Human Design & Beyond Podcast

Title: Living as a Reflector Type

0:00:00.9 Lauri Wakefield: Welcome. Thanks for joining us today. I’m Lauri.

0:00:03.8 Leslee Wegleitner: Hi, everyone, this is Leslee.

0:00:05.8 Lauri Wakefield: So today, we’re gonna talk about living as a reflector type. And it’s going to be the last episode in this series, the Living As Your Human Design Type. So in the next series, we’re going to get into… We’re actually… It’s entitled, The Nine-Centered Being and we’re going to cover the nine centers over nine different episodes. So we’re gonna begin with the head center and the first episode next time. So for today, we’re gonna talk about, like I said, the reflector type. And this is something that Leslee and I were talking about it and just, it’s something neither one of us have anyone that we’ve interacted with on a regular basis is a reflector. So our knowledge is mainly from things that we’ve learned, things that we’ve been taught. And reflectors, they’re the least common of all human design types, they make up about 1-2% of the population. So, chances are you may never really have a reflector who’s close to you in your life. But for those of you who are reflectors or know reflectors, we’re gonna try to do our best with just explaining how their energy works, how their aura works, and what we think it might be like to be a reflector.

0:01:39.3 Lauri Wakefield: So, reflectors, they’re here to know the whole and to act as a barometer for what’s going on in the community, or the environment, the people around them. One of their biggest fears is that they’re invisible to other people. The strategy for a reflector is wait 28 days, which is the lunar cycle. So what does that mean? When… Okay, reflectors have… The thing that distinguishes them from every other type is that they have all complete… They have all open centers, they have no definition, no defined centers. I mean, they have obviously gates defined within the centers, but they don’t have any defined centers. So what happens with a 28-day cycle, it’s based on the moon. So the moon transits all 64 gates in the hexagram, over a 28 to 30-day period, just by going through the different… It does that through going through the different gates each month. So, what happens when those transits are there is that they’ll have activations that they don’t have. They’re just… They experience them just temporarily. It’s not something that they… That’s ever gonna create that definition, but they experience them temporarily. And what happens is, because they go through the same 64 Gates each month, is that there’s kind of a pattern that’s established.

0:03:18.3 Lauri Wakefield: So, they have… There’s some consistency there, with just the way that they’re looking at things, the way that they perceive things. So, the 28 days, when they say wait 28 days, that’s the strategy, but that’s also part of their authority. So, when a reflector is using their authority type, it’s to wait the 28 days to make a decision. And that’s obviously not based on the decisions that we have to make every day in our lives, but it’s based on the major decisions in their life, so that they go through those different activations throughout the month, so that they… And it’s also by being in the right environment and being around the right people, because their authority, it’s called outer authority, which is the same… There are only two types that have outer authority: It’s a reflector and then the mental projectors. So, they gain clarity over time by going through those different things that they experience with the transits. And then by talking out loud and hearing what they’re saying, and then they… If after the 28 days, they haven’t still made a decision, then they need to wait out the lunar cycle again. So, one thing with the reflector that’s kind of… It’s kind of interesting and kind of…

0:04:41.6 Lauri Wakefield: I don’t know, it seems kind of cute to me, but it’s like they’re like… If they understand how they’re designed, and they experienced life like they’re living according to their design, then life is like… It’s like a little kid. It’s like being a little kid and like, “Oh, wow. Oh cool.” There’s just that sense of awe and that sense of little kid… [chuckle] Like wonderment, you know? So anyway, I don’t know, I’ve been talking for a while, Leslee, why don’t you go ahead and share some of your thoughts about it?

0:05:14.8 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah, well, and just to kind of piggyback off of that last comment that you were making. Their signpost is surprise. So, it kind of goes back to what you were saying of the kid-like quality of looking at the world as a big surprise, like, “What’s gonna happen next?” type of a thing. So, I’ll probably maybe repeat some of the stuff that you’ve kind of already said, but like the aura type of reflector is sampling resistant, and is kind of like Teflon, so it’s like they have a… Even though they’re so open, they do have a protection mechanism because of that openness, when they’re around other people. And their presence is… It’s gentle, and it’s quiet, and it’s unimposing, it’s non-intrusive, and I think that’s part of that Teflon. So it’s not like when they come in, that they just merge with everything and anything. And they are here to reflect the environment as a whole, like you were saying, and it’s difficult for others to fully get them, and so that’s where they kind of… If not living by their strategy and authority, they may tend to feel, like you were saying, not understood, not heard. And they tend to feel like they’re very different from everyone else.

0:06:45.6 Leslee Wegleitner: So when they are in the right environment, and they provide an objective assessment of the people in the communities, business, or the group that they’re a part of, they can totally have this unique perspective. And this is their ability to reflect and gain an overview and can accurately evaluate how things are progressing or not. So it’s kind of their gift to those around them. And they have this ability to enliven and lift up the energy of others also. They’re very… They can be very accepting of others and naturally help them see what is not working, and gently guide them towards cooperation, peace and equality, when you have a healthy… A reflector in your environment. So, like their personal interaction style, and kind of what you were touching on, like decision and stuff, is kind of, wait, reflect and then discuss nonverbal presence. So because they are… They do so much observing and noticing of what’s important and realizing what’s happening in their environment, it’s kind of like nonverbal presence, is how I view that.

0:08:00.2 Leslee Wegleitner: So it’s important for them to really realize their unique… This very unique ability that they do have. And most types, we kind of have our purpose, and it kind of shines through us. But reflectors are the only type that are designed to reflect, sample, and then often magnify everything and everyone around them, making it easy for them to see what’s happening. So, like you were talking about the decision-making strategy, wait to be initiated, they need… They have to wait for that lunar cycle, waiting for the invitation from others, even though that’s… Kind of sounds somewhat of a projector, but it’s also for the reflector. And they will progress towards full clarity by waiting that whole month. And they’re designed to really take the time and reflect, to see what is correct for them, and to discuss it with others, especially trusted confidants. But it’s not to take on the advice of what the other is saying, but more to articulate their own thoughts and hear about their own truth and feel into that. And their perceptions will change and be redefined over time to bring that clarity to their decision.

0:09:25.1 Leslee Wegleitner: But when they do come to that, there’s gonna be this really deep inner sense of knowing that it is correct for them or not, if they go through this process correctly. That’s kind of what they describe it as, is just this really deep inner sense of knowing that it’s the right thing to do or not to do. So, to just kind of recap of like just basic success strategies or keys for the reflector, their success comes with being able to express their gifts, when they’re in the heart of the business or the community or the group. And this allows them the freedom of movement to sample and reflect how things are working as a whole or not. And the acceptance of others teaches the rest of us how to embrace diversity. And if they don’t try to fit in, just to remember, the way you operate is completely different, and own and appreciate your uniqueness. And it’s really important for you to also… To be in that right environment, within the right community to thrive. That’s, from what I’m understanding, is really, really a key part of being a reflector, so that you can stay neutral and remaining unattached as a sampling observer, and then the wisdom will come through for you to be able to reflect the truth, so… And the other thing that I’ve heard is reflectors being that they’re so open, and like you were saying, just have hanging gates, is they… A kind of compromise. I mean, they have to learn about compromise, because everyone’s gonna define them, that is not a reflector.

0:11:21.1 Leslee Wegleitner: So, for… If they have another reflector, they may also have an… It’s called electromagnetic, which is the other gate on the other side, which would define the two centers, because a channel would be formed. But they learn compromise, because anyone that comes in their presence and has defined… Or definition, they have to surrender to that. And so it’s kind of fascinating, if you think about that, to be able to learn how to do that. I mean, I have some relationships where I have compromises, and it’s not easy, [laughter] but… So I think that’s where they have to really own their… And appreciate their uniqueness of who they truly are, and their place in the group and the community, so… Yeah. Did you have anything else to add to any of that, or…

0:12:23.1 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah, one thing I wanted to go back to, and it was something that you were talking about like with decision making, their authority. So basically, the decision making process starts when… It begins when they’re presented with an opportunity. So it’s not like that they would get an invitation or that they would be responding to something or anything like that. It just means that their decision making begins when they’re presented with an opportunity. So I just wanted to clarify that a little bit. And then one thing I think that’s really fascinating about just the openness that they have, I would think… Without knowing this, I would think because they have so much openness, that they’re probably the most prone to conditioning, but it’s odd because through that openness, they’re actually… Because their aura… It’s called resistant, which we’ve both said a couple times, probably more than a couple. But anyway, resistant.

0:13:24.0 Lauri Wakefield: And Leslee called it Teflon. So basically, what that is, it’s like, where they don’t really get… It’s like… The energy is kind of like they’re detached from it in a way, or like it’s a neutral energy, or it’s like it’s not passive or aggressive, it’s just something that passes through. Like, if you had like a cross-breeze, you know what I mean? Like where it just passes through, so that there’s nothing to hang onto. So, I don’t know, I just thought that was really fascinating when I learned that about them, just that they’re actually not even as prone to conditioning.

0:14:00.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Right.

0:14:00.7 Lauri Wakefield: So, yeah. Don’t you think that’s interesting?

0:14:03.6 Leslee Wegleitner: It’s really… It is fascinating how there’s always the built-in protection. I mean, I dunno how else to say it, but it’s like you would look at them, I think they were very vulnerable, and maybe if they’re not working through their strategy and authority, there are aspects of that, but they do have a built-in mechanism.

0:14:23.3 Lauri Wakefield: Right. Yeah. I mean, they don’t absorb the energy like other types would.

0:14:27.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah.

0:14:27.3 Lauri Wakefield: And then like with the hanging gates, okay, so obviously, they have activations for each planet is gonna have… Each planet is gonna be in a certain gate. So they’re gonna have gates throughout their chart, but they’re all dormant gates, which I don’t know, back on one of the episodes that we were talking about, it was with… The one in the… The gate four podcast, I don’t know if you remember, but like, I only have… That’s the only gate that I have defined in the Ajna, and like I haven’t opened it… Unopened, had in an open Ajna center. And I know, just with that dormant… Even the head center, I have two open gates… Or, I mean, two dormant gates. So, it’s a really different feeling for me to have a defined gate in an open center, because it’s like… I don’t know what the analogy was that I used, something about like with a straw. Like, there has to be something in the cup for you to be able to drink from it. So if it’s just like a dormant gate there, until it actually gets activated by something like… By someone else who has like the 61s, there’d be somebody who has the 24 defined. So, there would be an activation there for me, but… Or like a transit from one of the planets, but by itself, [laughter] it’s just like a hanging gate that has no… Or what’s dormant, called the dormant gate. So anyway, I think that’s probably about all I had to add to it. Did you wanna add anything else, Leslee?

0:16:01.8 Leslee Wegleitner: Well, I was just gonna kind of go off of what you were just talking about, and I can see where the wisdom would come through, because as these transits are happening, it would be so impactful within their chart. Like, I have eight of the nine centers defined, so I don’t even have a dormant gate in the one center that’s open, so I don’t even know what that…

0:16:24.1 Lauri Wakefield: Right, it’s completely open.

0:16:25.8 Leslee Wegleitner: So it’s something like as it’s getting turned on, right? So to me, it’s like, wow, I can really see where they’d be able to differentiate as the transits are coming through and why they’re known as these lunar beings, because… And like you said, that pattern shows up every month consistently, and you’re able to play with it and… Yeah. So it’s kind of…

0:16:45.8 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. Yeah, that’s interesting, because like all the other types, the generators, the projectors and the manifestors are all solar beings. And then like the lunar… The reflectors are the lunar beings hanging out there all by themselves [0:16:58.0] ____. Yeah.


0:17:03.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. It’s pretty fascinating, so…

0:17:04.9 Lauri Wakefield: So… Go ahead.

0:17:05.8 Leslee Wegleitner: I was just gonna end with a… It’s kind of a quote or more like a paragraph that Rahu kind of says about reflectors, and I think it might be kind of a nice way to wrap it up if you don’t have anything else.

0:17:20.2 Lauri Wakefield: No, I don’t.

0:17:21.6 Leslee Wegleitner: Okay. So, many of the characteristics that differentiate reflectors today resonate from a time when our earliest human ancestors lived in harmony with the cosmos in the flow of nature and in community with each other. A new natural hierarchy is beginning to emerge in which the reflector will play an exquisite role as they stand for ultimate justice. With their quiet, unobtrusive aura, they will fill their rightful place at the center of the type hierarchy by reflecting into the world, the not self-injustices they see humanity penetrating on itself. They are here to prod humanity toward a cooperative, just peaceful, equitable global community. And the preparation for those being born after 2027 with spirit awareness. So, it kind of gives a broad… From the beginning of time, where humanity was, where we are today, and where we’re going, and how the reflectors do have a very unique place within the totality of it all. So, I thought that was kind of a nice quote.

0:18:34.3 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, it is. It is. So, that’ll probably wrap things up. You think so?

0:18:40.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah, I’m…

0:18:41.8 Lauri Wakefield: Okay. One thing I wanted to add before we close on this is that we’re gonna be offering a free course mastery decision making. And it’ll be… I’m gonna try to put a link in the… Well, I will put a link in the show notes on the website. But if somebody’s listening to it from one of the other platforms like Apple or any of the other ones, I’ll try to put it in the show notes there too… Or excuse me, yeah, the show notes there, the description there. But anyway, so we’ll be offering that for a little while. But for today’s episode, that’s gonna wrap things up. And like I said at the beginning, this is the last episode in the Living As Your Design Type series. And the next episode, we’re gonna start the Nine-Centered Being, and we’ll be discussing the head center in that episode. So if you’d like to see the show notes for today’s podcast, you can find them on our website, at Those show notes will be listed under podcasts episode… Wow, this is episode 16 already.

0:19:50.1 Lauri Wakefield: Isn’t it? Is it 15 or 16? I don’t know. Yeah, it’s episode 16, sorry. [laughter] If you’d like to join us as we finish up… Or not as we finish up, as we begin our exploration into the Nine-Centered Being, please be sure to subscribe to our podcast. Thanks again, and have a great day.

0:20:07.8 Leslee Wegleitner: Thanks, everyone.