How Would Your Life Change . . .

If You Could Learn How to Confidently Make Decisions that Are Correct for You?

Some decisions are pretty simple to make.

But there are some that will alter your path in ways that you could have never anticipated.

And then . . .

You’re left with regrets and find yourself trying to get back on track with what seems more aligned for you. 

It can be exhausting!

So, let’s look at what’s going on.


Is this you? Your mind is in a constant state of chatter, and you’re unable to quiet it long enough to confidently make decisions?

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • You’re tired of over-thinking and running through all the different scenarios trying to choose the best option.
  • You feel stressed out by all the different options you have and unsure about which one is best.
  • You make decisions based on what other people think is right for you.
  • You feel discouraged because you know you’re smart and capable, but you just can’t figure out why your decisions aren’t getting you what you really want.

If any of it resonates with you, there’s a reason why!

It’s because you’ve never learned how to use your personalized energy to know what the correct way is for YOU to make decisions.

It’s not that you can’t make the right decision. It’s that YOU haven’t been taught how to process your energy in a way that gives you power over your mind and is aligned with what’s best for you.

Decision-making is a huge part of life. There’s no way around it. When YOU make decisions, they lead to outcomes. They put you on a path. That’s why decisions you made 10 to 20 years ago can be directly related to where you are today.

What if you could learn how to make decisions that are right for you?

Imagine how it would feel . . .

  • To be confident in your ability to make the right decisions.
  • To not burn yourself out trying to figure out what to do?
  • To not be disappointed with the consequences of your decisions?

If you’re ready to learn how to confidently make the best decisions for yourself, we’ve designed a course that can show you how!

Leslee and Lauri are experts in helping YOU understand the best way for YOU to make decisions based on the principles of Human Design. Together they have five years of combined experience studying and working with Human Design.

The Master Your Decision-Making course they created was designed to help YOU understand how your energy works and to learn how to make decisions that are aligned with what’s right for you.

This Course Is For You If. . .

  • You have a basic understanding of Human Design
  • You want to have a deeper understanding of your own Human Design
  • You want to learn how to make decisions that are algned with what’s right for you

What’s Included in the Course?

There are five modules with about 1.5 hours of video, PDF handouts and Contemplations to help you integrate what you learn.

MODULE 1: Introduction to the Course (3 Videos)
MODULE 2: Human Design Types (5 Video Lessons)
MODULE 3: Authority Types (4 Video Lessons)
MODULE 4: The Head & Ajna Centers (2 Video Lessons)
MODULE 5: Wrapping It All Up (2 Videos)

There isn’t homework for this course, but there are contemplations and examples that are designed to help you apply the principles you learn to your daily life.

Living in alignment with your Human Design is a process. As you learn and begin to experiment with the concepts presented in this course, you’ll begin to understand what they mean and how to apply them to your life.

After taking this course, you’ll know what it takes to confidently make decisions:

  • that are correctly aligned with how you’re designed
  • through body sensations, not through your mind
  • without feeling stressed, confused or worried

If you’re ready to learn how to make decisions that are right for you, the Master Your Decision Making course will provide you with an understanding of how your energy works plus the tools to help you apply what you’ve learned.

Master Your Decision-Making Course $47

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