Episode 43 - Successful Living as a Projector With Debra K. Menke

In today’s episode, we introduce our guest, Debra K. Menke. We discuss how Debbie first learned she was a Projector, and how “Waiting for the Invitation and Recognition” was a gamechanger for her when she began to observe how it worked in her life. Throughout the interview, Leslee Wegleitner and I share insights about Debbie’s Human Design chart.

Our discussion also dives into some of our guest’s natural talents and how embracing them has driven her career in the Health and Beauty industry particularly, where she’s successfuly led and developed sales teams of up to 100 women. It’s very interesting how her roles in the corporate world have been so perfectly aligned with the defined strengths that can be seen in her Human Design chart.

Debbie has also authored three different books in her “Powerful Women” series. She shares with us what each book is about, who it’s for and how each of them captured an important part of who she is. Click here to view all three books in her “Powerful Women” series. You can find her most recent book, “Powerful Women Lose Control: The Single Woman’s Guide To Creating An Extraordinary Life” here.

Toward the end of the episode, Debbie shares some details about a spiritual gift she has, known as Shakti and how she offers the service to others when she’s not working her corporate job or spending time with her family.

If you’d like to learn more about the books Debbie’s written, you can find them on Amazon. You can also find her most recent book, “Powerful Women Lose Control: The Single Woman’s Guide To Creating An Extraordinary Life” here.

You can also contact Debbie at powerfulwomenconnect@gmail.com if you’d like to book a Shakti session.

What We Discuss:

  • When Our Guest Was Introduced to Human Design
  • How Understanding Her Strategy Has Been a GameChanger
  • Our Guest’s Natural Talent & How It’s Driven Her Career Path
  • Books She’s Written & Her Gift of Shakti

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