Human Design & Beyond Podcast

Title: Living as a Projector Type

0:00:01.8 Lauri Wakefield: Welcome. Thanks for joining us today, I’m Lauri.

0:00:05.1 Leslee Wegleitner: Hi everybody, this is Leslee.

0:00:07.8 Lauri Wakefield: So today we’re gonna talk about the projectors, and we’ve mentioned last week that, on the last episode that we might interview somebody, but we’re actually just gonna do it between the two of us. So basically what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna talk about the type and strategy and other things for the projector, and then talk about our own experiences dealing with people who are projectors. Did you wanna add anything, Leslee, before I start talking?

0:00:41.6 Leslee Wegleitner: No, go ahead. You can start us off. That’s great.

0:00:43.7 Lauri Wakefield: Okay, so Projectors are… They’re the second most common type, second most common human design type. About 20% of the population is a projector, and the strategy for a Projector is to wait for the invitation. To be recognized as an authority, or recognized for their wisdom or knowledge, and then to be invited to share it. So that’s kind of like what I was talking about last week with a Generator.

0:01:18.4 Lauri Wakefield: So waiting for the invitation doesn’t mean that you sit back and you do nothing and you just sit there and wait all day for an invitation, it means that you do the things that you have to do, do the things as much as you can, do things that you love, and then wait for the right invitations to come to you based on what other people are perceiving in you.

0:01:40.3 Lauri Wakefield: There are three different, three main Projector types, just like we talked about last week with the Generators are two Generator types, the Manifesting and the Pure generators. So with Projectors, there are three main types. There is an Energy type, there is a Classic type, and then there’s the Mental Projector.

0:02:04.8 Lauri Wakefield: So basically, the Mental Projector is, they’ll have any combination of the head, ajna and throat center defined, which means they can have head-throat… Or excuse me, head-ajna, ajna-throat, head-ajna, but they won’t have any defined centers beneath the throat center. So with that type, they’re able to pick up on the energy of others through their undefined centers, and probably out of all the types, they’re the type that identifies more like with their mental process and they think that they’re using… That they should use their mind to make decisions, but actually it’s through their outer environment and by bouncing things off of other people, that they ultimately will reach the right decision.

0:02:56.9 Lauri Wakefield: Energy Projectors. They have at least one motor defined excluding the sacral, so they’ll have the ego/will center, the solar plexus or the root center defined. With that type, they need to be careful about the decision… Excuse me, about the invitations they accept because of their defined motors. So with the defined motor, there’s pressure that gets built up, it’s an energy thing, and then they feel like they need to release that built up energy, so they may jump on invitations that aren’t correct for them, just to release the energy.

0:03:38.8 Lauri Wakefield: Classic Projector. Probably I… Okay, so Classic projector, they have definition below the throat center, but they don’t have a motor defined. So with this type, it’s easier for them to be more objective about invitations they receive, and that’s through their openness also. But through that, they’re able to read the energy of other people and to know what people are correct for them to work with or collaborate with or to interact with. So anyway, did you wanna add something to that, Leslee? Or anything I’ve talked about?

0:04:19.5 Leslee Wegleitner: So you cut out a little bit for me in the middle there, so I might be repeating some of the things, but… You covered it really well. And so what I’ve noticed is like the Classic are really, can deeply understand others. It’s healthy and correct for them to be more selective when choosing what is correct for them, and the well-being actually is determined by the invitations that they may or may not accept.

0:04:52.7 Leslee Wegleitner: And then the Energy Projectors is to stay vigilant with their invitations from others. And they do have more energy, like you were stating, and so it’s really about making sure that they’re still protective and choosing the correct invitation. And then that people may want to use their energy for certain jobs, and then they might do more than we should be doing, and that’s something that they have to be aware of. And then I know you said something about discharging the energy.

0:05:34.7 Leslee Wegleitner: Discharging that energy, a good way to do it is to do something that you were properly invited to do, or doing something that you love, is a good way. And then with… The notes that I have for the Mental Projectors is just that they are very open, nothing below the throat, like you mentioned, but they really can be valued with the information and the guidance that they can give.

0:06:03.7 Leslee Wegleitner: And then just to kind of remember, don’t make decisions from your mind, it might be a little bit more, what do I wanna say? Conditioned to do, so because you have so much from the throat up, and then to bounce those ideas off of others. And then just to realize that environment really does have a lot of influence on you. And then I was just gonna… I feel pretty complete with that, Lauri. Do you too, with three different types, or?

0:06:34.2 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, I think one thing that I didn’t mention is that when we’re talking about accepting invitations, so the invitations that are accepted, it’s going to be based on the projector’s authority type. So out of all four human design types, the Projectors have… They have five different authority types that they can have. With Generators it’s two, with Manifestors it’s three.

0:07:06.3 Lauri Wakefield: And the Projectors, they can have emotional definitions through the solar plexus, they can have a splenic definition through the splenic center, they can have ego projected through the ego/will center, self projected through the G center, or the mental projected, which was one of the ones that we talked about. When we’re talking about accepting invitations, it’s going to be based on using the correct authority type for that projector. So that was just something that’s important, that was important to add.

0:07:39.6 Lauri Wakefield: Another thing that, with the Projector is their aura. It’s called, like their energy field around them, it’s called “focused and absorbing”. So we’re gonna probably get into this a little bit when we start talking about like actually interacting with Projectors. Because Projectors… Okay, so focused and absorbing. It’s penetrating, it’s powerful.

0:08:05.0 Lauri Wakefield: What it is, it’s like that they’re able… Their focus is on other people, and like with a Generator, the focus is on themselves. So with a Projector, they’re looking out to other people and they’re seeing things that maybe they can correct or things that… Things that might be right for them.

0:08:26.1 Lauri Wakefield: So they’ve got a lot of valuable insight usually, and wisdom, but the problem is if they’re not invited, people don’t wanna listen. Because it’s like they feel like they’re being told, they’re being told to… Told to do something, or told what to think or whatever.

0:08:51.3 Leslee Wegleitner: Right.

0:08:51.3 Lauri Wakefield: So I just wanted to mention that. Do you wanna add anything to that?

0:08:56.0 Leslee Wegleitner: I live with a Projector, and my older sister is a Projector, and my youngest son has a girlfriend that’s a Projector. I believe they’re all energy Projectors, which is kind of fascinating. But I do definitely see them, not necessarily lacking in the energy, but they will all of a sudden crash. Because they don’t stop, they keep going, going, going, until they just give out. Which is part of not living perfectly to their design. And then also what you were saying with telling people what to do and not waiting for that invitation, all three of them, very bossy, very pushy.


0:09:46.6 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah, that’s what they do.

0:09:48.4 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah, just to call it. Because it’s like, and I just would be like, “Oh my gosh,” and it starts to build a resistance in my body, so it’s like he can just say, “Hey, go right here,” and then I’m just like, “Don’t tell me what to do,” and then now I just kinda have to chuckle and go, “Okay. Alright.”

0:10:08.1 Lauri Wakefield: Just his nature, right.

0:10:09.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. He does have 31-7 also, so he’s got the alpha leadership channel.

0:10:14.6 Lauri Wakefield: Another bossy, right?

0:10:17.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah, another bossy. But even with my sister, there’s like, they do really well one-on-one, so they’re penetrating. So if you get ’em in a group of people, it can be a little bit harder for them to do that because their energy is getting pulled all over and they’re more interested in the other, but… I mean, some have like a small group or a large group, but typically it’s the one-on-one.

0:10:40.8 Leslee Wegleitner: And you can really, you can feel… When he’s, like I’m talking about something, and I can feel his energy just like not only listening to what I’m saying, but just taking everything about my aura in, and sometimes it’s a little… Especially if it’s something emotional, I’ll be just like, “Ugh, this is getting very uncomfortable.” Because I know he’s picking up probably deeper than I even know in that moment.

0:11:08.3 Lauri Wakefield: Right, yeah. Do you feel like kind of like a vulnerability there maybe?

0:11:13.4 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah, yeah. But there’s times that the guidance is so… Like my sister, when [0:11:21.4] ____ went through a divorce and everything, it was so spot-on and perfect. And at the time I was probably needy and asking and I don’t know what to do, I’m confused, and she would share with me. But definitely there’s a difference when I asked for them, I’m asking for the information, or not. My body, there’s a resistance, there’s this cringe, there’s this a little bit of anger involved with that. [chuckle]

0:11:51.4 Lauri Wakefield: Right. Right, like, “How dare you?”

0:11:54.1 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah, yeah, and it can be very simple things or large. So our interaction with Projectors are supposed to be a really nice… What do I wanna say? Compatibility. Because of we can invite them and then they can spin it back and ask us a question. Well like I can say, “Hey, do you wanna go to dinner?” And then he can say, “Yeah, that sounds is nice. Well, how do you feel about dinner?” So they can… There’s a good exchange and energy between the two, but it has to be correct, right?

0:12:27.7 Lauri Wakefield: Yes.

0:12:29.9 Leslee Wegleitner: And then the… I just want… The bitterness that they can, Projectors can become. If they’re not getting invited and they’re charging in and doing things, they get to be bitter because they don’t feel like they’re getting recognized, and then they’re getting sore about not that, and then they feel rejected.

0:12:53.9 Leslee Wegleitner: And another thing that I’ve noticed, if there’s a one-on-one conversation going on with them, if they get interrupted by someone’s else’s energy coming in, that gets them angry too, because they are so focused. And that’s how their energy works, is to be able to hone in on that other individual.

0:13:15.1 Leslee Wegleitner: Which I’ll even see it, like when we’re out and about, it’s fascinating, we’ll go to say a checkout clerk. And Jim, and you can tell the person is not having a good day or whatever, and he’ll know exactly what to say to just put a smile on that person’s face and lighten them up. And so it’s kind of a fun energy to kinda witness or whatever. And then, so when they know they’re in alignment with things, should we talk about the success aspect of that?

0:13:46.8 Lauri Wakefield: Sure, you can. Yup.

0:13:50.2 Leslee Wegleitner: So if they’re waiting to be recognized and the invitation is correct, because they use their correct authority with all that, then there’s a success feeling when they guide others. So the opposite of them being bitter is when they’re in alignment, they feel success. And then I just wanted to cover a couple of things about that.

0:14:17.3 Leslee Wegleitner: So when they are waiting to be recognized and they’re accepting that invitation through their correct authority, there’s a success feeling for them, and then they’re able to be more selective in what invitations that they should contribute to. And then there’s that success feeling of when they are getting others, they’re hitting the mark, because they’re actually asking and engaging in the proper way.

0:14:48.0 Leslee Wegleitner: And then they’re not doing everything themselves, and they’re able to use their energy correctly and only for what they need. And then also they’re able to ask those right questions, so where they’re engaging one-on-one with the right person through invitations, they know the questions to ask and it’s received.

0:15:09.2 Leslee Wegleitner: Because I’m sure when we’re resisting and giving the pushback, that’s all energetic and so then they’re feeling that, so then they start not asking the right questions or their energy gets scrambled, or they’re not being able to…

0:15:23.2 Lauri Wakefield: Lose their focus probably, you know?

0:15:23.6 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. And not being able to really penetrate us because we’re putting up like, “No. I don’t wanna do that.” And then the last thing is just they can rest when they need it. That there’s no…

0:15:39.1 Lauri Wakefield: Right, ’cause they’re not sacral beings.

0:15:41.4 Leslee Wegleitner: Right. And even the energy ones definitely have… I see ’em, they definitely have the energy to sustain more than the other ones as far as establishing projects or whatever, but then I do notice they burn out and they then they’re down. And they’re really down. [chuckle] Whereas generators, yeah, we get tired, we go down, we take a nap, we get up, we’re going. [chuckle]

0:16:09.3 Lauri Wakefield: Yup, yup.

0:16:11.0 Leslee Wegleitner: For them it’s a weekend. [chuckle] Or more.

0:16:14.5 Lauri Wakefield: Right.

0:16:16.7 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah, so is there anything else that you wanted to add? You don’t really have a Projector, do you in your life?

0:16:21.7 Lauri Wakefield: Yes, I do. Not in my… My husband’s a Manifesting Generator, but yes, in the family we do. I was gonna… Let me… Well, I’ll talk about that for a second, then I was gonna give a couple of other points that I wanted to bring up just about Projectors in general. Yes, [chuckle] and a couple of them are kids, and one of them, it’s so funny because she really means well and she’s really sweet and everything, but she’s like…

0:16:46.9 Lauri Wakefield: Okay, I’ll say one thing I was gonna say about Projectors, ’cause it’ll explain her a little bit. They’re really good at managing people and they’re good at building systems. And then they also have the ability to recognize potential in other people. But anyway, so with her, she’s 12 years old, the other kids think she’s so bossy.


0:17:11.3 Lauri Wakefield: But it’s not that she’s bossy, she’s just… I understand that about her, and it’s amusing because she’s just trying to guide them and direct them because of what she sees, and I don’t… It’s just funny, yeah. Another thing I wanted… Go ahead.

0:17:25.5 Leslee Wegleitner: Well, I’m just gonna say that’s where the parent or… To get her to understand, to wait to get… Just don’t burn yourself out and just become, “I don’t wanna do it anymore.”

0:17:36.4 Lauri Wakefield: Right, right.

0:17:38.2 Leslee Wegleitner: Go ahead. [chuckle]

0:17:40.0 Lauri Wakefield: No, I was gonna say too, when it comes to answering questions, with Generators, it’s easier for them when yes/no questions are asked to them, but with a Projector it’s easier for them when it’s an open-ended question. Like if Jim were to say to you, your boyfriend, if he were to say to you, “Leslee, where do you wanna go?” As opposed to, “Leslee, would you like to go here?”

0:18:05.0 Lauri Wakefield: So for you, it’s like if he said a place that you didn’t really wanna go, you’d be like, “No,” and if it was a place you wanted to go, so you’d be like, “Yes.” But for him, it would be easier for him to respond… Or not to respond, but for him to answer the question if you posed it in a way where he had a chance to elaborate instead of just saying yes/no. Right?

0:18:26.4 Lauri Wakefield: Right. And it’s more like the invitation just opens the door for them to then ask the right question to me. Correct, yeah.

0:18:35.1 Lauri Wakefield: That’s definitely when they shine, is when they’re recognized for their wisdom and their natural ability to guide and direct, and they’re asked to share that, that’s when they’re in their element.

0:18:55.1 Leslee Wegleitner: Yes.

0:18:56.5 Lauri Wakefield: So yeah, I think we’re probably, unless you wanted to add anything else, I think we’re probably finished, you think?

0:19:01.0 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah, no, I think that feels good. Yeah. So I just wanted to say one thing where I’m so grateful for the Projectors in my world, and they do have great wisdom to share and guidance and all that. But as much as they’ve given me some great insights of what to do next, there’s also been some decision-making that I followed their guidance and it didn’t go so well.

0:19:31.0 Leslee Wegleitner: So it always goes back to your own authority. Yeah, and your own decision-making strategy. Because in the end, it is yours to really feel it out. Just because they’re suggesting it doesn’t mean that they’re gonna be 100% on. I had to learn that the hard way a couple of times, but you know, that’s everyone, right?

0:19:51.0 Lauri Wakefield: That’s right.

0:19:52.4 Leslee Wegleitner: We just need to know ourselves. [chuckle]

0:19:54.6 Lauri Wakefield: I guess that’ll wrap things up for this episode. Can you believe it? It’s already Episode 14. Wow. [chuckle] Really crazy.

0:20:02.2 Leslee Wegleitner: I know.

0:20:03.8 Lauri Wakefield: Anyway, thanks so much for joining us today. In our next episode, we’re gonna be talking about Manifestors in the Living Your Design Types. If you’d like to see the show notes for today’s podcast, you can find them on our website at The show notes will be listed under Podcasts Episode 14.

0:20:25.7 Lauri Wakefield: If you’d like join us as we begin our exploration into the four human design types, please be sure to subscribe to our podcast. Thanks again, and have a great day.

0:20:34.6 Leslee Wegleitner: Thanks everybody.