently. If it’s not defined in your chart, you’ll experience the energy of this gate during planetary transits or when you’re around other people who have it defined. It just won’t be a fixed energy in your chart.

There are two other fears associated with gate 18. It’s known as the Gate of Correction. People who have this gate defined are not only able to see imperfections, they’re also able to see how patterns can be improved and corrected. The other fear sometimes associated with Gate 18 is the Fear of Imperfection – the fear that something will never be right or perfect or as close to perfect as possible. People who have the Gate 18 defined can be idealistic, critical, and judgmental because they seek perfection. This can sometimes lead to being judged by others because other people aren’t always ready to listen to them about how patterns can be corrected. So, a fear of being judged by others can also develop over time. One way to avert this is if you have this gate defined is to wait for people to ask for your insights or opinions. That’s because it’s a projected energy, which means it works best when it’s invited.

Is there anything else you’d like to add to that, Leslee?

Leslee Wegleitner
I guess I would add people who have this gate have pressure to see things that can be improved and want to bring change that will benefit everyone. So, sometimes this can feel to others like they are complainers, or Ra calls it the bitching gate. But it is part of their frequency to see these patterns – the correction and also to challenge the authority in order to make sure, at least try, to acquire a secure structure and pattern that will improve life.

So, Lauri, I feel pretty complete with Gate 18. How about you?

Lauri Wakefield
Yeah, I think we pretty well covered it. So, I think we can move on to Gate 28 then. Leslee, why don’t you begin?

Leslee Wegleitner
Okay. Sounds good.

So, the next fear gate we’re discussing is Gate 28. Being still in the Splenic Center, it will also be about the survival instinct and physical well-being with emphasis on the body awareness.

Gate 28 is known as a fear of death. It is part of the Individual Circuit group in the sub-circuit of Knowing. The other half of the channel is Gate 38, which completes the Channel of Struggle.

The individual Gate 28 is called “Preponderance of the Great. It is about knowing in the now and if that knowing has enough value or purpose to struggle for. Or you could also say finding enough value in life beyond just surviving. In general, life is a struggle. Being in a physical body and to be alive can be a struggle. So, this fear gate wonders if it truly is worth the struggle at its core. It is all about knowing what is worth struggling for.

Gate 28 is also an acoustic intelligence and designed to keep us safe in the now. This ongoing process of change and evolution we operate within from the awareness of potential of listening is so we take the best possible risks. We can become preoccupied by wondering if life has value, depending upon the fear of taking risks or not taking risk. Without purpose, life’s challenges can bring out a deep melancholy that creates a state of being that life is always a struggle.

The Splenic Center provides us with an intuitive instinct to have the potential to survive through struggle. The individual circuitry has a chemistry that carries a mutative pulse of either deep melancholy or creativity that is inherent in the body. The fear of time outside of the present moment is what troubles anyone that has definition in this individual circuitry.

the idea life will be can be and is without purpose. It is truly a deep fear within all of us. Being in the individual circuitry creates a yearning through self to find what is purposeful. The process it brings a person that carries this frequency through is into loving what they do through loving who they are and also through loving life. It is through the risk-taking of Gate 28 that results in them loving what they do which brings them their purpose.

What gate 28 is seeking is purpose. Its fear is driven by the fear of life running out. Physical death is not what it’s all about. Its fear lies in the idea life will be can be and is without purpose. It is truly a deep fear within all of us. Being in the individual circuitry creates a yearning through self to find what is purposeful. The process it brings a person that carries this frequency through is into loving what they do through loving who they are and also through loving life. It is through the risk-taking of Gate 28 that results in them loving what they do which brings them their purpose.

The direction it can take someone into the deep fear and struggle that life is about survival. It creates questioning if there is more than that to life. This fear brings about searching the depths in order to be able to find answers that bring a sense of fulfillment and purpose.
Lauri, is there anything that you would like to add about Gate 28?

Lauri Wakefield
There are actually a couple of things that I I like to mention. One thing you kind of touched on already. It’s something that I’ve had a hard time trying to understand. I wouldn’t say hard, but it’s something I’ve had to contemplate to understand what it means. It has to do with how Gate 28 is sometimes referred to as the Game Player. When I heard that for the first time, I was like “what does that mean”? So, after contemplating it for a while, I understand it this way. It’s associated with risk taking, which you already talked about. There is risk taking associated with Gate 28 in the quest to find purpose or meaning. You can question whether life has meaning or purpose if you don’t take risks, but there are times when you have to take risks in order to move forward with things.

Another thing I wanted to mention is that people who have Gate 28 defined can become incredibly wise about purpose and meaning in life – things like what’s worth struggling for and what’s worth hanging onto.

That’s about all I have to say. Do you want to add anything else, Leslee?

Leslee Wegleitner
No I feel pretty complete with it.

Lauri Wakefield
Okay. Well, that’s going to wrap things up for this episode. Thanks so much for joining us today.

In our next episode, we’ll begin with the fears that can be found in Gates 32 and 50.

if you’d like to see the show notes for today’s podcast, you can find it on our website at The show notes will be listed under Podcasts Episode 2.

If you’d like to join us as we continue to explore the Human Design Fear Gates, please be sure to subscribe to our podcast.

Thanks again and have a great day!

Leslee Wegleitner
Thanks everyone.