Episode 30 - The 2/5 Profile

In our most recent episode in the “Roles We’re Here to Play” series, we talk about the 2/5 Profile. It’s one of the least common Human Design Profiles. We discuss the the theme, characteristics and attributes of Line 1 and Line 5, and then discuss the 2/5 Profile when both lines are merged together as an entity. Toward the end of the episode, we name a few celebrities who have this Profile and share some of our own insights through observation of and interaction with others who have the Line 5 in their Profile. As always, our goal is that this will deepen your understanding of Human Design.

In the next episode, we’ll discuss the 3/5 Profile as we continue our journey in the “The Roles We’re Here to Play” series.

What We Discuss:

  • General Overview of the 2/5 Profile
  • Keyword & Themes of Both Lines
  • Putting the Lines Together
  • Living the Highest Expression of the 2/5 Profile
  • Our Personal Experience With the Profiles

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