Episode 37 - The 6/2 Profile

In today’s episode on the Human Design & Beyond podcast, Leslee Wegleitner and I talk about the 6/2 Profile as we continue our journey through the “Roles We’re Here to Play” series. It’s one of the last profiles we’ll be discussing in this series as we wrap up the Left Angle Profiles. We begin by discussing the theme and attributes of both lines separately and then bring the two together to create the archetype of the 6/2 Profile. Toward the end of the episode, we discuss some people we know and mention some celebrities who have the 6/2 Profile.

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What We Discuss:

  • General Overview of the 6/2 Profile
  • Keyword & Themes of Both Lines
  • Putting the Lines Together
  • Our Personal Experience With the 6/2 Profile
  • Famous People With the 6/2 Profile

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