Human Design & Beyond Podcast

Title: The Throat Center

0:00:01.0 Lauri Wakefield: Welcome, thanks for joining us today. I’m Lauri.

0:00:02.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Hi everyone, I’m Leslee.

0:00:05.0 Lauri Wakefield: So today we’re going to be talking about the Throat Center in the 9-Centered Being series. And I’m gonna start by talking about a few characteristics of the Throat Center and then Leslee’s going to share a few. And then we’ll get into an Open Throat Center and a Defined Throat Center. So the theme for the Throat Center is communication and manifestation, and actually all the energy in the chart is pushing to get to the throat for expression, like if it’s expression verbally or expression through action. Out of the population about 72% of people have it Defined and then the other 28% have it Undefined. So the Throat Center also has more gates than any other center in the body graph, it has 11 gates. And there are four manifested channels. So the manifested channels are where it’s… There’s a strong urge to take action when somebody has those channels, and it can be for either a manifesting generator or a manifestor. So the primary function is manifestation through communication.

0:01:23.0 Lauri Wakefield: And it’s something when people follow their strategy and authority, the timing for expression is always gonna be, just what it should be, it’s gonna be perfect. And then the secondary function is manifestation through action. And like I said before, with people who have a manifested channel to the Throat Center, there’s [chuckle] a really strong urge to act. And sometimes it’s not, it’s not always the right time. Manifestors have… They’re the ones who… They don’t need things on the outside for them to take action. They can initiate on their own, but with a manifesting generator, it’s something that would be in response. So those are just channels that are experienced a little bit differently than some of the other channels that make it to the Throat Center. Leslee, you wanna share some things that you have to say about it?

0:02:18.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Sure. Sure. So I thought it’d be fun just to do a quick overview of… If the throat is defined to the Ajna, then you speak your mind. This is what I’ve been… It’s fascinating when you know someone’s chart, and then you’re listening to them speak, and it’s coming from a certain center and it’s really like evident, you can just hear it. So if the throat is defined to the Ajna, they’ll be more speaking their mind. If it’s defined to the Spleen, they speak about what’s healthy for them or for you, through the G Center, if they speak depth of who they are, through the Will Center, they speak about self. If it’s through the Emotional Center, the Solar Plexus, they speak more about their feelings. If it’s the Sacral, they’d speak about their relationships or their work a lot. And if it’s through the Root, it’s what drives them. So it’s really an interesting, if you can play around and you have other people’s charts and you just recognize or you notice, where their throat is defined through, you’ll kind of be able to recognize the different… How they speak is usually related to that center. So, that’s all I wanted to add. I thought that…

0:03:46.0 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, I was gonna say too, the Root Center, it’s not a direct connection to the throat, it would be like either through the Spleen or through the Solar Plexus.

0:03:52.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.

0:03:53.0 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. And okay, so I guess we can probably get into having a defined or an Open Throat Center. And Leslee and I both have it defined. Mine is actually defined through the 34-20. And then Leslee, which one? Yours isn’t direct. It’s from the sac… Well, it’s from the sac… Well, actually it starts with the Root.

0:04:14.0 Leslee Wegleitner: It’s a G. Yeah, so it’s a G Center.

0:04:15.0 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, I know. But I’m just saying, ’cause it goes from the… Well, because you’ve got definition from the Root to the Sacral, the Sacral to the G and the G to the Throat.

0:04:25.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. So there’s the… Yeah. The drive to speak about relationships and work.

0:04:33.0 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah.

0:04:33.8 Leslee Wegleitner: And the depth of who I am or who the other person is. [chuckle] Yeah, it makes a lot of sense.


0:04:38.0 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, it’s interesting. So do you want to go ahead and start talking? Okay, even though we both have it Open, we had to figure out who is gonna do the Open and who is gonna do the Defined. So Leslee’s gonna talk about the Open Throat Center and then I’ll talk about Defined. From our own experience, we’re gonna do that, right?

0:04:55.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. Yeah. So I do have a few people in my life close to me that have Open Throat Centers. So it’s been kind of a fun experiment to watch them. But as Lauri said earlier, 28% of the population has it Undefined and/or Open Throat. And so with the Open Throat, they’re trying to attract attention or not. I’m gonna preface the or not, because in my experimenting, especially with my son, he’s one that does not want to attract attention. So it can be, you know, this or that in the center. And the fear of the not self mind, it’s gonna be, not being noticed. So people will have that fear about them if they’re living from the not self. So this… And the pressure of the Throat Center and wanting to be noticed can kind of be… What I want to say, be brought about in different ways. And so some of the examples of that would be… Oh, that was really hard to say. I don’t know why, [laughter] but it was. Is to maybe speak, just too much, just always talking, talking, talking.

0:06:19.0 Lauri Wakefield: Kind of.

0:06:21.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Or interrupting others that are speaking, or acting out in a mode like wanting to be the life of the party, type of a situation. Those could all be kind of little signals that, “Oh, I wonder if they got an Open Throat.” And what a person needs to know is that with that Open Throat, it is really designed naturally to attract attention. And there’s nothing that they really need to do, except to follow their type and strategy. And it will just automatically create opportunities for them to to be able to speak. And then… And through that natural means of it being like cleared path for them to speak, then that’s when they actually get recognized and they’ll be heard. So another kind of a wounding for the person that has this Open Throat is that they never feel they’re being heard, and they feel unrecognized and not heard.

0:07:30.0 Leslee Wegleitner: So someone with a Defined Throat, also is they amplify the Throat Center around them. And this can be kind of challenging, because they can feel that pressure to speak. But if speaking out of turn or just not acknowledging that that pressure could be for someone else to speak, that’s when they start speaking out of turn, or speaking too much or kind of speaking, I don’t wanna say nonsense, but just kind of like blurting things out. And that’s kind of the conditioning that can happen, and if they can learn to use that strategy and authority, it’s like they’re gonna understand the mechanics of how this works. And then their natural ability to speak when it’s like, I don’t wanna say the appropriate time, but when it’s gonna be recognized in the way that they’re gonna speak it, the person’s gonna hear it. And there’s just natural, this natural exchange of energetics that’ll happen, that the person will really take in what that person just said.

0:08:45.0 Leslee Wegleitner: And it’ll be said in a way that that person is gonna understand it, because it’s like they’re amplifying the energy from the other person. But it’s coming through their natural mechanics of being able, and their natural ability to be able to communicate it in a way that that will all just beautifully be expressed. And so, do you want me to go into some examples or do you want to go into Defined Throat first?

0:09:14.0 Lauri Wakefield: Well, I mean, you can, but hold on a second, ’cause I wanted to say something about… Well, I guess it wouldn’t really… If you’re talking about the Open Throat Center, it wouldn’t really apply to that. I’ll talk about when we get into the Defined Throat Center. Go ahead and give some examples.

0:09:28.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Okay, so like I spoke before, so my son is the one that’s very quiet and doesn’t speak much. When he was younger, though, he was definitely wanting to get attention through action, right? He would do shocking things to get noticed. [chuckle] But as he’s aged, something must have shifted within him to acknowledge that that really wasn’t working so well for him. And I watch him all the time just say the most profound things. Even if it’s to me or to his brother, or whoever is around, and really people just stop and will listen, and it would be a group of people and it would be like all eyes on him. And I think he’s really learned to understand that, and be okay with not always having to say something, or having something to say. And then someone else that I know, very, very talkative. And as she’s doing that, people are just talking right over her. She’s getting frustrated. Nobody’s hearing her.

0:10:44.0 Lauri Wakefield: Nobody else is listening, yeah.

0:10:46.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. And then she sits there and she kind of pouts, and so then she just stops talking, ’cause she gets so frustrated. So we’ve had some conversation around this and I watched her practice now as we’re together as a group, as a family. And it really is making a big difference for her. And she’s recognizing, when to speak or when someone acknowledges or invites her for her opinion, and then she says it like everybody else is listening. And it’s not this neediness to be heard and that neediness being shut down, and more wounding or whatever happening or more conditioning happening around that. ‘Cause that is what will happen, is if this continues and continues on, the person just chooses to never speak.

0:11:37.0 Lauri Wakefield: Right.

0:11:38.0 Leslee Wegleitner: And just kinda withdraws and chooses to then shut down, and not use their voice. Yeah, that’s… I think that’s all I have to say about that. Except, for… So, so… Yeah. So for their success, it is really about the recognition and being invited. And then when they speak.

0:12:00.0 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. That’s what I was gonna get into, ’cause it depends on the gate. I don’t know. I mean, if somebody has an Open Throat Center, they still might have gates defined. But what I was gonna say… Well, one thing I was gonna say about the Open Throat Center. Were you finished talking? Sorry.

0:12:18.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. No, go ahead.

0:12:20.0 Lauri Wakefield: Were you finished talking? Okay. So another thing with the Open Throat Center is that sometimes people who have it Open, are uncomfortable with silence. [chuckle] So they’ll just talk just to talk, because they don’t like the silence. But…

0:12:34.0 Leslee Wegleitner: And don’t you think it’s because they’re amplifying those around them, and that pressure is they think they have to speak?

0:12:39.1 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, it could be. It could be. I was gonna ask you, the two, your son and then your friend. Do either of them have defined gates at all, or is it just completely open?

0:12:52.3 Leslee Wegleitner: Oh! I think they… I don’t know that right off hand.

0:13:00.8 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, it doesn’t matter. But but what I was going to say, when I was first talking about the Throat Center and the manifesto channels. The other channels… Well, the 34-20, excuse me, the 34-20 it’s got the generator, the generator part to it. But the other channels are projected. So when we talk about being invited to speak, even though you might be a generator, if you have the definition, from the Spleen to the throat or the Ajna to the throat. There’s still an element of needing to, in order to be heard and for people to be ready to hear what you have to say. Sometimes you’re not gonna express yourself as well, and be heard the way that you want to be heard unless it’s something that you’re invited to. Does that make sense?

0:13:55.1 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. And I just looked, my son has just the 31. So it’s a leadership and that’s all, and that makes so much sense.

0:14:05.1 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. And because somebody who’s got the channel seven or excuse me, a gate seven or anybody who would define the channel, that would be true. But even I think even with the Open, if you have that gate and depending, I don’t know, I don’t want to get too complicated with stuff. But yeah, okay, so he’s got the 31. Yeah.

0:14:27.1 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. So someone like me, that has the 1-8, which is highly individual, that will still turn on, ’cause that channel will turn on his throat. But he’ll still have that leadership quality as we’re carrying on the conversation. But it’ll be flavored through my channel. But it will… Yeah. And he is called out to be in the lead, and he does fitness. So, he’s called into his leadership through that quite nicely.

0:14:58.1 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Interesting how it all works together, isn’t it?

0:15:03.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah, it really is.

0:15:03.8 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Okay, so I’m going to just, ’cause I’ve already kind of said some things about the Throat Center, the different types of channels that connect to the throat. So mine’s a 34-20. And one thing that I… I was gonna just share an example from my from my life. And it’s something I kind of, I don’t know. It’s like I’ve kind of been batten around, trying to decide whether or not I wanted to share it or how much to share or whatever. But anyway, I’m just gonna do it, Leslee.


0:15:36.4 Leslee Wegleitner: Okay.

0:15:37.0 Lauri Wakefield: Okay. I’m just gonna do it, aright? So. Okay, and the reason why is because it’s an example, a recent example of how that energy works within me. Because in another episode, I don’t remember when it was, I was talking about, “Okay, I’ve got the 59-6 and I’ve got the 34-20”. So I can… Well, I don’t know that the Solar Plexus really matters for this part of what I’m going to say. But there’s just, there’s a quick, in response it’s quick, it’s very quick.

0:16:13.4 Lauri Wakefield: So last week I had a biopsy done. And last week I got the results back, and it was actually before anybody even called me, ’cause I pulled up the report and I saw it myself, so I already knew. So I was looking at my computer, sitting at my desk and I was looking, and I’m like, “Oh my God, like WTF,” I don’t even really swear. But in my head, I’m like, “Oh my God, you got to be kidding me. Are you kidding me?” And so I was just, I had all these emotions going through me. I was angry, I was shocked, it was a breast cancer diagnosis. And I was just like, I had all this energy, I’m like, “Oh my God, I don’t even know. I want to throw up. I don’t even know what to do with all this energy”. So I got over my desk, went downstairs, went to the kitchen. There were five dishes in the sink, I washed the dishes and I’m like, I wouldn’t say really breathing heavy, but I’m just trying to process. I’m like, “Oh my God, you got to be kidding me.”

0:17:05.9 Lauri Wakefield: So then I went over to the refrigerator, I grabbed five grapes out of the refrigerator. Actually before I even opened the refrigerator, I had a couple of tears coming down my face, I’m shocked. And so then I went into, I got the the five grapes, I went back upstairs and I was on a mission. I was like, “Okay, I pulled up that report, and I looked up every single term that was on that report to figure out, to find out what the heck it meant.” And just to try to understand what am I looking at? And fortunately, I will say this, fortunately, it’s something that’s very, very early stage. And I don’t think, it’s not… From the way it looks, it’s not anything that’s gonna be a drastic, a drastic thing for me to have to endure. But just the [laughter] fact that “Oh my gosh, you got to be kidding me”. But the reason why, ’cause I did… Leslee and I talked about this before, we even got on the podcast. And because that’s how quickly and that’s the way I’ve been throughout my life. It’s like something in response, and I’m very quick with it. And even when I was a manager at the Credit Union, and I would get projects to do, and I’d be in my boss’s office and he’d give me “Okay, this is what we want you to do.” I’d be out of that office, and I’d be like, “Boom, I’m on it.” [laughter] And even while I was sitting in the church, I’m already strategizing about what I’m gonna do, to get things done.

0:18:28.4 Lauri Wakefield: But it’s a really interesting energy. And it’s something that, I actually like it. But, it can be like… There are times where I have, if I want to say something, or I want to do something, and it’s like they’re just like this, inside of me. And it’s like I can’t, I can’t get it out right then. And it’s like, I don’t know what to do with it. And so it can be a little bit, a little bit challenging at times, to just let it… The timing be what it needs to be, in order for it to be expressed in the best way possible. That makes sense?

0:19:02.3 Leslee Wegleitner: Mm-hmm. Yeah.

0:19:02.4 Lauri Wakefield: But anyway, another thing that I wanted to mention, and it’s just kind of a reminder to all women, that please get mammograms when you’re supposed to, because it’s something that when it’s caught in the early stage, it’s so much more treatable. And it’s like one of those things I don’t like talking about it, nobody likes talking about it, it’s not a fun topic. But the reality is there that, it’s something that that happens. And so, the best way to try to deal with it, is to try to take care of yourself by getting mammograms done when you’re supposed to get them done. So anyway, that’s it. [chuckle] Optimistic about it all, but…

0:19:45.4 Leslee Wegleitner: That’s right. [laughter]

0:19:47.3 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, I’ll tell your boy, Leslee, you knew that, ’cause I talked to you the day that it happened. I’m like, “Oh, my gosh, what the heck, this has been like month from, whatever.”

0:19:55.1 Leslee Wegleitner: And what a great example of how that works for you. It’s the busy channel, right? So it’s like you got up right away. Some people would just sit there in shock and like “Oh, my gosh.” But you got up and you got busy.


0:20:10.6 Lauri Wakefield: I got busy. I’m telling you Leslee. I looked at that report, it was shocking. And it was just I want to throw up, and the news, boom, I just went downstairs. It’s this energy, trying to get this energy out. And yeah, it is, it’s interesting. I’ve come to appreciate it, [chuckle] but it can be annoying at times, when it’s not… The timing isn’t there, and to express something, it would be situation. But maybe something that involves somebody else, where the timing’s nor right, and I have to wait, to respond, but situations like that, where it’s pretty much all on me, it’s… But yeah, anyway.

0:20:49.9 Leslee Wegleitner: Thank goodness you can move the body, you know what I mean?

0:20:52.0 Lauri Wakefield: Oh, yeah.

0:20:52.5 Leslee Wegleitner: Sometimes it just, I just have to move. Just gotta move.

0:20:54.1 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah, definitely. But yeah, so I don’t know. Did you want to add anything else, or are we gonna try to wrap things up?

0:21:05.1 Leslee Wegleitner: No, I think that’s great.

0:21:07.1 Lauri Wakefield: Okay. So thanks so much for joining us today. In our next episode in the 9-Centered Being Series, we’re going to be discussing the G Center. And if you’d like to see the show notes for today’s podcast, you can find them at our website. You know what I did last time Leslee, when we’re recording it, I forgot to say It’s like if somebody went to… Well, whatever, without, they’d be like “This doesn’t get me anywhere.” You know what I’m saying? I did the www.alignandachieve and I dropped it right there. But anyway, we’re going to do it right this time. Okay. So it’s The show notes will be listed under podcast. Wow. Leslee episode 19.

0:21:51.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Wow.

0:21:51.1 Lauri Wakefield: Crazy. Huh?

0:21:53.6 Leslee Wegleitner: Yes.

0:21:54.2 Lauri Wakefield: If you’d like to join us as we continue our exploration into the 9-Centered Being, please be sure to subscribe to our podcast. Thanks again and have a great day. Leslee?

0:22:04.1 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.

0:22:06.5 Lauri Wakefield: You’re gonna say thanks?

0:22:06.6 Leslee Wegleitner: Oh, thank you.

0:22:07.2 Lauri Wakefield: Kinda heard right there. Leslee, I’m knocking on your door.

0:22:10.9 Leslee Wegleitner: Yes. Thank you everyone.

0:22:12.0 Lauri Wakefield: Bye bye.