Episode 32 - The 3/6 Profile

We begin by looking at the general themes, attributes and characteristics of this profile. We also discuss the Conscious and Unconscious line values and how they merge together (or coexist) to form this Profile as well as what it looks like in its high and low expression. Toward the end of the episode, we give some examples of the 3/6 Profile in action through our observations and mention a few celebrities who have the 3/6 profile. As always, our goal for each episode is for you to learn something new that can help you expand your knowledge and understanding of Human Design.

In the next episode in “The Roles We’re Here to Play” series, we’ll discuss the 4/6 Profile.

What We Discuss:

  • General Overview of the 3/6 Profile
  • Keyword & Themes of Both Lines
  • Putting the Lines Together
  • Living the Highest Expression of the 3/6 Profile
  • Our Personal Experience With the 3/6 Profile

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