Human Design & Beyond Podcast

Title: Human Design Fear Gates 22 & 36

0:00:01.8 Lauri Wakefield: Welcome! Thanks for joining us today. I’m Lauri.

0:00:04.8 Leslee Wegleitner: Hi, and welcome back everyone. This is Leslee.

0:00:07.4 Lauri Wakefield: So, today we’re gonna talk about the themes and fears associated with gates 22 and 36 in the Solar Plexus. This is the final episode in this series about the Fear Gates in the human design chart. At the end of this episode, we’ll share a little bit about what we plan to cover in the next series.

0:00:22.6 Leslee Wegleitner: And I can’t believe it’s already our last episode for the Fear Gates. It’s really been fun to contemplate the different gates and how those patterns are revealing themselves to me as we’re going through this process. And I just, I hope that others are having the same or similar experience.

So, what I’ve been realizing is, or, more, stepping more into is when I’m learning this material, and how observing these patterns are truly allowing myself to witness my own reactions and responses in the body. And how this truly is how we differentiate ourselves and come to really understand how we are all beautifully orchestrated. So, as we continue our lifelong journey, ’cause that’s, it’s gonna be to really unravel all that we are, it just is a constant amazement and how this truth just keeps revealing itself to me.

So Lauri, do you wanna kinda do an overview for us with the Solar Plexus?

0:01:30.6 Lauri Wakefield: Sure. Actually, before we get started, I wanna say something because in case there are any sounds. We’re about ready to have a thunderstorm here. So if I, yeah, if there’s thunder, lightning, maybe cool sound effects or something. Anyway and… Yeah.

So, we’ve been trying to actually record this for a few days, so we kind of gotta get this done. So anyway, so yeah, we’ll go, so far we’ve gone through the five gates of the Solar Plexus, and we’re gonna cover the last two in this episode. In previous episodes, we’ve looked at how the fears of the Solar Plexus are experienced as emotional nervousness. The three Streams of Awareness associated with the Solar Plexus are feelings, moods, and sensitivity.

If you have the Solar Plexus defined, you’ll experience the energy in a fixed and consistent way. If you have the Solar Plexus undefined, you’ll experience the energy in a variable and inconsistent way. You’ll also tend to amplify the energy of other people who have it defined. It can be tricky sometimes to separate what’s yours and what belongs to other people when it comes to feelings, moods and sensitivity.

So, are you ready to start us out with Gate 22, Leslee?

0:02:44.6 Leslee Wegleitner: I am. So Gate 22, Grace, the Gate of Openness is part of the Channel of a Social Being. The harmonic, the other part of the channel is Gate 12, Standstill, the Gate of Caution. So, the circuitry this channel’s in is Individual what gives it the energy of serving the world by bringing forth uniquely individual change through self-empowerment. This change indirectly empowers others to transform. So, this energy is about following one’s own direction and not necessarily worrying about if they fit in or not.

Gates 22, or Gate 22 brings a creative and expressive energy to those who have it. And some may even say it has a bit of a dramatic energy to it. There are times you feel socially graceful interacting with others when you are in the mood but the opposite happens when you’re not. Gate 22 does not get to the Throat Center unless the Gate 12 is also defined. And this energy yearns to express itself, even though it doesn’t get to the throat it still yearns to express itself, influence others and transform the world.

0:03:50.5 Leslee Wegleitner: So, when one surrenders to the energy of Gate 22, right timing happens and you will have influence and wisdom. The individual transformational energy has an internal knowing that opens its faith to the universe and allows for this perfect unfolding. The individual energy also has a potential to experience melancholy. So when the energy wave, the emotional wave is being expressed in its highest form or, and its high end of the wave, the traits are grace, charm, beauty, and I really recognize within then its value and cultivation can be expressed outwardly. But the opposite also happens when the lower part of the wave is being experienced and the emotions are then more of a moodiness or overly dramatic. This channel can be felt and actually can overpower others and you may tend to be less charming and unsocial in this stage of the wave and actually tend to kind of push people away.

So, Gate 22 also is one of the Deaf Gates. So, how this works is it tends to make you feel there’s nothing worth listening to, or you are un-capable of hearing what others are telling you.

0:05:09.6 Leslee Wegleitner: And it may take several times for the person to hear it, or someone repeating something for them to actually hear it. Gate 22 is very creative, but can be felt a shutdown if on the low end of the wave, and feeling you may experience when on the lower end of the wave is more despair – choosing to settle with what you feel life has dealt for you and in getting a sense of powerlessness.

So, its qualities of passion for creativity, grace and charm – these people with this Gate, have an eye for art and ear for music, poetry and love, romance, and it carries magnetic charm and when in the mood, it can really impact, when in the mood, it can really impact a whole room. There is this ability to be a great listener, which is kind of funny, because remember, it’s Gate of Deafness; but that is only through the self. So, let’s talk a little bit about the fears of Gate 22.

0:06:04.2 Leslee Wegleitner: So, the fear is of silence and lack of growth. So, if you remember in the 43rd Gate, which is part of the Individual Circuitry also, which you find this Gate in the Ajna Center, its pressure is to not be rejected. It wants to be heard and listened to with its original ideas. So Gate 22, when in the right place on the wave, can be open to listen and hear the other; but it is also has a fear that there is nothing to hear or worth listening, or worth hearing. So, it longs to hear love songs, poetries and sweet words. It’s highly creative and longs for this, while it waits to be spoken to in this romantic way or to feel the way they want to be spoken to, it can find itself in a melancholic state.

The other part of this fear is silence or that there is no growth happening is a fear that stagnation is inhibiting mutation of human awareness and consciousness. So this Gate is really fascinating to me. And it’s so amazing how synchronistic life is. So actually, just a few hours ago, I was with a client, and we were discussing her chart. And I hadn’t remembered that she has the Gate 22. And we were literally having a conversation around her wanting to share her wisdom and influence people and how she can transform the world.

0:07:38.4 Leslee Wegleitner: And she writes. So, and now that I’m reading this, I’m like, Oh, my goodness, this was our whole conversation about having the faith and the right and correct timing. And this isn’t a new discussion that we’ve had. We’ve had this discussion several times. But there was something I could feel changed and shifted within her as we spoke it today. And I think it’s just that timing that Gate 22 needs for the individual to actually step out and express what they’re trying to express or what they’ve been building up towards, to influence others with.

So, it was just really a fun experience to have that right before we jumped into talking about this gate. And I do know others that have the full channel. And and that’s fascinating too ’cause I definitely have picked up on the deafness of them not hearing things. But there’s this that part of hearing the words and what they choose are the correct words to be hearing, and how they wanna hear them and the romance part is very much a part of what they want.

0:09:06.2 Leslee Wegleitner: And so if they can’t differentiate between what they want, and what others are able to give them because and honor the others differentiation of their design, I can see where this could be really disheartening and really put you in a kind of melancholic state.

So yeah, so is there anything else you wanna add, Lauri?

0:09:30.5 Lauri Wakefield: I just wanted to quickly add that if you have Gate 22 defined, but it’s not connected to Gate 12 to form the Channel of Openness, it might be hard to express what you’re feeling in words even though you know what you’re feeling.

And then I also wanted to, ’cause you were talking about someone and you were saying that it was something that you had had said to her several times before and it was like finally it finally clicked. So, that’s kind of interesting, isn’t it? But where she was finally receptive to what you’ve been trying to tell her for a while.

0:10:10.2 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah, yeah. And it’s like, kind of like all the stars aligning. So you know, that she was open to hear it. It was the right timing in her life to hear it. Yeah, just there’s so many things that can play into somebody’s chart. So, but yeah, it’s really kind of fascinating. And interesting how that can play out.

So are you ready to move on to Gate 36?

0:10:42.8 Lauri Wakefield: Okay. Gate 36 is known as the Gate of Crisis and is part of the Awareness Stream of Feeling. It’s in the Collective Circuit in the Sensing Sub-circuit, which means its energy has an abstract quality. When Gate 36 connects to Gate 35, it forms the Channel of Transitoriness. Gate 35 connects Gate 36 to the Throat Center. Channels 35-36 and 12-22 are the only two pure emotional manifesting channels in the body graph. That’s because both connect directly from the Emotional Solar Plexus to the Throat Center.

Gate 36 is very much about experience. The fear of this gate is the Fear of Inadequacy. It’s the fear of not having the skills to handle the experience. Like all gates in the Solar Plexus, the fear is felt as an emotional nervousness. The Solar Plexus, in general, is about changing emotions. Emotions are never static. And depending on the gate that’s activated, the changing feelings will be around the theme of that gate.

0:11:49.6 Lauri Wakefield: I said if the gate is activated, because even if you don’t have the gate defined in your chart, you’ll temporarily experience the definition during a planetary transit, someone you’re around – someone who has it defined. If you have Gate 36 defined in your chart, then a drive to experience new things, which may result in crisis, is a consistent theme in your life. So basically, you desire new experiences. But because of inexperience, you end up in a state of crisis or something that’s unsettling. It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a drastic event. It just creates change that couldn’t have really been anticipated. Because it’s something you never dealt with before. One thing that’s kind of interesting to note is that each new experience really isn’t about just your personal experience. It’s about correctly sharing the experience with the right person or the right people. Another thing to note is that the energy of Gate 36 follows a cycle of crisis with a new experience you had, reflecting on it and gaining experience from it, which is followed by a feeling of relief that leads you to looking for the next new experience.

0:13:00.7 Lauri Wakefield: If you have a Channel 35-36 defined in your chart, it’s important to ride out your emotional wave until you have emotional clarity. Jumping into an experience before you’re emotionally clear can result in mistakes and in a greater level of crisis. I have Gate 36 defined in my Conscious South Node. It was definitely a theme in my life until about the age of 40. Looking back at my life, I see the immaturity I had with decisions I made to do things. I don’t have the Channel 35-36 defined, so I just have the hanging gate. But I had many times that I did things that led to consequences that I just wasn’t prepared to handle. But one example is when I got married the first time. I ended up having a baby right away. And then I had another baby 10 months later. He was premature, so that’s why they were only 10 months apart. But regardless, it was a, they were very close together.

0:13:58.9 Lauri Wakefield: And the marriage that I was in was, it was awful. It was just very unstable. My husband at the time was an alcoholic. He couldn’t hold a job. And there was just a lot of, it was just not a good situation. There were, there was financial struggle. There was just a lot of instability. Anyway, other things that contributed to it being basically a disaster. So, the marriage didn’t last very long. And after, actually even before it ended, I was trying to raise the two kids, my two kids as a single parent who, and I didn’t receive child support from him. It was just a really difficult time in our lives, me and my kids. So anyway, I think about that sometimes and how things could have been different. It was something that I kind of jumped into. I wasn’t… I don’t know, it was something that, things could have been different if I would have listened to myself.

But anyway, I do think back about it and how things could have been different… how my experience as a parent could have been different if I hadn’t jumped into that relationship and had kids right away. It was kind of “after the fact”. It’s like, you have kids… I don’t know the way that… if I went back to that time in my life, it would be, you plan for things. You don’t just do things, and then after the fact, it’s like, okay, now how do I deal with it?

0:15:31.8 Lauri Wakefield: So anyway, that… Yeah, when I got pregnant, I wasn’t trying to get pregnant. So anyway, I have the Channel 28-38 defined too, which is the Channel of Struggle. So, I’m sure that that fed into all the struggling that I did as a result of choices I made.

But anyway, that’s just one example. There are others I have too. Basically, it’s leaping before you look. And there’s definitely a way to experience the energy of this gate in an empowering way – by allowing yourself new experiences when the time is right, and you’re ready for it.

I think that’s all I really have to say about it. Do you have anything you wanna add about Gate 36, Leslee? I know you have it defined too.


0:16:18.5 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah, so actually, it’s in my conscious moon, and my conscious Saturn. So it’s fascinating, ’cause the moon is all about your desires, like, okay, so I desire crisis. [laughter] But I don’t… But it’s also the body. And so, or it’s a personality, but it’s… I think it’s the experience, and it’s collective. So it’s all about sharing what you’ve learned. So if you kind of like kind of, like, zoom out or whatever, it makes perfect sense. Because the first part of my life, like you were talking about kind of leaping into things and not waiting for the proper response and living my type and strategy. You do find yourselves in these crisis moments, but there’s the aspect of those. Yeah, I wouldn’t have the wisdom or the knowing through this experience to share with others. So like, same as you, the first marriage didn’t go so well, how to raise two kids on your own. So in just all the stuff that came with that, and learning how to trust through those… Navigating through those experiences, but yeah, now as you get older, you kind of… The experiences present themselves, and then you just are able to see them more clearly and follow more of the body.

0:17:56.2 Leslee Wegleitner: And if it’s correct or not for you, and I can tell you that the crises in my life are very well diminished. They’re not completely gone. I still do my little hiccups here and there, but they’re not as detrimental as the first half of my life.

0:18:12.2 Lauri Wakefield: Yes, exactly. Exactly. Exactly. And better choices about whom we align ourselves with, I think that’s ’cause when we align ourselves with the wrong people, we invite things into our lives that are because we made that choice. So, yeah, and I definitely, I agree with you about, as far as the wisdom that you gain, and how you’re able to share things with other people. And yeah, I don’t think any anything that we go through can be positive in the sense that we gain experience from it. So I agree with.

0:18:51.0 Leslee Wegleitner: We can reflect back on it and understand the, and why. Yeah.

0:18:57.8 Lauri Wakefield: So I think that probably is gonna wrap things up today. Do you think so Leslee?

0:19:03.3 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah. Yep, it feels good.

0:19:04.9 Lauri Wakefield: Okay. So as we mentioned in the beginning of today’s episode, we’re not finished with the series about the Fear Gates, we hope you find the information helpful. We’ve been thinking about, actually we’re thinking about a few different ideas for the next series and have decided to move into discussing the Human Design types, how the energy works for each type, and also how it’s experienced by people who have that human design type. We’re gonna kick it off with the generator type in the next episode Leslee and I will talk about being a manifesting generator, which is what both of us are, it should be interesting. You think so, Leslee?


0:19:40.4 Leslee Wegleitner: Yeah, yeah. It’ll be really fun to explore those different types and see what comes up for both of us.

0:19:49.3 Lauri Wakefield: Yeah. So that’s gonna wrap things up for this episode.

Thanks so much for joining us today. And in our next episode, we’ll begin a new series about Living Your Design Type.

If you’d like to see the show notes for today’s podcast, you can find them at our website at The show notes will be listed under Podcasts Episode 12.

If you’d like to join us as we begin our explanation… Exploration. There will be an explanation too. But anyway, as we begin our exploration into the four Human Design Types, please be sure to subscribe to our podcast.

Thanks again and have a great day.

0:20:29.8 Leslee Wegleitner: Bye everyone.